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Tactical Agriculture (TAg)

Learn, hands-on, IPM management techniques for field corn, alfalfa, soybeans and wheat.

TAg Resources:

Use the Search Page to locate Ongoing TAg Projects by choosing Demonstration/Implementation in the Technique field

What is Tactical Agriculture (TAg)?

NE TAg Train the Trainer

Weekly Pest Reporting: This is a seasonal scouting report providing information on presence, identification, and management guidelines for significant field crop pests in New York.

TAg Educational Materials: Teaching modules, brochures and other support material.

TAg Pre- and Post-Evaluations: Evaluation and planning questionnaires for TAg team leaders.

Crop Scouting Report Forms


Keith Waldron, Livestock & Field Crops IPM Coordinator,
Ken Wise, Livestock and Field Crops IPM Area Educator, Eastern NY,
Julie Dennis, Livestock and Field Crops IPM Area Educator, Western NY,
Or talk to your local Cornell Cooperative Extension educator.
About This Site
These pages are maintained by the New York State IPM Program, part of Cornell Cooperative Extension. All material is protected by Section 107 of the 1976 copyright law. Copyright is held by Cornell University and the New York State IPM Program.