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WERF subscribers can get involved in a variety of ways. Your facility can serve as a test site. You can collaborate on research. Or you can stay on top of the latest activities by subscribing to regular updates on specific issues or “knowledge areas.” With your free subscription, you can provide input on WERF’s research; share the expertise of our online communities; and be the first to receive news on research, products, and special promotions.

Subscribe to a Knowledge Area

WERF encourages all subscribers to participate by subscribing to one or more knowledge areas:

Image Biosolids
Image Climate Change
Image Conveyance Systems
Image Decentralized Systems
Image Nutrient Removal
Image Operations Optimization
Image Pathogens & Human Health
Image Security & Disaster Response
Image Stormwater
Image Strategic Asset Management
Image Trace Organics
Image Use Attainability Analysis
Image Water Reuse

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Image Serve as a test site
Image Participate on an Issue Area Team
Image Join a targeted collaborative research (TCR) effort



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