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NPCA Annual Report 2008

Message From the Chair and President

2008 Annual Report Cover

This year marked the beginning of a promising era for our national parks. Although the centennial of the National Park Service in 2016 still seems like a distant point on the horizon, NPCA’s work toward the parks’ 100th birthday is generating progress in Washington, D.C., improving conditions in the parks, and beginning what we believe will be a renaissance for our park system.

While there is still much work to be done to restore our park system to the quality that Americans expect and deserve, we made important progress in a number of areas. With $122 million in additional support provided by Congress this year and encouraged by NPCA, most national parks were able to hire additional rangers to lead hikes, discuss our nation’s history, and address maintenance needs that had been long overdue. With the strong leadership of Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) and Rep. Norm Dicks (D-WA), NPCA also rallied strong bipartisan support for the legislation that would create a $1 billion fund to match $1 billion in philanthropy for the parks—called the National Park Centennial Challenge—that we hope to see passed by Congress in late 2008 or 2009...

Download the 2008 Annual Report (PDF 4.7 MB)

Download the 2007 Annual Report (PDF 1.4 MB)

Download the 2006 Annual Report (PDF 4.1 MB)

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