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Work Place Giving

Support your national parks by choosing NPCA in your workplace's charitable giving campaign. NPCA participates in the Combined Federal Campaign (12069) and in many other payroll deduction campaigns through Earth Share.

A Leading-Edge Partnership for Workplace Giving

NPCA participates in workplace giving through Earth Share, an alliance of the country's leading non-profit environmental and conservation organizations, working under one name to safeguard public health and the environment. Earth Share promotes public education and charitable giving through workplace fundraising campaigns in federal, state, local, university and corporate campaigns across the country.

Cost-Effective and Productive

Giving through the workplace is the most cost-effective way to support the environment. Many workplaces offer Earth Share as a choice in their charitable giving campaigns, including American Express, Harvard University, American Airlines, Sears, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Hewlett Packard, HBO, Aveda, Dell, Tom's of Maine, Emory University, and many more.

Many companies have a matching gift program, matching charitable gifts made by their employees through payroll deductions or donated directly to an organization. Simply fill out your company's matching gift form and send it with your donation.

Start a Campaign in Your Office

If your employer does not have a payroll deduction program or does not offer Earth Share as a giving option, and you are interested in supporting NPCA through your workplace, please contact Earth Share at

If your employer does not have an Earth Share campaign, contact Jim Thomson, NPCA Member Services Coordinator via phone at 1-800-NAT-PARK, ext. 215, or online at to find out how you can help launch a program in your workplace.


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