Prevention - Smart ways to live well
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Have a No-Gain Weekend
dip potato chip
 Skinny Dipping
Three delicious--and healthy--dips to serve on Sunday

What's Your Snack Calorie I.Q.?
Put your nutrition knowledge to the test

Lose Weight Like a Guy
5 of his habits that can help you lose weight and keep it off

Don't Ditch Your Diet!
You can live a little--and still lose. Find out how!

Your Guide to a Good Night's Rest
sleep better tonight
 Top 10 Sleep Thieves
Use our strategies to get the Zzzs you need

The Family Sleep Cure
How to make sure the whole clan gets a decent night of shut-eye

Wake Up Refreshed
Rise and shine! Follow these 8 tips to start the day ready-to-go

Your Healthy Living Center for Sleep
Get the low-down on needing 8 hours, nap-time no-no's, and other slumber questions

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The Daily Ounce
The Daily Ounce

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Flat Belly Diet
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Find out how many calories you should eat a day to maintain your current weight or drop unwanted pounds.

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