Consulting Services From AWIS

AWIS meteorologists are available for a wide range of consulting services. We have the expertise and tools to help you understand the impact of weather. Most of our consulting services are done on an hourly basis. We can provide a price quote for more structured work on your project.

Our consulting services include:

  • Litigation support- When weather is potentially involved, allow us to look at the event and give you our professional feedback. Was there rain? Did it get that cold? How high were the winds? We can give you an initial preliminary report before you dig deeper. If you need data as part of your research on a weather-related event, we can generate what you need. Often, we can e-mail or fax you the information the same day.

  • Expert opinions and testimony- Once we confirm that weather was a factor, we can prepare a detailed expert opinion. We will back it with the data and reference material. If the case goes to trial, we will be available for depositions and to testify.

  • Insurance claims- Much like our litigation support, let us do a quick check on the weather event of interest to determine if the claim is valid. We can then provide whatever documentation you require. Most requests can be quickly turned around.

  • Corporate, government, and academic research- We can help you gather and analyze weather data for your project. Our senior meteorologists all have extensive academic and government research experience. Tell us what you are working on and let us match it with the best weather information. We will work with you in strict confidence.

For more information and a price quote please contact AWIS.