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Soil Association launches organic apprenticeship scheme

Following a one year pilot scheme the Soil Association is formally launching its organic apprenticeship scheme run in partnership with the Organic Growers Alliance and the Organic Advisory Service.

The two year programme aims to encourage young people and new entrants into organic farming and to provide employment opportunities at the end of the apprenticeship.

The main objectives are:

  • To train apprentices to a high standard of practical skill and knowledge and help maintain a highly skilled and talented work force for organic farms.
  • To promote organic farming as an attractive career choice and to provide practical advice and inspiration for school children, students and careers advisors.
  • To achieve a mutually beneficial relationship between the mentor and the apprentice, where the apprentice is there to learn but also to contribute their skills.
  • To provide a social network for all apprentices involved (both regional and national) to give them the opportunity to build relationships through training, meetings and social events.

The organic sector in Ireland is heavily reliant on immigrant labour and such a scheme is badly needed here to encourage young farmers into organic farming. Quality training and on going mentoring would ensure high standards and eliminate 'chancers' from the system. It would also remove the need for over zealous regulation and inspection. See Organic Matters 91, September/October, 2006 in which Chas Griffin proposed a mentoring scheme and argues for fresh thinking in the way certification schemes operate.

Comments (1)
organic apprentieship scheme
1 Thursday, 04 December 2008 18:35
where does one find out about such schemes

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