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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Center for Excellence

If your children have an FASD, keep their rooms simple. Do not have a lot of posters, toys, or extra furniture, as they will overstimulate the children.


The FASD Center has developed a number of publications describing our initiatives, e.g., Town Halls, Women in Recovery summits, and Building FASD State System meetings. Other publications include our FASD: Knot Alone newsletters, information on the cost of FASD, and specific reports.

Creating Hope for Women in Recovery: A Web Guide to Planning an FASD SummitPDF icon
The "Creating Hope" Web Guide provides step-by-step assistance to communities looking to address the issue of FASD with women in recovery. From the early planning stages right through to post-summit follow-up, this Web Guide gives tips for setting goals, putting together planning teams, logistics and site location, marketing the event, and evaluating outcomes. It also contains a list of Federal resources and State FASD programs, as well as sample agendas, letters, and press releases.

Partnership to Prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Public Education Program Manual
The print and CD editions of this program manual contain research-based plans, strategies, and communication tools in English and Spanish. These materials have been pretested to ensure their effectiveness in implementing and sustaining a successful fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) prevention program. This program manual provides strategic planning, materials, and resources to affordably replicate and sustain its program effectiveness. It also provides guidance on how to conduct a program evaluation.

Building FASD State Systems Meetings

2006 San Francisco, CA proceedingsPDF icon
FASD State Coordinators, staff from public health agencies, and family members came together to advance the goal of building State capacity to address FASD.

2005 San Antonio, TX proceedings PDF icon
State representatives met to set goals for their States and to brainstorm on the components of an ideal comprehensive system of care for FASD prevention and treatment.

2004 Kissimee, FL proceedings PDF icon
State representatives met to share progress in addressing FASD and to develop plans for the future.

2003 Arlington, VA proceedings PDF icon
This, the first ever BFSS meeting, provided an unprecedented opportunity to network and share experiences in addressing FASD.

Hope for Women in Recovery Summits

2005 Raleigh, NC proceedings  PDF icon
Through its summits for women in recovery, the FASD Center for Excellence raises awareness of FASD among women in treatment. The summits provide a safe, supportive place to learn about FASD and to explore various issues related to parenting children with an FASD. The third summit was held in Raleigh, North Carolina, in July 2005.

2004 Phoenix, AZ proceedings  PDF icon
Through its summits for women in recovery, the FASD Center for Excellence raises awareness of FASD among women in treatment. The summits provide a safe, supportive place to learn about FASD and to explore various issues related to parenting children with an FASD. The Center sponsored a summit in Phoenix in 2004, which was attended primarily by Native American women and incorporated Native culture.

2003 Baltimore, MD proceedings  PDF icon
Through its summits for women in recovery, the FASD Center for Excellence raises awareness of FASD among women in treatment. The summits provide a safe, supportive place to learn about FASD and to explore various issues related to parenting children with an FASD. The FASD Center held the first-ever summit in Baltimore in 2003. The summits were coordinated by the FASD Center and the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS).

Costs of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Economic Costs of Fetal Alcohol SyndromePDF icon
This slide show presentation outlines the financial burden that FAS puts on the system. It also describes findings presented in the article "The Financial Impact of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome."

The Financial Impact of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
This article describes the challenges in estimating the cost of fetal alcohol syndrome and provides an overview of studies that have attempted to document these costs.

Reach to Teach: Educating Elementary and Middle School Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Reach To Teach is a resource guide for parents of a child with an FASD and for teachers in elementary and middle schools who work with children who have an FASD. It provides a basic introduction to these disorders and tools to improve communication between parents and teachers.

Recovering Hope: Mothers Speak Out About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (video)
This hour-long DVD presents eight women telling their own stories about how alcohol use in pregnancy affected their children, how they are learning effective new ways to parent, and how they are recovering hope for the future. Six researchers and clinicians support these stories by explaining the disabilities associated with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).

The booklets here provide tips for women, family and friends, and professionals on having an alcohol-free pregnancy. They can be used in rack displays in libraries, physicians' offices, drugstores, and other settings or distributed as handouts at workshops, PTA meetings, and other meetings.

Special Reports
Policy and legislation can be used to change the environment in ways that support healthy behaviors and services to treat disabling conditions. Knowing how expensive FASD is to treat may lead policymakers to pay more attention to FASD prevention. The information here covers several policy-related issues and will be updated as new laws are passed.

Town Hall Reports 
The SAMHSA FASD Center for Excellence, in partnership with the FAS Family Resource Institute, the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS), and the Alaska Office of FAS, convened Town Hall meetings to learn more about the issues and concerns of individuals with FASD, caregivers and families, professionals, and other interested individuals. At these meetings, a panel of representatives from the Federal Government, the FASD Center for Excellence, and State and regional public agencies received testimony.


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