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Open Source

Sun is committed to open source as part of its business model. Key elements of JavaFX are in open source today, and provide customers and partners the proven benefits and security of vendor independence and lower total cost of ownership.

The JavaFX compiler, parts of the graphics libraries and tools are available now from the OpenJFX (http://openjfx.org) web site, under the GPL 2.0 open source license.

The JavaFX compiler and JavaFX tools will continue to be developed in the open and the current JavaFX Preview SDK libraries will remain on openjfx.java.sun.com. Sun is committed to delivering enhancements to the JavaFX platform and to this end will continue internal development and reconcile key elements with the open source builds, with future releases of the JavaFX platform.

JavaFX 1.0 is Launched!

News and Blogs

JavaFX 1.0 is Launched, Including Beta Mobile Support.

JavaFX 1.0 has just been released on December 4th 2008 with support for MacOSX 10.4 and higher, Windows XP and higher, and a preview of JavaFX for Mobile. Linux and Solaris support are coming soon as well.

The release includes a hosted runtime, audio and video support, a complete set of tools for developers, plugins for PhotoShop and Illustrator, and a mobile emulator.

Sten has just put up a JNLP of his Project Nile demo. It's a breakout-style game with all of the artwork done in illustrator under the direction of his four year old daughter.

Breaking out with JavaFX Redux: An Exploration of Project Nile

Sten has just put up a JNLP of his Project Nile demo. It's a breakout-style game with all of the artwork done in illustrator under the direction of his four year old daughter.

JavaFX Physics Demo

Sten recently built a demo of rolling eggs using the Phys2D Java physics engine plus JavaFX.

JavaFX Duke Potato

Silveira Neto is back at it with another cool demo. This time it's a JavaFX version of a Mr. Potato head called Duke Potato. He has a video and webstart version available here

JavaFX Duke Potato

Silveira Neto is back at it with another cool demo. This time it's a JavaFX version of a Mr. Potato head called Duke Potato. He has a video and webstart version available here

Custom Button

Amer Sohail has a new blog entry on Creating Custom Button in JavaFX. Very shiny!

JavaFX Air Hockey Game

Terra has built a fun Air Hockey game in JavaFX. See a screenshot of it here

JavaFX Script Based Racing Game

Alois Stritzinger has announced version 0.965 of his JavaFX Script based racing game can be launched from here. He would love feedback at a.stritzinger@gmail.com.

Open source JavaFX widget engine WidgetFX 0.1 is released

The WidgetFX 0.1 release is targeted at developers who are interested in authoring new desktop widgets. Widgets can be written in a combination of JavaFX Script and Java to take advantage of a very rich platform for graphics, animation, and media capabilities. To simplify development, the WidgetFX SDK ships with a lightweight Widget Runner, full API documentation, and a Getting Started tutorial. The 0.1 WidgetFX Dock and Developer SDK can be downloaded from: widgetfx.org

Desktop widget engines have become increasingly popular as a way of deploying lightweight, frequently-used applications, such as a clocks, slide shows, or web feeds. WidgetFX is a fully functional docking system for desktop widgets with support for translucency, shaped windows, resizing, configuration, and one-click installation. Unlike other proprietary offerings, WidgetFX is 100% open source software written from the ground up in JavaFX Script, and can be run on any platform where Java is supported including Windows XP/Vista, Linux, and Mac OS X.

Vikings and Wizards in JavaFX

Jim Weaver has posted a new article on creating custom UI components and new infrastructure for building wizards.

The 8 Ball Problem

Omer of 110 has posted a JavaFX implementation of the 8 Ball problem, a puzzle where you must determine which of 8 balls weighs more than the others using the minimum number of weights.

JavaFX + Google Chrome

Jim Weaver has already gotten one of his JavaFX applets running inside of Chrome, Google's new browser. It seems that Chrome requires JavaSE 6 update 10, possibly for it's new plugin implementation.

JavaFX Ask the Experts is Finished

Josh, Martin, and Larry have answered your JavaFX questions here in the latest edition of SDN's Ask the Experts

JavaFX, Game Demo

Silveira has a video up of his latest side scrolling game demo.

Thesis: Convergence of Web and Desktop UIs

Florian Mortiz has posted his diploma thesis entitled: Rich Internet Applications (RIA): A Convergence of User Interface Paradigms of Web and Desktop Exemplified by JavaFX ..

JavaFX Script vs ActionScript Performance

In Chris Oliver's latest blog post he discusses JavaFX Script's speed improvements compared to ActionScript thanks to the JavaFX Script compiler.

