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Many of the world's largest and fastest-growing organizations use MySQL to save time and money, powering their high-volume Web sites and business-critical systems. MySQL supports both open source values and corporate customers' needs.

MySQL Community Server MySQL Enterprise Subscription

List Price (US) No cost, freely available Starting at $599/server/year

Special Offers Not Applicable

Audience For users or organizations looking to maintain their own solutions. For businesses, public sector institutions and users looking for the highest reliability in software and services.

System Updates I have my own method of keeping my systems up to date and am comfortable upgrading and configuring MySQL. I want automated notifications and predictable releases of well-tested updates and upgrades.

Performance I've got time to monitor and adjust the MySQL settings that will tune, scale and maintain performance. I need proactive, visual notification and advice on maintaining optimal performance.

Security I'm comfortable with database security so that I know when a security breach has occurred. I need continuous monitoring of systems so that I can be alerted to unplanned security changes and vulnerabilities.

Monitoring I'm comfortable designing, setting-up and monitoring the status of MySQL replication. I want replication status monitoring so that I can improve replication design and performance.

Support I've got time to identify and resolve technical issues for myself and others. I need fast resolution and committed response times to avoid loss of revenue or critical application access.

Maintenance I'm comfortable designing and tuning application code, database schemas and dynamic queries for optimal performance. Give me access to the most experienced technicians available to resolve my issues quickly.

List Price (US) No cost, freely available Starting at $599/server/year

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