Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada (OACC) OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada
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Tell Us Your Needs

Assessing Organic Research Needs
We want to hear from farmers, extension workers, researchers and consumers in all regions of Canada, to determine organic research priorities.

The co-operating researchers in each region will consult with personal contacts, and the primary researcher and extension co-ordinator will respond to presentations at research and commodity group meetings and referrals from members of the OACC network.

The research needs will be addressed in the objectives of NSERC operating and research grant applications submitted from the OACC and will direct the research activities of the research and extension co-ordinators.

If you wish to discuss and share your research ideas, no matter how "raw", with other organic farmers, extension specialists, researchers and enthusiasts, OACC invites you to join our organic discussion listserve, organic_l

Tell Us Your Research Needs

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© 2006, Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada (OACC)