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Find links on this page for projects and resources in this region.

GET Teacher Exchange    
Global Environmental Teachings (GET) unique teacher exchange experience includes workshops, excursions, and field expeditions with other teachers from the host location. Learn about new teaching methods, endangered species, and build international friendships.
The URL is:

Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC) Short Courses    
The SAWC offers skills development courses as modules of the certificate course in natural resource management to local and international students. These courses include a wide spectrum of wildlife management, nature-based tourism, community-based natural resource management and environmentally-related topics. See Web site for courses offered throughout the year.
The URL is:

Ulovane Environmental Training    
Exceptional Field Guide Training. One-year and three-month FGASA accredited courses available.

Eastern Cape, South Africa
The URL is: - Striving to Protect Wildlife provides information on East-Africa, news, reviews, travel reports, and background information on wildlife protection, conservational activities, and eco-tourism.

A forum provides a neutral platform for insiders to discuss their issues and successes in a large diversity of fields.
The URL is:

Africa Christian Youths Development Foundation    
The Africa Christian Youths Development Foundation works to promote education and the relief of poverty among Christian youths in Africa by challenging and changing the rules and practices that generate poverty.
The URL is:

Ford Motor Company Conservation & Environmental Grants    
Annual Ford Motor Company grants for Asia, Middle East, and North Africa "..provides support to organizations and individuals that focus on preservation of the natural environment and support conservation in a noteworthy manner."
The URL is:

Cape Nature Conservation    
Cape Nature Conservation is the custodians of the natural splendour of the Western Cape, and more specifically, the Cape Floral Kingdom, one of the world's six floristic kingdoms. In the info & edu section, we provide pamphlets and information on a range of topics, from fynbos, birds to 4x4 rules and hiking tips aimed at the general public. Also provide GIS and species lists.
The URL is:

African Bird Migration Project    
The African Bird Migration Project is an environmental educational project that aims to teach school children about birds and their environment. Children from around the world can share information on birds in their communities & their biomes.
The URL is:

Africa Sun News    
ASN is a news service providing Africa news from over 100 African news sources. ASN has an

"Environment & Sustainable Development News" section.
The URL is:

Campus California TG    
Campus California TG is an international institute training and carrying out humanitarian and environmental activities in Africa as well in USA
The URL is:

Kenya Wildlife Service    
"Conserving Wildlife for Kenyans and as a World Heritage" Kenyan agency offering wildlife lectures and outreach programmes to schools and other training institutes; research programming; a biodiversity conservation and management centre; and reserves.
The URL is:

African Wild Dog Conservancy    
The African Wild Dog Conservancy, started in 2001, is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to working with local communities, and national and international stakeholders to conserve wild dogs through scientific research and education.
The URL is:

Study Eco Education at Home    
Distance education courses in Environmental Management, Game Ranch Management, Conservation, Marine Life Studies, Eco-Flora, Ornithology and more. Via Correspondence from South Africa.
The URL is:

Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management (PREM)    
The Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management (PREM) programme aims to deepen and broaden the exposure of economic researchers and policy advisors in developing countries to the theory and methods of natural resource management and environmental economics.
The URL is:

African Conservation Foundation    
The African conservation portal on the internet trying to bring all NGO's and conservation groups working in Africa together. We offer free websites and publicity to African conservation groups who cannot afford their own and hopefully, when we get some sponsorship/funding, we'll be able to help them financially as well.
The URL is:

PLAN's Environmental Sustainability and Development Bulletin    
Environmental sustainability publication by aid and development organisation PLAN International Australia. Looks at issues of environmental sustainability in Africa, Asia and the world. Issues ranging from the relation of poverty to sustainability to 'the triple bottom line' are covered.
The URL is:

Humana People to People    
Volunteer work in Africa includes envoronmental projects in much needed areas.
The URL is:

Antares Field Guide Training Centre    
Welcome to Antares - a successful and exciting training centre for prospective field guides. Come and study with us and ensure that you become one of the leading guides of the future.
The URL is:

SanWild Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and Sanctuary    
SanWild is a wildlife rehabilitaion and sanctuary based in the Northern Province of South africa.
The URL is:

Zoo in the Wild    
This virtual Zoo provides wonderful animal pictures/facts/sounds of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles of Africa. (European animal information available in Italian).
The URL is:

East African Ecotourism and Conservation Consultants    
This is a site dealing with promotion of ecotourism in East Africa, while members provide free assistance to communities involved in ecotourism and community development through conservation.
The URL is: Http://

WildNet Africa    
WildNet Africa tracks conservation in Africa through regular wildlife news updates, discussions on contentious issues, diaries of wildlife events, articles by environmental journalists, and photos and activities for all age groups.
The URL is:

Agrelek : Energy Advisory for the farming community    
An on-line community for farmers. Updated weekly. Includes research papers, free classifieds, Job Finder, newsletter, competitions, advisor contact through on-line e-mail. Agriculture, farming, energy, advisors, information, assistance, South Africa. Agriculture and Energy in South Africa.
The URL is:

Caretakers of the Environment International Tanzania branch    
A global network of secondary school teachers and students active on environmental education. Seeking partnerships in Tanzania with other organizations to share or host various Project Concern environmental issues and conduct various international & national conferences. In collaboration with Caretakers of the Environment International (CEI) Head Office.
The URL is:

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