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Median Income of Households by Selected Characteristics, 2006

The following table shows the median income for households in the United States for 2006. Data is broken down by race, age, ethnicity, and the composition of the households.

Characteristic Number
All households 116,011 $48,201
Type of household    
Family households 78,425 59,894
Married-couple families 58,945 69,716
Female householder, no
husband present
14,416 31,818
Male householder, no
wife present
5,063 47,078
Nonfamily households 37,587 29,083
Female householder 20,249 23,876
Male householder 17,338 35,614
Race and Hispanic origin of householder
White 94,705 50,673
Non-Hispanic 82,675 52,423
Black 14,354 31,969
Asian and Pacific Islander 4,454 64,238
Hispanic origin1 12,973 37,781
Age of householder    
15–24 6,662 30,937
25–34 19,435 49,614
35–44 22,779 60,405
45–54 24,140 64,874
55–64 19,266 54,592
65 and over 23,729 27,798
Nativity of the householder
Native 100,603 49,074
Foreign born 15,408 43,943
Naturalized citizen 7,210 51,440
Not a citizen 8,198 39,497
Northeast 21,261 52,057
Midwest 26,508 47,836
South 42,587 43,884
West 25,656 52,249
1. Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.
2. Data for American Indians and Alaska Natives are not shown separately in this table.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2006. Web: www.census.gov .

Information Please® Database, © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Per Capita Personal Income by State Poverty and Income Consumer Credit Outstanding
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