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GEMPLER'S - Privacy and Security

Privacy PolicyCustomer Choice | Cookies
Security Procedures | Credit Card Guarantee | Contact Information

Privacy Policy

At GEMPLER'S® Online Store (, we value our customers and their privacy. We are committed to protecting your personal information and providing you with a secure online experience. We suggest that you review this privacy policy periodically as we may update it from time to time.

Our privacy policy is designed to protect the private nature of the information you provide. When you purchase products, sign up to receive GEMPLER'S® catalog or e-mail updates, or register at our site, you will be providing us with personal information including your name, phone number, mailing address, and e-mail address.

If you provide us with your e-mail address, you will automatically be registered to receive our e-mail updates. The GEMPLER'S® e-mail update includes special offers, notices of clearance and overstock items, as well as company news. You may unsubscribe from the e-mail updates at any time. There are unsubscribe instructions located at the bottom of every e-mail update that we send. You can unsubscribe using our online unsubscribe form. We do not share or sell your e-mail address to any third parties.

Customer Choice

We occasionally make our customer names, addresses (not e-mail addresses), and limited information about purchases available to carefully screened companies and organizations whose products and activities might be of interest to you. If you prefer not to have your information shared with any other companies, just let us know. We will gladly accommodate your request. Please contact us or call one of our friendly telephone operators at 1-800-382-8473.


Visitors must accept cookies in order to shop online or order from GEMPLER'S®. Cookies are a technology which can be used to provide you with tailored information from a website. A cookie is an element of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to accept it.

We also collect anonymous usage data. We use the usage information to describe in general terms how our website is utilized and navigated, including the number and frequency of visitors to each web page, the date and time of each visit, the duration of each visit, and other non-personally identifiable information.

Security Procedures  Security Procedures

At GEMPLER'S®, we believe that all Internet transactions should be convenient, reliable and secure. To ensure your trust, we've designed a highly secure ordering process and instituted a Credit Card Guarantee that gives you 100% protection for your credit card transactions on our website.


If you have purchased from GEMPLER'S®, subscribed to GEMPLER'S® e-mail updates, or requested a GEMPLER'S® catalog, and you wish to opt-out of the use of your contact information, then you may do so by sending e-mail to If you wish to unsubscribe from GEMPLER'S® e-mail updates, you may use our online unsubscribe form.

Dispute Resolution

Disputes regarding privacy or security will be handled by GEMPLER'S® Customer Service.

Contact Information

GEMPLER'S®, a division of Lab Safety Supply, Inc.
PO Box 44993
Madison, WI 53744-4993
Telephone: 1-800-382-8473

Please contact us if you have further questions about our online privacy, security or customer choice notice.

Revised Jan 4, 2008.
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Reference Number: 25WW101
 GEMPLER'S® is a division of Lab Safety Supply, Inc.   |   Copyright ©2009 Lab Safety Supply, Inc.