Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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Facts About the Environment

Major Air Pollutants

The Top Carbon Dioxide Emitters

Global Warming

The Greenhouse Gas Effect

The 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)

2008 Environmental Performance Index

The Pilot 2006 Environmental Performance Index

U.S. Emissions of Greenhouse Gases, 2001–2006

Air Quality in Selected U.S. Cities, 1990–2000

Water Supply of the World

Environmental Organizations

Major Biomes of the World

All About Ozone

America's Cleanest Cities, 2007

User's Guide to Environmental Language

Safe Drinking Water Reports and Hotline

Drinking Water and Sanitation Around the World

Environment in Turmoil

Global Food Crisis

Ecological Turmoil

A Warming Ocean

Marine Debris in the United States   New!

America's Ten Most Endangered Rivers, 2008

America's 25 Most Ozone-Polluted Metropolitan Areas, 2007

America's 25 Most Ozone-Polluted Metropolitan Areas, 2008

Top Ten Types of Debris Littering the Oceans

America's Troubled Waters

Top Ten Most Polluted Places in the World, 2007

The World's Worst Pollution Problems, 2008

Earth-Altering Accidents

The Toxic 100: Top Corporate Air Polluters in the United States

Going Green

Building Green

Top Ten Greenest Buildings in the U.S., 2008   New!

Top Ten Greenest Colleges, 2008

Top Ten Greenest Colleges, 2007

Top Ten Green Hotels in the U.S.

Green Weddings


Global Warming Quiz

Environment Quiz   New!

Non-Native Species Invade the United States

The Year of the Potato   New!

Information Please® Database, © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Environment and Nature Energy
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