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Links on this page are to EE-related information, activities, and games for students interested in the environment.

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Info by Topic Area

If Trees Could Talk - Grades 6-8      
This 8-module, middle school environmental history curriculum allows teachers to download in pdf format, self-contained activities based upon archival materials. Each module is a compilation of primary resources--documents, maps, newspapers, oral histories or photographs--that students will be asked to examine and analyze in order to synthesize insights about human interaction with the environment
The URL is:

The Curous Kids Nature Club    
The Web site focuses on six Southwest Florida habitats and includes videos, photos, educational content, and songs.
The URL is:

Kids' "Create Your Future" Website    
This Web site was created by Japan for Sustainability, a Japanese NGO providing information on the environment to more than 170 countries. Site is full of ideas for kids to investigate how they can improve the environment including "Ways to Create an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle," and "How to Create a City Without Automobiles," and more.
The URL is:

The People Speak Global Debate    
United Nations Foundation project called The People Speak (TPS) encourages young people to be actively engaged on global issues and to understand the value of global cooperation. The People Speak Global Debate will begin in October 2007 with the topic of climate change and involves high school students researching the debate topic and preparing clear, persuasive arguments for both sides of the issue. Students will present their arguments and coordinate the entire student body to vote on the topic. TPS will tally national and international results, with approximately 20 countries involved, that will show where students stand on important global issues.
The URL is:

Kids Page - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences    
Explores the impact of environment on health and encourages interest in health- and science-related careers. Games, riddles, and on-line coloring; news on environmental topics; career profiles. Also: a game in which students identify an environment-related illness for each letter of the alphabet. Also available in Spanish.
The URL is:

Rustle The Leaf    
Rustle the Leaf is an online outreach that uses syndication-quality, weekly comic strips and other creative tools to communicate essential environmental themes and truths. Our goals are to encourage environmentalists, to facilitate the sharing of environmental views in an engaging, nonconfrontational manner, and to introduce and reinforce environmental education with people ages 6 to 106. Teachers resources include downloadable monthly lesson plans and a students activities section.
The URL is:

Neptunes Web - Teacher's Realm    
Visit Neptune's Web presented by the Naval Meteorology & Oceanography Command. Lesson plans, information on educational programs for students and teachers interested in pursuing oceanography, facts about the ocean and its marine life, and an encyclopedia of oceanography. Navigate through undersea passages to other oceanography and science sites.
The URL is:

Give Water A Hand      
National organization that offers student materials for grades K-5 and additional teacher resources, with FREE, downloadable guidebook in English and Spanish. A program of the University of Wisconsin - Environmental Resources Center.
The URL is:

Discovery Channel - Animal Planet    
Site highlights featured species, programs, live animal cams, "Creature of the Week", pet guides, and animal news.
The URL is:

Imagination Factory CD-Rom    
New CD-Rom Toys, Games, and Other Fun Stuff - by Marilyn Brackney, the creator of The Imagination Factory. In addition to the content found at the Web site, the CD shows visitors how to make items such as musical instruments, dolls, and puppets.
The URL is:

Learning with the Tree of Life    
Tree of Life (ToL) learning pages for teachers and students provides information on using the Tree of Life Web Project as a tool for learning and teaching about biodiversity. The ToL Treehouses are Web pages linked to scientist created core content about the world's organisms.
The URL is:

North Cascades Institute Education Programs      
More than 70 environmental education programs for all ages, including natural history seminars, teacher workshops and summer camps.
The URL is:

Sounds of the Turtle    
Just a fun site if you’re a turtle fan. This site includes real turtle sound clips. It also has fun pictures and inspirational turtle rescue stories.
The URL is:

National Audubon Society Online Field Guides    
This site includes pictures and information on plants and animals. Select a category to find specific information on a particular species.
The URL is:;http://ww...

Nature Sounds    
Flowing water and other sorted nature sounds.

