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Protein Misfolding and Misprocessing in Disease Protein Misfolding and Misprocessing in Disease Protein Misfolding and Misprocessing in Disease


December 5, 2008 is the deadline for abstract submission from which posters and "hot topic" oral presentations will be selected. A limited number of travel awards are available for young investigators. 

Please use text like this on the abstraction submission page.  Whatever layout you use is fine, but we want this type of info included.


A few of the oral presentations and all posters will be selected from the submitted abstracts by the organizing committee. The abstract submission deadline is December 5, 2008.

Abstracts should be limited to one page. They should include a title, all authors (presenting author should be clearly underlined), department affiliation, university, city, state/province, country, zip code/postal code, and email address, along with sufficient experimental detail to assess the relevance of the work. Please acknowledge appropriate funding sources for your research.

Students and postdoctoral researchers/fellows are encouraged to attend this workshop. A limited number of travel awards are available for students, postdoctoral researchers/fellows, and junior faculty. In addition, several abstracts will be chosen from those submitted for short "hot-topic presentations." Presenters for short talks and travel award recipients will be chosen from among submitted abstracts on the basis of the quality and significance of the research.

If you would like to apply for a travel award, please include a short cover letter containing a brief biographical sketch along with your abstract, and indicate whether you would prefer to present your work as a talk, poster, or both. Recipients will be notified by January 2, 2009, on selections and travel award winners.

Abstracts can be submitted via email to:  dhoffman@scgcorp.com AND fax a hardcopy to (301) 670-3815.