TableNode: Creating a Custom Scrollable Table in JavaFX

In latest of Jim Weaver's ongoing custom node series he shows how to create a custom scrollable table as part of his imaginary Sound Beans application.

JavaFX, Side Scrolling Gaming

Silveira is back with a new blog entry on side scrolling. He shows how to build a repeating side scrolling effect useful for cartoons and games. He includes videos of the demos in action.

Jeff Hoffman explains the JavaFX designer-developer workflow.

In this video user Experience Designer Jeff Hoffman shows how to use the features of Project Nile, which include export plugins for Adobe products, an SVG graphic converter, a JavaFX graphics viewer, and samples.

Flash | quicktime

Running JavaFX with SoyLatte on non-64bit and pre-Leopard Macs, and Linux

JavaFX is only officially supported on Macs with Java 6, which is currently 64 bit only. However, Fabrizio Giudici and Ruth Kusterer have created two different sets of instructions get get JavaFX running on your pre-Leopard or 32bit Mac using SoyLatte.

Note that Applets and WebStart are not supported, but you can get NetBeans and your JavaFX projects to run. Some applications may not run since SoyLatte is not an official port of the JDK and has not passed the TCK.

Linux is also officially unsupported, but for you Linux enthusiasts, we also have instructions to getting JavaFX running there as well.

JavaFX.com in Chinese

For our chinese readers, the JavaFX.com homepage has been translated into chinese.

Improved MediaView class

Coffeejolts has a blog post on his improved MediaView wrapper class which adds width, height, and smart resizing.

JavaFX in Action Early access book

Simon Morris's book, JavaFx in Action, is now available in an early access edition from Manning Publications.

Pseudo-3D example

110j has an entry called Moving around a room where he describes how to move an object in pseudo-3d with animation, custom colors, and effects.

Ask the Experts: Java FX Preview, August 18-22, 2008

The recently released JavaFX Preview is designed to help early adopters become familiar with JavaFX. Got a question about the JavaFX Preview? Post it during this session and get answers from three key members of Sun's JavaFX engineering team.

JavaFX, Draggable Nodes

In his latest blog Silveira shows how to make draggable nodes from shapes, photos, and animated objects. Includes code samples and video clips.

Running a JavaFX script from an OSGi bundle

This blog entry shows how to invoke a JavaFX Script application from an OSGI bundle using Eclipse and Java 6.

Nandini Ramani Introduces the JavaFX Preview SDK

In this new screencast, Nandini will introduce you to the JavaFX Preview SDK, give you a quick overview of the JavaFX platform, and then walk you through some hands-on examples using NetBeans.

JavaFX Bleg: what samples do you want to see.

In his latest weblog Josh Marinacci asks :"What samples do you want to see?. At the end of the day we are making this SDK so that you guys will build interesting applications. What samples can I build to help you do that?"

Progress Indicator: Creating a JavaFX Custom Node and Binding to a Model

In his newest blog entry Jim Weaver shows you how to create a cool progress indicator using a custom node bound to a model.

JavaFX, creating a sphere with shadow

In Creating a Sphere with a shadow Silveira Neto shows how to build a 3d-ish sphere with a real blurred dropshadow.

JavaFX Preview SDK released

The first JavaFX Preview SDK has been released. Go download it now at JavaFX.com. Also read the new JavaFX blog with JavaFX info and fun demos.

Syntax highlighting for your blog

Do syntax highlight of JavaFX Script right in your blog with JavaFX Brush for Syntax Highlighter in Coffeejolt's latst blog post.

WidgetFX, a new JavaFX widget platform

WidgetFX is a new open source desktop widgets project. Modeled after the old Java-based Glossitope project, WidgetFX is a new implementation built from the ground up on JavaFX. It includes shaped windows, draggable widgets, a translucent dock, and a webstartable client.

Premier Pas avec JavaFX

Kaesar: Premier Pas avec JavaFX

Screencast: Getting Started with JavaFX

By Kaesar: Screencast step by step of coding some basic components in JavaFX using Netbeans source code edition and palette.

Le premier pas avec JavaFX, le champion des technologies RIA de Sun : introduction, installation et utilisation avec NetBeans, Eclipse et OpenJFX compiler

View it as AVI or in Flash

Getting Decked: Another JavaFX Custom Node

In Getting Decked: Another JavaFX Custom Node Jim Weaver shows how to stack nodes in a reusable way. Nice interface too. Great job Jim!