November 07, 2008


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C2P2 Announces a Strategic Alliance with OCETA

November 1, 2008 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention (C2P2) announces a strategic alliance with the Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA) to expand its pollution prevention and sustainable production services.

"This alliance signals our continued commitment to our clients and as a facilitator of change," says Ron Shimizu, Interim Executive Director. .Our goal is to enhance business opportunities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, diversify our revenue base and strengthen our collaborative partnerships."

C2P2 will continue its core business line as Canada.s Pollution Prevention Clearinghouse by providing services such as the Canadian Pollution Prevention Roundtable, the CCME Pollution Prevention Awards Program, P2 outreach and training. Partnering with OCETA, C2P2 will expand its offerings related to sustainable production both domestically and internationally and work with other professionals in the field of sustainable consumption to provide a life cycle approach to products in commerce.

Effective November 1, 2008 C2P2 will relocate to the Mississauga offices of OCETA.

Ron Shimizu, C2P2's Interim Executive Director and Fred Granek, OCETA's Vice President Toronto Region Sustainability Program invite C2P2's stakeholders to contact them about this exciting new strategic direction. Ron Shimizu can be reached at and Fred Granek can be contacted at (905) 822-4133 Ext 224 or

Kevin Jones, OCETA's President and CEO says, "The strategic alliance will build on C2P2's and OCETA's core competencies in pollution prevention and clean technology and will enable us to jointly develop and deliver new integrated sustainability services."

About OCETA and C2P2

OCETA is a private, not-for-profit corporation that supports the commercialization and market adoption of innovative technologies and environmentally sustainable solutions by acting as a value-added intermediary to deliver programs, and business advisory and technical services.

A recognized leader in pollution prevention, the Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention (C2P2) encourages actions that avoid or minimize the creation of pollution and waste . pollution prevention (P2) . actions that foster a healthier environment and a sustainable society.

More information about OCETA's and C2P2's programs and services can be found at: and