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Current Issue:
January 2009
January 2009
About the cover
Current Issue:
January 2009
About the cover
January 2009
Volume: 46 Number: 1

Genotyping of IRGM tetranucleotide promoter oligorepeats by fluorescence resonance energy transfer
Christopher D. Intemann, Thorsten Thye, Jürgen Sievertsen, Ellis Owusu-Dabo, Rolf D. Horstmann, and Christian G. Meyer

Selected and written by Nijsje Dorman

Ubiquitin-fusion protein system: a powerful tool for ectopic protein expression in mammalian cells
Konstantin Matentzoglu and Martin Scheffner

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In situ detection of mature microRNAs by labeled extension on ultramer templates
Gerard J. Nuovo, Eun Joo Lee, Sean Lawler, Jakub Godlewski, and Thomas D. Schmittgen

Affinity chromatography using 2′ fluoro-substituted RNAs for detection of RNA-protein interactions in RNase-rich or RNase-treated extracts
Ruben H. Hovhannisyan and Russ P. Carstens

An extraction-free method by which a single slot blot can be used to quantify intracellular DNA damage (crosslinks or strand breaks) and changes in DNA damage response proteins or replication
Mary M. McHugh and Terry A. Beerman

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Breaking News

January 15, 2009
NEWS: Who should speak at the peoples house?
The US president-elect hopes to make scientific lectures part of the White House social calendar. Who should speak, and why? More

NEWS: Nanodroplet real-time PCR with laser-assisted heating
Researchers from SRI International have developed a quick, low-volume laser-assisted PCR. More

NEWS: Ubi or not ubi, that is the fusion
Researchers have developed a vector that ensures that antibiotic resistance and transgenic proteins are generated in equimolar amounts, since they are derived from the same polyprotein. More

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Protocol Guide
 Protocol Guide 2009

BioTechniques®' Protocol Guide 2009 is a collection of detailed, optimized procedures/ protocols for use in the lab.

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Ubi or Not Ubi, That is the Fusion
The generation of stably transfected mammalian cell lines expressing an ectopic protein typically requires...More

Some Like It Hot: Improved 454 Library Recovery
Next-generation sequencing technologies such as the 454 platform have significantly increased the number of...More

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