U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - 11th District Northern Region - Serving Northern California, Nevada, Utah

Member Services: Public Affairs (PA)

Office of:    CS         FN          IS         MA         MT        PA         PB         PS        SR

Fleet Week 2008

Air Squadron Outreach

9/11 Parade

National Safe Boating Week









Public Affairs (PA) assists in publicizing the missions and accomplishments of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and the active-duty Coast Guard.
Some of its area of responsibilities are:
  • Press Releases
  • Historian
  • Photography / Graphics / Imagery
  • Coastie
  • National Safe Boating Week




Job Description









Reports are communication with members within the unit, unit leaders, and the next level of responsibility.  DSO-PA Reports are available on the Programs/Staff page...link


Current DSO-PA Report




District Coastie Program

See Details ...link





Public Affairs Media Training


   (Power Point Download)

AUX National PA Workshop
AUX11NR PA Workshop
USCG Media Training






Auxiliary Manual  -  (Annotated)
Flotilla Procedures Guide
Division Procedures - Guide
District Procedures Guide Chapter 7
Creative unit PA services - Ideas
Speaker's Bureau - Team
History - USCG Auxiliary
On Line Training - PA Course
Advanced Training - PA Specialist
Eleventh CG District Public Information -
              CG D11 PA website



Public Affairs Logo
Public Information ...link




District Awards
Outstanding Flotilla Trophy For PA
District Historian's Award
District Procedures Guide - Chapter 9









DSO-PA George Prows


P A   H U B


Public Affairs assists in publicizing the missions and accomplishments of Team Coast Guard


  Submit unit PA photos and descriptions to DSO-PA    
Visit PA Website...link     
Visit D11NR YouTube
Visit COASTIE...link   

Fleet Week 2008

Air Squadron Outreach

9/11 Parade

National Safe Boating Week

Fleet Week 2008  San Francisco





District 11NR Auxiliarists supported USCG Sector San Francisco's public affairs booth at Crissy Field
on October 11-12 2008.    Numerous contacts with the public included discussions
on the Coast Guard's missions,  recreational boating safety, and recruiting. 
Photos courtesy of Michael Mattis USCGAUX and PA1 Sherri Eng USCG.




  11NR AIR  Squadron participate in Public Affairs Outreach



    AUXAIR 11NR squadron members participate in public affairs outreach at the
Livermore Airport Open House on 20SEP08. 
Aviators and five of the squadron's aircraft participated in the event,
which included an interview by local radio station KKIQ. 
Photos courtesy of Ron Darcey ADSO-AV11NR, ADSO-PA11NR









9/11 Freedom Walk, San Jose, CA

The 1st Annual "Freedom Walk" was held in San Jose, CA on 9/11/08.  The 1 mile walk started and ended at the San Jose Navy and Marine Corp Reserve Center.  After the walk was a formal presentation of colors by the Marine Corp  Color Guard and a key address by San Jose Fire Chief Darryl Von Raesfeld, who spoke on how 9/11 brought increased awareness to the values of cooperation, love of country, and love of family to the firefighters of San Jose, their families, and their friends.  A bbq celebration and fellowship on the lawn of the Reserve Center made for a memorable and inspiring 9/11 tribute.  
Auxiliarist Gerald McAlwee from Flotilla 49, District 11N participated with his family along with over 50 members of the public and Marine, Navy, Army and Air Force active, reserve, and retired members and their families.








National Safe Boating Week 2008



 Division 1     Division 4     Division 6     Division 7     Division 8  
Division 10    Division 11: 1, 2 3,  4    Division 12


Summary in PDF




NSBW: May 16-22, 2009
Register an Event, Download Cerrtificates and much more!
Visit National Safe Boating Council



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