The URL is:

Brucie's Buddies Home Page    
Activities, cartoons, an interactive rubbish game, and environmental questions and answers for kids. Also the opportunity to join Brucie's Buddies, a club for kids who care for the environment. From the Southland Regional Council, New Zealand
The URL is:

DITC Environmental Education Foundation, Inc.    
An environmental education website aimed at 8-10 yr olds. Contains an environmental information database, and will include environmental curricula.
The URL is:

EduGreen: making environmental learning fun for the young    
A web-based interactive resource on environment education developed for schools by TERI (Tata Energy Research Institute) with four main sections - Explore, Play and learn, Network, and Surf covering topics like Life on earth, Renewable energy, Air pollution, Water, Climate change and Solid waste. Also includes quiz, poems, environment calendar, story time, etc and interactive features.
The URL is:

Fun Activities    
A really cool site that stresses the importance of recycling. It has fun games and activities for students.

The URL is:

Scientific Monitoring and Research    
Helping students to become community scientists and to preserve and restore our natural resources.
The URL is:

Environmental Education Station    
Following their designated paths, students choose among a variety of pages on the hottest environmental topics, and teachers encounter a nice collection of course syllabi and suggested reading materials. A public domain photo library provides royalty-free pictures. The project is maintained at Centre College with funding from the Rasmussen Foundation and the Associated Colleges of the South.
The URL is:

Especially for Kids    
A place to learn more about oil spills and hazardous chemical accidents.

The URL is:

Ecology Hall of Fame    
A Project of EcoTopia/USA: Dedicated to the heroes of the American environmental movement.

The URL is:

African Bird Migration Project    
The African Bird Migration Project is an environmental educational project that aims to teach school children about birds and their environment. Children from around the world can share information on birds in their communities & their biomes.
The URL is:

The Great Green Web Game    
"The Great Green Web Game is an online, fun and informative way to learn more about how your consumer habits can help or hurt the environment (based on the book, "The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices")." Created by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
The URL is:

The Great Green Web Game    
"The Great Green Web Game is an online, fun and informative way to learn more about how your consumer habits can help or hurt the environment (based on the book, "The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices")." Created by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
The URL is:

NASA's Earth Explorers Series    
Monthly National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) series introduces a variety of learning adventures and lesson plans designed for K-12 educators and students. Current issue has students investigating the migration of land and marine animals such as eagles, turtles, dolphins, swans, and harp seals.
The URL is:

Kiwi Conservation Club (KCC)    
KCC is a children's conservation club in New Zealand. The site has been developed for children to learn more about New Zealand's wildlife and wild places.
The URL is:

Kids Connect K-12    
Students have the opportunity to ask an expert about jobs that are involved with flowing water.

The URL is:

Kids For A Clean Environment (F.A.C.E.)    
Elementary kids for a clean environment is a group that concerned children can join.

The URL is:

School Zone--Kids Only!    
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's page for students--news, discussion, and state information.
The URL is:

EEK! Environmental Education for Kids Grades 4-8    
An electronic publication of Wisconsin's DNR, EEK! contains information for teachers as well as students, and provides a forum where students (grades 4-8) can share stories and seasonal observations with each other. Links to WDNR-EE site.
The URL is:

Rivers of Life    
River related projects, adventures, and initiatives delivered over the Internet to K-12 teachers and learners.
The URL is:

Enchanted Learning    
Site for young children (K-5), featuring educational web sites such as "Animal Printouts" with hundreds of animal labels and information, games, "Zoom School", "Zoom Rainforest", "Zoom Sharks", projects, and "What's New This Week".
The URL is:

Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Education    
A great site for teachers with links to educational materials and information on what is available for teachers from the Department of Natural Resources.

The URL is:

Endangered Species - Kid's Page      
Puzzles, games, creature features, and teacher resources from US Fish and Wildlife Service.
The URL is:

American Birding Association (ABA) Youth Education Programs    
"Do birds fascinate you? Do you want to learn more about them? Some of the best young birders are already active in ABA, learning more about birds and helping with conservation." Site features "A Bird's-Eye View" newsletter written by student members, birding camps, conferences, birder resources, & more.
The URL is:

Rivers Project Home Page    
A site that includes activities, materials, and lesson plans and the schools that have already used them.

