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GAP Literature


GAP Publications

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Puerto Rico GAP Brochure (pdf)
GAP Bulletins
94/95 Status Report html||pdf 
   Publications: produced by GAP staff and cooperators
A Handbook for Conducting Gap Analysis 

Annual Meeting Materials Posters
Abstracts and text of papers presented at recent GAP symposia


On-line Training Materials

    Manual (PDF)
    Powerpoint Course

Final Project Reports
    CD Orders

Slide Shows
    About GAP
    Pierce County
    Aquatic GAP
    Puerto Rico Gap Analysis Project


Other GAP-related Papers

Gap Analysis in Biodiversity
Excerpts from the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity
Gap Analysis: A Geographic Approach to Protection of Biological Diversity
Scott, J.M., and M.D. Jennings. 1998. Large-area mapping of biodiversity. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 85:34-47.
Research using Gap Analysis concepts and applications

GAP-supported Research

Abstracts and reports of
GAP-supported research


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