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About This Site

Purpose of this web site

This webpage was created to inform the general public of the existence of the Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network (NEPDN) and to facilitate NEPDN committee function, activities, and organization.


Information available to the general public resides on this home page. In addition to this page, there is a NPDN National Website and the other 4 regions have their own regional websites that may contain regionally specific information. These websites can be accessed by selecting the national or regional acronym from the “NPDN Web Ring” box located on the left-hand side of this screen.


Questions about this program from the public should be directed to:

1. Karen Scott, Information Technology Questions,

2. Mary McKellar, Content Questions,

3. Karen Snover-Clift, Content Questions,

For more information on site accessibility click here.

Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network Member States

Mission Statement

NEPDN Mission Statement
The Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network is a group of 12 Land Grant Universities and part of the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN). read more...

2008 Regional Meeting