The URL is:

Virtual Wildlife    
This site, maintained by the World Wildlife Fund, contains information on ecosystems throughout the world. Also learn about some remarkable animals and their strange behaviors.
The URL is:

International Year of the Ocean: Kids' & Teachers' Page    
Activities and information on marine wildlife and ocean pollution. Sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
The URL is:

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality    
This site provides something for everyone...from games for children, environmental information for students, career development opportunities and teaching materials for teachers, information on hazardous waste disposal, and environmental household practices for the general public.
The URL is:

Water Conservation and Fun for Kids    
Student artwork, activities, and lesson plans on watersheds, drinking water, water pollution prevention and other water topics. From US EPA Water Office.
The URL is:

Planet PA    
Learning about environment can be fun — here you can find a variety of informative resources for both kids and teachers that will keep you entertained while you learn.

The URL is:

EPA - Environmental Education Resources for Grades 9-12    
Site provides Highschool students with information about air & water issues, waste & recycling, conservation, health & safety, ecosystems, & community environmental conditions. Also links to internship & scholarship opportunities, environmental careers & community involvement projects.
The URL is:

Action for Nature    
Action for Nature is a nonprofit whose purpose is to "foster a respect and affection for nature through personal action." It is particularly committed to encouraging young people to learn and care about nature. Offers "Acting For Nature", a book about young people from around the world who help nature.
The URL is:

Earth Neighborhood    
This site provides a light look at the environment with Youth page and EnviroFiction to help students see how things can operate in a just and sustainable world. There are links to many groups and programs for Youth, around the world. Can be used in highschool English and Civics classes as well as enviroment science class.
The URL is:

American Zoo and Aquarium Association - Felid Taxon Advisory Group    
Facts sheets and conservation data for endangered and threatened Cats around the world. The student section contains fact sheets appropriate for elementary and middle school students as well as photographs.
The URL is:

Green Squad    
The Green Squad web site gives kids the tools and skills they need to help locate, & solve, environmental & health problems in their schools. The site is designed primarily for students in grades 5-8, but also offers information for younger & older students as well as parents

& teachers. Available in English and Spanish.
The URL is:

Learn Biology Online    
Learn Biology Online offers tutorials for High School students, Freshwater Ecology, dictionary reference, diagrams and links in the field of Biology.
The URL is:

Aza's Web    
The American Zoo and Aquarium Association is encouraging children to become involved at a local level in environmental conservation. The web site encourages children to voice their opinions about the environment and help kids make constructive decisions that positively affect nature. The results will be used to create future educational and interactive programming.
The URL is:

Captain Olin's Odyssey    
An interactive web site designed to teach students in grades 5-8 about water quality, recycling, and safe chemicals through experiments, stories and on-line quizes (instructional videos can also be viewed with Real Player). From Olin Corp.
The URL is:

CEE Kids R Green    
Centre for Environmental Education (CEE) site geared toward young students to explore various environmental issues and topics, educational activities and games about many aspects of the environment.
The URL is:

Water - A Theme For Schools    
"Children are presented with a variety of resources based on a 'water' theme. Items include; the Rivers Amazon, Ganges and Nile ... data on river lengths ... sources, ages of rivers, floods and an opportunity to write desriptively." Presented by Snaith Primary School, UK.
The URL is:

Globe Program    
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment - GLOBE involves students from over 80 countries in collecting local environmental data. Observations are shared between schools and with scientists via the Internet.
The URL is:

Department of Energy Kids' Page!      
A story and a coloring book about transportation and alternative fuels, for early elementary students. Pictures can be printed out or exported into Paintshop Pro. Related links are also available. From the US Department of Energy and US Postal Service.
The URL is:

