Growing Necessity:
Yardens, Farms and AgriCulture
Mitra's Blog - Growing Necessities

OUR NEW BLOGGER: Mitra Sticklen has launched her blog as part of Sustainable Farmer (and, yes, the new word "yardens" is her invention). A graduate of Michigan State University, where she worked at the Student Organic Farm, Mitra recently spent time on a Fullbright grant in Trinidad-Tobago exploring organic food policy issues. Mitra is an important voice among the new generation of young people committed to building sustainable food systems worldwide. (And she's soon going to post some YouTube videos, so make sure to keep checking back.) Click here to visit Growing Necessity.

A pig's tale - A two-minute video wherein some savvy swine outsmart the researchers

Marketing your produce - Extension marketing specialist Ron Goldy explains the importance of planning for success. Click here for more information.

Demo of a crimper - Ag Extension Agent Dale Mutch shows how crimping a rye cover crop can help suppress weeds, while providing a nice bed for growing pumpkins.

Titus Farms - Rebecca Titus just graduated from college, but she already has big plans for her family's CSA . . . click here for more

Food for Thought

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unheated greenhouse - hoophouse - adam montri - click here

Neil Kentner's Wynsmoor Manor
Neil Kenter has turned his small sustainable farm into money-maker by exploring all options. A success on just eight acres, Neil relies on heritage sheep to sustain the farm, but he also raises heritage chickens, ducks and pigeons. He markets everything from eggs and live birds to selling the the birds' feathers to artists. . . . more

Bonnie's Sustainable Blog: Is a pesticide killing our honeybees? The EPA is suing Bayer for answers Bee
Videos of Cornell University's Bob Schindelbeck on building healthy soils Video of Bob Schindelbeck
Reading room : Books that matter- from the philosophical to the investigative to the practical Book on Amazon
Our visitors visit - Koinonia
Jerry Nelson
offered to write us an article about life at Koinonia, a sustainable farm outside Atlanta that nourishes both body and spirit. He tells us that the farm was founded more than 60 years ago by Clarence Jordan as an experiment in inter-racial living, and he also tell us about life there today. . . . more
Bonnie's Sustainable Blog: Information, news and opinion Bonnie's Sustainable Blog
How to get your farm Web site to the top of the list on Google Sample Web site
Enery options : Video on our geothermal waterfurnace Installing a waterfurnace
Getting started: A video on finding your niche in marketing fruits & vegetables Finding your niche YouTube video
Farm Profile - Titus Farms: The next generation
Rebecca Titus
recently earned her bachelor's degree from Michigan State. She had once planned to become a geneticist (and she still plans to earn a Ph.D.). But Rebecca has now decided her future is on the family's fruit and vegetable farm. She has already recruited 150 members for their CSA, with even bigger plans for the future . . . more
Raising animals: Dr. R. J. Erskine tells you what you need to know to get started Dr. R. J. Erskine
Marketing matters: Learn to tell your farm's story Natural beef
Marketing matters: Building a great farm Web site Titus farm Web site
Food for thought: A collection of historical documents on organic practices Lady Eve Balfour on a tractor

Food for Thought: "The Other Energy Crisis" - After you read Dr. R. J. (Ron) Erskine's advice on what it takes to raise animals (see above), please take a moment to read his essay on pressing threats to our food supply . . . more

Make sure to visit Bonnie's Blog for the latest news about sustainable agriculture, as well as her blog on the history of Koinonia Farm (featured above), as well as a history of other communal sustainable farms - and make sure to check out her blog on sustainable farmers and food

Local food goes to college
at the University of Michigan

COMING SOON - use the form at the right to Sign Up for Updates so we can notify you when new articles and videos appear

  • "Attributes of cover crops" video with Ontario's Anne Verhallen
  • "Alternative energy options" video with energy specialist Mark Seamon