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Baltimore Blog

Inaugural Events in Baltimore

Thursday January 15, 2009

As a part of the 2009 Presidential Inaugural events President-elect Obama, Vice President-elect Biden and their families will ride the train to Washington, DC and make stops in Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore on Saturday, January 17, 2009.

For more information, check out the Washington, DC blog.

Goodbye or Maybe Just See You Later...

Thursday September 25, 2008
After running this site for almost two years, it's time for me to say so long. But I'm not going very far!

I am leaving Baltimore to become's new Guide to Work-at-Home Moms, a new site that launched today. I will explore the issues involved in working from home while raising kids, something I've been doing for a dozen years now. will hire a new guide for Baltimore soon. If you think you've got what it takes, check out's Be a Guide page. (I'm already showing you work-at-home opportunities!)

I hope you'll visit me at my new site.

It's been fun!


Halloween Is Coming, Hon! Get Decorating!

Thursday September 25, 2008
Everyone needs a life-size Halloween butler to serve their candy apples.

Anyone who has spent even one holiday in Baltimore knows that Charm City residents like to decorate. Some might say Baltimore's decorating flair goes beyond the bounds of good taste. What do they know?

Holiday decorating in Baltimore is by no means limited to Christmas. Folks will decorate for Halloween, Easter, Valentine's Day and so on. Halloween in Baltimore is right up there with Christmas for some. And nowadays the Halloween decorations are so much fun.

Just Get a Room: Finding a Hotel in Baltimore

Monday September 22, 2008
Marriott Waterfront in Harbor East in Baltimore, MD
Marriott Waterfront Harbor East

Whether you're planning on a late night in Fells Point on Halloween or you are coming into town for the Michael Phelps festivities, sometimes you need a hotel room right here in your own hometown.

Maybe you want to check out the new Hilton Convention Center hotel across from Camden Yards. Whatever your needs Baltimore has a lot of options. The choices range from the swanky Inner Harbor to inns in Fells Point to a budget place near BWI.

Find holels in:

And if a furry friend is to be among the visitors to Baltimore, check out this list of pet friendly hotels in Baltimore.

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