Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association Approved Organic Standard

Welcome to Organic Matters

Organic Matters is the bi-monthy magazine of the Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association (IOFGA). Organic Matters is available throughout Ireland through Easons and WNS Distribution and from many wholefood shops and market stalls around the country. It is also available throughout the world by subscription.

In the Current Issue


The news has been dominated in recent months by upheaval in the world order that we are accustomed to. Economic downturn, stock market crashes, food shortages and hair shirt budgets are grist to the mill of a media frenzy feeding the fears of the susceptible.

Organic Matters - November / December 2008 edition.

Change always brings fear but there are many rejoicing that this corrupt and morally bankrupt world order is finally under pressure. It has been clear for some time that our modern lifestyle is unsustainable and some thought must be given to living in a way that is compatible with the planet while allowing all of the world's citizens to enjoy a fair and decent standard of living.

Much of the content of this edition is devoted these issues. Quietly, in all areas of society, people are beginning to take control of their lives. The poor standard of industrial food available is motivating a movement to regain control of what we eat. Many people spend their spare time working in community and school gardens, allotments and home gardens. Part time farmers and land owners are beginning to look at the possibility of returning full time to the land. There is a growing awareness of the importance of food in promoting health and wellbeing.

The benefits of organic farming are obvious to those working in the sector and to those who have the opportunity to consume quality organic food. However, as a movement we are slow to promote the numerous advantages associated with organic farming methods.

It is time for the organic movement internationally to take a lead in demonstrating how a sustainable and just system of agriculture can provide food for everyone and a satisfying lifestyle for those involved in food production.

Cáit Curran, Editor

Therapy for the soul

The South Circular Road community garden



Think green this Christmas

Oxfam Ireland Unwrapped



The tyranny of trends

Apple Jelly



In the Print edition…

Back to the land

How did your garden grow?

Farm Walks 2008

Becoming a vegetarian

Unlocking the secrets of the past