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Giant salvinia clogging waterways
(Radio News 10/27/08) The invasive species giant salvinia has been spreading through Louisiana’s waterways for nearly a decade. The plant reproduces rapidly and chokes the life out of the ponds and lakes it infests. LSU AgCenter weed scientist Dr. Dearl Sanders says homeowners with ornamental ponds actually started the spread of the aquatic weed. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Researchers using weevil to control aquatic weed
(Radio News 10/27/08) Researchers with the LSU AgCenter are trying a biological method to control the aquatic weed giant salvinia. It's a weevil that destroys the invasive weed by biting off the bud of the plant, according to LSU AgCenter weed scientist Dr. Dearl Sanders. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Damaged trees susceptible to insect infestations
(Radio News 10/27/08) Hurricanes Gustav and Ike damaged many trees across the state. LSU AgCenter entomologist Dr. Dale Pollet says this could increase insect activity in trees. Beetles are attracted to decaying wood as a place to lay their eggs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

LSU AgCenter distributing cattle feed to affected herds
(Radio News 09/30/08) Many cattle in coastal areas were left stranded by flood waters from Hurricane Ike. LSU AgCenter agents are organizing a feed distribution effort for producers that have no feed for their cattle, LSU AgCenter Vermilion Parish agent Andrew Granger said.

Damage from Ike similar to Rita in Vermilion Parish
(Radio News 9/30/08) Hurricane Ike’s slow-moving storm surge crept into areas of Vermilion Parish that had already seen devastating floods three years earlier from Hurricane Rita. Crop land damaged by salt water in 2005 was just returning to normal production. LSU AgCenter county agent Stuart Gauthier says many sugarcane fields that went under water could feel the effects for several years. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Make hurricane preparations now
(Radio News 8/27/08) The remains of Tropical Storm Fay dumped a lot of rain in Louisiana, but the state escaped the worst of Fay. Hurricane Gustav could finds its way here, however, and could be worse. If you haven’t prepared your yard, don’t delay. LSU AgCenter disaster programs coordinator Pat Skinner suggests taking a good look at your trees -- among other things. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Workshop participants get biodiesel experience
(Radio News 06/23/08) Individuals and small business owners crowded a meeting room at the LSU AgCenter’s Callegari Environmental Center to learn how to make their own biodiesel. Ronnie Surmik boards horses and became interested in the process while looking for fuel to return home to St. Charles Parish after Hurricane Katrina. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Workshops teach individuals how to make biodiesel
(Radio News 06/23/08) The LSU AgCenter sponsored a series of workshops to teach individuals how to make biodiesel. Dr. Bill Carney, director of the AgCenter’s Callegari Environmental Center, conducted the workshops. (Runtime: 60 seconds)