Marine Conservation Biology Institute Marine Conservation Biology Institute
Marine Conservation Biology Institute


Protecting Marine Ecosystems:


Bottom Trawling - Seeking to elimintate the most destructive of all commercial fishing practices.

seinerHow We Fish Matters - Comparing the ecological impacts of commercial fishing gears in Canada.


Climate Change - Highlighting the impacts climate change and ocean acidification will have on our ocean ecosystems.

Marine Protected Areas - Protecting places in the sea.


Coral Ecosystems - Assessing the condition of our nation’s deep-sea corals and their management and promoting legislation that protects corals in US waters.

National Marine Sanctuaries - Strengthening biodiversity conservation in our nation’s marine sanctuaries.

Hawaiian Ecosystems - Saving the most pristine marine ecosystems in the US, including the endangered Hawaiian monk seal.


Ocean Zoning - Spatially separating incompatible uses of the ocean.

High Seas Conservation - Advocating for seafloor habitat protection in international waters.


Sustainability of Deep-Sea Fisheries - Determining the sustainability of deep-sea fisheries.


Advancing the Science of Marine Conservation Biology

MCBI at AAAS -Participating in the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Mia J. Tegner Memorial Research Grants in Marine Environmental History and Historical Marine Ecology - Documenting ocean life before humans altered marine ecosystems.


Google Earth -Highlighting the diverse and unique environments beneath the ocean’s surface.




Past Accomplishments


Baja to Bering - Determining priority conservation areas along North America’s Pacific coast.

From Sea to Shining Sea - The first map of the real United States, depicting the nation's land and sea.

Book: Marine Conservation Biology: The Science of Maintaining the Sea’s Biodiversity - The world’s first textbook on marine conservation biology.

Papahānaumokuākea National Monumnet - Preserving the last intact marine ecosystem of the US.

Deep-Sea Coral Scientist Statement - Over 1400 scientists worldwide call for deep-sea coral conservation.


Shifting Gears - Comparing the ecological impacts of 10 commercial fishing gears.


See more of MCBI’s work and research at History & Accomplishments





What's New - Our latest publications are the Status of Deep Sea Corals report and the From Sea to Shining Sea map.

Learn More - See how these program areas dovetail with our mission statement.