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We currently recommend EE-News ( for those interested in a general purpose EE Mail list.
EE-News Archives      
Archives of EE-News email bulletin.

The URL is:

EE-News Mailing List      
EE-News is a twice-monthly email bulletin provided by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), with funding from the Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP). EE-News is hosted by EE-Link, a project of NAAEE.
The URL is:

EE-Link Jobs-Report    
TO: EE Job Seekers (or Friends of...):

The Jobs-Report is sent out weekly with the newest job postings on EE-Link and summarizes

position offered, hiring organization, location of job, and application deadline.
The URL is:

Resident Outdoor Environmental Education    
Welcome to the list serve for Resident Outdoor Environmental Education. We hope this is the primary site for sharing ideas and information about the field. There are no membership requirements, but the content should be targeted to those who operate overnight programs dealing with environmental, adventure and outdoor education, primarily for school groups.
The URL is:

AskERIC Education Listserv Archives    
Searchable archives of e-mail lists on specialized education topics.
The URL is:

School Nature Area Project    
The "School Nature Area Project" (SNAP) at St. Olaf College sponsors the SNAP mailing list to promote the exchange of information and ideas regarding developing and using school nature areas. SNAP assists Minnesota schools in developing nature areas and environmental education curricular units for their sites. Unmoderated.
The URL is:

Association for Experiential Education Listserv      
A forum for the discussion of experiential education issues, primarily for, although not limited to, members of the Association for Experiential Education. To subscribe send an email message with "subscribe AEELIST 'first name last name.'"
The URL is:

Human Dimension Society Membership    
A professional organization established to promote inclusion of social research in decisions regarding the management of wildlife, fisheries, and other natural resources. As a member you will receive quarterly newsletters, exchange reports and other literature with fellow members, and receive announcements for conferences sponsored by the Society.
The URL is:

Water Education Issues    
Include in your email message:"subscribe water-ed."
The URL is:

Solar Energy Education    
Include in your email message:"subscribe IASEE-L" and Your Name. Maintained by the International Association for Solar Energy Education, this list is intended to serve as a means of communication between people active and/or interested in renewable energy education at all levels.
The URL is:

Include in your email message:"subscribe Eco-teach." This list focuses on environmental education for college level Ecology instructors.

Population & Environmental Psychology Bulletin    
In pdf format, this bulletin is focused on the topic of Conservation Psychology. It builds on many of the conversations on this listserv over the past year.

The URL is:

Environmental Issues    
Archives of discussions on environmental issues, including EE and recycling, hosted by EnviroLink. Each group contains information on how to join the discussion.

The URL is:

Environmental Education Activists    
Include the following information in your email: Name, Street Address, Phone and e-mail address.

Sponsored by the Sierra Club, this listserve "focuses on policy, legislation, and responding to the virulant right-wing attacks

against EE rather than on EE curriculum or materials."


Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe    
Include in email message: "sub ENVCEE-L" An unmoderated list sponsored by the Regional Env. Center for Central and Eastern Europe to discuss environmental issues in: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and the Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The main mission of this list is to promote cooperation among diverse environmental groups.
The URL is: mailto:LISTSERV@REC.HU

Green School List    
Include in your email message: "subscribe GRNSCH-L" and Your Name. "This listserv focuses on improving campus environmental practices in such areas as recycling, waste reduction, energy conservation, and procurement."

New York State Outdoor Education    
Include in your email message:"subscribe NYSOEA-L."
The URL is:

Outdoor Education and Aquatic Science    
Include in your email message:"subscribe Water-ED."

Environmental Engineering, Education and Training      
Include in your email message: "subscribe ENTREE-L."
The URL is:

Outdoor Education Listserv    
Include in your email message:"subscribe OUTDOOR-ED."
The URL is:

Wildlife Education      
Include in your email message:"subscribe EDUWLF-L."

GREEN (Global Rivers Environmental Education Network) Mailing List    
This Earth Force mailing list connects the network of educators looking to engage youth in protecting their watershed resources.
The URL is:

Risk Analysis Discussion Group    
RISKANAL focuses on the exchange of information, ideas, methodologies for risk analysis and risk problem-solving, fostering understanding and professional collaboration among individuals for the purpose of contributing to risk analysis and risk problem-solving.

Project Nature-Ed    
'COOEEads' provides a weekly email listing of jobs, consultancies, tenders, scholarships and grants in the fields of outdoor / environmental

education, interpretive communication and park management in Australia (and New Zealand).
The URL is:

Rivernet-info is River Networks national listserv. Anyone with an email address and an interest in river & watershed conservation may join. Upcoming events, references, stories, questions, ideas, etc. that relate to rivers & watersheds can and should be posted on rivernet-info. In the body of the message, type: subscribe rivernet-info
The URL is:

Senderos E Bulletin from Border-Wide EE Coalition      
Senderos, the electronic bulletin from the Border-Wide EE Coalition features stories and news from the border region’s environmental educators, and information about programs and events taking place in all of the ten US-Mexico Border States. The Border-Wide EE Coalition is a collaboration of many individual and group environmental educators across the region doing EE in conjunction with the Border 2012 program.

Subscribe by sending an email
The URL is:

Plant Conservation Education Newsletter    
Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)(U.S.) has launched a Plant Conservation Education E-mail Newsletter. "Education E-Update" is a free monthly email newsletter featuring the latest in plant conservation education news from BGCI and other plant-based education organizations. To join the subscription list, visit the website.
The URL is:

Natural Resources Journal    
The Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education (JNRLSE) is a peer-reviewed journal written by and for educators in natural resources, the life sciences, and agriculture disciplines, and is continuously published online by the American Society of Agronomy. Nine cooperating societies are involved including the Ecological Society of America and American Institute of Biological Sciences, among others. Members of ASA and the cooperating societies subscribe for just $35 (US)/$45 (international), which includes an e-mail alerting service when new content is posted. To join the subscription list, visit the website.
The URL is:

Fostering Sustainable Behavior Listserv    
The "Fostering Sustainable Behavior" listserv provides the opportunity for program managers to easily dialogue with one another regarding a wide range of behavior change programs that support sustainability.

To subscribe: email with "Subscribe" in the subject line.

Online searchable archives available.
The URL is:

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