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Tap 21st Century Skills to Support NCLB Goals
Edvantia is a professional development affiliate of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Our services can help schools, states, and districts meet NCLB mandates and integrate 21st century skills into all aspects of teaching and learning. Learn more.

P21 Logo

January 2009

Edvantia CEO to Chair Knowledge Alliance
Dr. Doris Redfield has been selected to chair the board of the Knowledge Alliance, a nonpartisan association of education organizations advocating knowledge-based policy for innovation and improvement in education. Learn more.
Dr. Doris Redfield
ARCC Logo Substantial School Improvement Webinar
Jan. 28, 2 p.m. ET

Learn how the Virginia Department of Education is helping school districts effectively support schools that are in danger of (or already in) restructuring. Register now.

Nurturing the Life of the Mind, Sustaining the Life of the Community
We specialize in helping rural schools and districts to find education solutions that are sustainable, affordable, locally situated, and culturally responsive. Learn more.
  Rurul Education Center logo

Research-Based Training for School Performance Coaches
Our coaching institutes combine hands-on activities, reflection, dialogue, discussion, and demonstrations. Each institute can customized to match your state or district needs. Learn more.

WVPC Logo   Help Families Nurture Learning at Home
Visit our Web site for links to research-based information and resources.
What’s happening in your classrooms?
Do the teachers in your school or district pose questions that prompt higher order thinking? Do your classrooms foster 21st century skills such as collaboration and appropriate use of information technologies? Here’s a way to find out.
  Edvantia ILA logo
Networking Sites for Teachers
Teens aren’t the only ones tapping into social networks. Educators are sharing instructional videos on TeacherTube and discussing new ways to use digital media on PBS Teachers Connect.

Presidential Inaugurations: Teaching Resources
The Library of Congress and partners have created a collection of 2,000 digital files related to past inaugurations. Included are presidential diaries, handwritten drafts of inaugural addresses, eyewitness accounts, photographs, and more.

Online Store and More
Check our our free collection and review the selection in our online store.
  Grants Update, Resources, News, and Events
Get an updated list of grants and more on our News page.
  Staff Edvantia is a nonprofit corporation committed to helping client-partners improve education and meet federal and state mandates. Schools, districts, and state education agencies—as well as publishers and service providers—rely on Edvantia’s core capabilities in research, evaluation, professional development, and technical assistance to help them succeed.
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Coaching Standards for Education Leaders

800.624.9120   www.edvantia.org   info@edvantia.org
Post Office Box 1348, Charleston, West Virginia 25325-1348
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