Pay Your Invoice Here

Invoice/Order #
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About Paypal

paypal.gif PayPal allows anyone with an email address to send and receive online payments using their credit/debit card or PayPal account balance. It is highly secure and merchants don't handle your sensitive credit details.

Home arrow Pay Your Invoice

If you have placed an order but have not yet paid for it, you can do so using the invoice payment module above. This module can also be used to pay the shipping on orders where shipping was calculated after your initial payment. You simply put in the invoice / order number that relates to your payment, and the amount you wish to pay. From there you will be taken to paypal where you can make a payment using any number of credit card options. On receipt of your payment we will match it up to your order or invoice number to clear any remainding balance. You will be emailed a receipt, after your payment has been made.

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Web design by OGO Sense