IPM Schools 2015
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SCHOOL IPM 2015: Reducing Pest Problems and Pesticide Hazards in Our Nation's Schools

Improvements are needed!
More than 50 published studies since 1994 have documented deficiencies including unmanaged pest infestations, unsafe pesticide use and unnecessary pesticide exposures in schools.

Improvement is feasible and affordable.
Pest complaints and pesticide use have been reduced by 71 to 93% through Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in schools and public buildings nationwide, with no long-term increase in cost.

A Strategic Plan for Integrated Pest Management in Schools in the United States
Our challenge is to replicate our well-documented IPM successes in all of our schools. This new national strategic plan assesses the current status, compiles best practices and sets out a plan of action to achieve full implementation of IPM in all of our public schools by 2015.

Your help is needed to:
  • Increase awareness of the problems and availability of ready solutions to reduce pest problems and pesticide exposure;
  • Generate a commitment from agencies, organizations and individuals already working in and influencing schools to actively participate;
  • Provide financial, material and human resources to implement proven approaches including education, regulation and management tactics to prevent and avoid pest problems;
  • Improve regulations and compliance with existing laws;
  • Address research questions that may lead to less hazardous approaches to managing common and occasional pests in schools;
  • Educate staff and students about the benefits of IPM and how they can apply this approach to their homes and workplaces; and
  • Increase financial resources available to meet these objectives.

Many thanks to our contributors:
North Central Region IPM Center
Northeastern Region IPM Center
Southern Region IPM Center
Western Region IPM Center
US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs

Full Strategic Plan in [PDF] (2.3 MB, Release date 01/07/2009)

Overview and Quick Reference Fact Sheet [PDF]



Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
Why we need full implementation of high-level IPM in all of our schools.

2. Introduction
The case for advocacy and action.

3. Stakeholder Priorities
Key needs identified by a broad group of diverse stakeholders.

4. Strategic Plan
Objectives, roles and timeline for implementation.

5. IPM Adoption Process
Understanding how communities can be motivated to change behavior.

6. Overview of Pest Management in US Schools
Current status.

7. Management Zones: Preventing and Avoiding Pest-Conducive Conditions, Pests, and Pesticide Hazards
Comprehensive reference for preventing pest problems in schools.

8. Pest-specific Information, Tactics, Emerging Issues and Priorities
Compendium of management strategies for common pests.


Appendix A. Pest Management Options Used in and Around Schools
Inspection, exclusion, sanitation, biological and chemical options.

Appendix B. School Pest Management-related Legislation by State
Issues addressed by existing legislation in each state.

Appendix C. Annual School IPM Report Card 
Evaluation tool for measuring progress in each state.

Appendix D. Glossary

Appendix E. Workgroup Participant Contact Information and Biographies

Appendix F. References
School pest management and related publications

Appendix G. Bibliography of Surveys on Pest Management in Schools

Appendix H. School IPM Planning and Evaluation Tool

Appendix I. Directory of Organizations with Roles in School IPM

Appendix J. IPM Curriculum Support Tools 
Resources for educators to engage students in practical science and environmental stewardship.

Appendix K. State and Regional IPM Contacts 

Appendix L. Directory of School IPM Expertise 

Appendix M. School IPM Tool Box
Tools to facilitate progress

Related Documents: School IPM Matrix [.doc] [PDF]

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Last modified: January 05, 2009
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