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Find links on this page for projects and resources in this region.

The Cloudbridge Project - a cloud forest reserve in Costa Rica    
This website describes a private initiative to restore the cloud forest through replanting native trees on former cattle pastures high on the slopes of Mt Chirripo. The site contains notes regarding the flora and fauna, research reports, and is well illustrated with photos and diagrams. Suitably qualified volunteers are welcomed.
The URL is:

Asociación ANAI    
We have a Sea Turtle Conservation Project in the Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo. The patrols are in charge of tagging the turtles, installing microchips, measuring females who emerge from the sea to lay eggs, camouflaging the nest, and relocating the eggs. If you want to contact us, please write to Claudio Quesada,
The URL is:

Island Resources Foundation (IRF)    
"IRF provides development and environmental planning assistance to governments and private nonprofit environmental organizations of small tropical islands. The foundation's headquarters is in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands; there are branch offices in Washington, DC, and in St. John's, Antigua, where the Foundation's Eastern Caribbean Biodiversity Initiative is coordinated."
The URL is:

Wild Northwest Photography    
Dedicated to protecting forests & biodiversity in the Pacific Northwest & Central America. See the wonders of the Pacific Northwest & photographs showcasing the incredible beauty and biodiversity of Costa Rican rain forests and cloud forests, and information about how to help protect these globally important natural treasures.
The URL is:

Organizacion para la Educacion y Proteccion Ambiental (OpEPA)    
OpEPA is a non profit organization in Colombia specializing in environmental and wilderness education (In Spanish).
The URL is:

Centro Ecologico Los Cuartos de Mexico    
The Center is a nonprofit organization, with the principal objectives of developing programs and projects in environmental education, training, and protecting natural resources. Programs include: camps, guided tours, conferences, courses and workshops for environmental educators.

Internships are available to spanish speakers throughout the year.
In Spanish, English, and French.
The URL is:

The University of Costa Rica    
World Class Adventures in Education, is a course for English speaking undergraduate students interested in studying the rainforest. Students will receive credit in Tropical Ecology, Natural History, Biodiversity Conservation and Spanish.
The URL is:

Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound    
Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound School offers self-empowering courses in the rainforest of Costa Rica. Students are challenged through adventure to explore their relationship with nature, with one another, and with the world around them.
The URL is:

Sarapiqui Conservation Learning Center    
The Sarapiqui Conservation Learning Center is a non-profit community center in Costa Rica run by a group of international volunteers. One of the programs we offer to the community is an environmental education program for elementary aged school children. The program includes a weekly science day in our after-school program as well an Environmental Education Club every Saturday.
The URL is:

El Comisión Salvemos Las Tortugas de Parismina    
En la costa Atlántica de Parismina, Costa Rica, tortugas baulas, tortugas hawksbill y tortugas verde depositan sus huevos. Voluntarios de Parismina iniciaron un proyecto dedicado a la crianza de tortugas: Ellos patrullan las playas y guardan los huevos en los nidos. Org protecting the Leatherback, Hawksbill and Green Turtles of Parismina, Costa Rica.
The URL is:

Caribbean Conservation Corp./Sea Turtle Survival League    
Includes a new education program, "The Sea Turtle Migration-Tracking Education Program," allows students to monitor maps that depict the satellite-tracked migration of between 15 and 20 endangered sea turtles. The program includes an offer to teachers of a free printed Educators Guide. An on-line bulletin board allows students to ask questions of sea turtle scientists.
The URL is:

Marine Educational and Environmental Research Institute      
A marine institute based in the Cayman Islands where teachers can participate in a summer field course on the geology, ecology and evolution of coral reefs. Teachers can receive up to 6 graduate college credits and earn their SCUBA certification, and will complete a project which can be developed into a course or laboratory exercises for K-12. Undergrad and Grad courses are also available.
The URL is:

Operation Green Leaves Trees for Life Program    
Operation Green Leaves is a non-profit organization in Florida whose mission is environmental education, ecological restoration and the reforestation of the Island Nation of Haiti. OGL has organized numerous tree planting activities and neighborhood beautification projects with students in South Floria and donated thousands seeds and seedlings to Haiti through the Ministry of Environment for Haiti's Pine Forest. Also provides teacher training in environmental education, water conservation, gardening and solar technology. OGL Trees For Life program is a campaign to plant more trees and educate people in the areas affected by last year's hurricane season to reduce the level of destruction before the next rainy season in Haiti.
The URL is:

Border EE Web    
Comprehensive and up-to-date information on environmental education programs and providers along the U.S. - Mexico border. Search the Border EE Web database for resources, programs, or people (Spanish and English)
The URL is:

EcoTeach offers teacher lead middle school and high school student groups to Costa Rica to do Conservation and Endangered Species Protection work. Working with local schools and communities in Costa Rica, Ecoteach supports environmental protection and education projects focused primarily on the Leatherback Sea Turtles and Macaws. Through the coffee fund raiser program EcoTeach buys coffee directly from farmers in Costa Rica supporting their sustainable farming practices. The fund raiser program is available to any group in the US wishing to raise money for their local projects and $1 per bag goes to support the EcoTeach conservation and education projects.
The URL is:

CASKE – Virtual Expedition    
Follow CASKE expedition team online as they sea kayak and travel through the jungles of Costa Rica and Panama. Includes educational activities related to the expedition and resources for terachers. A project of Big Chalk, The Education Network.
The URL is:

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