USAJOBS Working for America
OPM logo and link to OPM homepageUSAJOBS is the official job site of the US Federal Government. It's your one-stop source for Federal jobs and employment information.
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  • Career Interest Guide. Find jobs that are best suited for you based on your interests.

  • Job Interest Matching. Investigate jobs that include tasks you like to do. When you indicate the kinds of tasks you prefer, they will be matched to jobs available in the government. This list contains some of the most common occupations in the Federal government but not all Federal jobs are represented.

  • Specific Job Exploration. As an experienced job seeker, you may already have a particular Federal Job in mind. Find descriptions and minimum qualifications necessary for that job.

  • Match Federal Jobs to Private Sector Jobs. Find private sector jobs that are similar to the Federal job you are currently performing or are interested in performing.

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This is a United States Office of Personnel Management website. USAJOBS is the Federal Government's
official one-stop source for Federal jobs and employment information. - Government Made Easy eGov Working for America