Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Editor: Barbara Nicholson Bell
Barbara Bell, photo by Barbara Bell

Our experts bring you current health and wellness information about the symptoms, medicines, procedures, and remedies to keep you and your family healthy. Check out our writers' latest updates in the fields of women's health, infertility, pregnancy and childbirth, autism and asperger's syndrome, disabilities, and other aspects of general medicine and advances in the health field.

If you're already active and healthy but want to maintain weight loss, or recover from an injury by availing yourself of sports medicine facilities, or if you want to eschew pharmaceuticals in favor of natural medicine and mind and body fitness, this is the site for you.

feature articles
Health & Wellness

Diabetes Food Pyramid

In: Diabetes Treatment

By: Feature Writer Wei Yin Wong

Adjustment to the daily diet through the use of the diabetes food pyramid can help control high blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. more...

Hyperglycemia in Diabetes

In: Diabetes Treatment

By: Feature Writer Wei Yin Wong

Diabetics should learn to recognize the symptoms of hyperglycemia as it is a major cause of many complications. more...

How to Treat Frostbite

In: First Aid

By: Feature Writer Mia Carter

Frostbite occurs when the water in the skin and other soft tissues begins to freeze in cold temperatures. Frostbite can develop in minutes. Learn how to treat frostbite. more...

How Emotions Can Upset the Glands

In: Health Field

By: Feature Writer Karen Stephenson

The glands of the endocrine system and the hormones they release influence almost every cell, organ, and function of the body. Good emotional health is in the glands. more...

Diabetes and Easy Exercise Ideas

In: Diabetes Treatment

By: Feature Writer Wei Yin Wong

People living with diabetes can start exercising in easy ways at home before consulting their doctor to embark on a more structured exercise program. more...

Easy Exercises You Can Do at Home

In: Fitness

By: Feature Writer Chris Christian

If you could develop your own workouts, would you be inclined to workout more frequently? Studies show all you need to enhance fitness is regular physical activity. more...

Compounding Pharmacies

In: General Medicine

By: Feature Writer Deborah Mitchell

The practice of compounding medications is not new: one could say that the alchemy shops of old were the predecessors of today's compounding pharmacies. more...

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