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Safe Start For Kids
Safe Start For Kids

Safe Start for Kids is a resource for parents that will help you to choose safer products and create healthy environments for your children.

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New Reports

EWG Teen Study
Hormone-Altering Cosmetics Chemicals Found in Teenage Girls
Many Chemicals Detected Linked to Serious Health Problems

Phthalates Report
"Not So Squeaky Clean"
A new study on phthalates in toys by Washington Toxics Coalition.


 Volatile Vinyl Report Cover

"Volatile Vinyl, the New Shower Curtain's Chemical Smell"

A new study by the Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ), the Washington Toxics Coalition, People For Puget Sound, and the Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition.

Recent News 

WTC is Seeking a New Executive Director 

Washington Toxics Coalition seeks a dynamic, proven leader to guide this successful nonprofit environmental health organization to the next level of achievement in advancing its mission.  The Executive Director must be a highly strategic thinker and coalition-builder with a strong capacity to direct, manage and implement programs, while building upon the bold, entrepreneurial nature of the organization’s work. Read More/Apply...

IPM Victory at Bellevue School District!

Apples with dewdropsAfter three years of hard work by a committed group of parents, experts, and the Washington Toxics Coalition staff, the Bellevue School District is finally going to reduce its pesticides and adopt an Integrated Pest Management policy and program! Read More...

The Children's Safe Product Act is now Law!

Kids CheeringApril 2nd, Governor Gregoire signed the Children’s Safe Products Act into law, making Washington the nation’s leader in keeping toxic chemicals out of toys. Despite massive pressure from the toy industry to veto the bill, Governor Gregoire responded to the thousands of parents and other concerned Washingtonians who asked her to sign the legislation. Read More...


US Senate Relies on WTC's Expertise in an Effort to Pass Federal
Phthalates Ban

Feinstein With Phthalates GraphicSenator Feinstein speaks on the Senate Floor on March 4 to discuss a measure she has sponsored to establish a federal ban on phthalates in children’s toys. She uses information and graphics from the phthalates study, "Not So Squeaky Clean" recently released by WTC. Read More...

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choices that can help you reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals

Small Lobby Day 2009 Logo

Thursday March 5, 2009
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