Schaeffer Elementary Environmental Science Signature    
The Schaeffer Elementary School has developed an environmental science signature. This site

includes sites to be integrated with the curriculum along with lessons and activities for

The URL is:

Sierra Student Coalition    
The Sierra Student Coalition, the student-run arm of the Sierra Club, offers summer high school and college student environmental leadership training programs.
The URL is:

Chikyu Kids Environmental Network    
Chikyu Kids Environmental Network is a website that acts as a place for sharing your eco-projects with many young friends and their adult supporters all over the globe (in Japanese "Chikyu"). The website is organized by members of 8 different countries working for children's environmental activities.
The URL is:

Pulse of the Planet    
Each weekday, Pulse of the Planet provides its listeners with a two-minute sound portrait of Planet Earth, tracking the rhythms of nature, culture and science worldwide and blending interviews and extraordinary natural sound.
The URL is:

Why Files    
At the Why Files, students can uncover the truth behind the headlines. Visit the Environmental subsite under "More Stories" for topics from Air Pollution to Wildfires. Click "Cool Science Images" to see pictures and explanations of scientific phenomena at work in our world.
The URL is:

Partners for Growing    
"Plant biology and internet activities for primary grades." Includes activities on insects, leaf collection, school gardens and more. Supplementary teacher's guide available, provided by the Evergreen Project.
The URL is:

Recycle City!(EPA)    
Exploring Recycle City is an easy way to learn about the three R's -- reduce, reuse and recycle. Designed primarily for middle-school students, it's a lively point-and-click journey for all ages that demonstrates how individuals, businesses, and communities can work together to cut waste.
The URL is:

Earth & Sky Radio Series    
Daily science radio series website.

Contains info from "today's show"; features in-depth articles from earth science, astronomy and environmental science; skywatching forecast; links to teacher resources; and kids pages.
The URL is:

Earth & Sky Radio Series Water Cycle    
This Earth & Sky Radio Series explains why all the oceans on Earth are salty, while inland water is typically fresh. The process of ocean water becoming salty is explained by using the analogy of what happens to water in a tea kettle, and by considering evaporation, precipitation and water flow. The clip lasts 1 minute, 34 seconds for grades 6-12.
The URL is:

EPA Explorers' Club    
This EPA site for kids ages 5-12 contains games, art projects, stories, pictures, and facts about environmental issues.
The URL is:

EPA Office of Water Kids' Pages      
A listing of water related educational activities (including ground and drinking water, wetlands, nonpoint source pollution, and marine debris curriculum) provided by the EPA.
The URL is:

Schools Online    
Website for K–12 educators that features brief text or animated presentations on such topics as planting & tending gardens; incorporating 4–H projects in the classroom; & helping students become more aware of how plants, animals, & humans interact with ecosystems. Some activities are available on CD-ROM & in Spanish.
The URL is:

Fair Shares for All    
Drawing on Save the Children’s experience of working in some of the poorest countries in the world to explore the issues around poverty, sustainable development and access to safe water. Information, photos, children’s stories, classroom activities and extensive links to other sites and news stories relating to water and poverty are available for use by teachers and young people.
The URL is:

Earth & Sky Radio Series Protecting Native Fish    
This Earth & Sky Radio broadcast for Grades 6-12, discusses efforts to improve stream habitat for the Spikedace, a threatened species in the upper Verde River of Arizona. The show illustrates how ecosystems are easily perturbed by change, how population fluctuations due to floods may be natural, and how introduced species prey on native fish.
The URL is:

The Imagination Factory    
This award winning, innovative site promotes recycling through art. Visit this site and meet Trashasaurus Rex!
The URL is:

Zero Population Growth - Population Education      
Provides interdisciplinary K-12 training and teaching materials (correlated to National Learning Standards). Site features information on teacher training workshops, teaching materials, and additional teacher and student resources. Online ordering avail.
The URL is:

Center Hill 6th Graders Build a Wetland    
Describes the process that students went through to build a wetland on their school grounds and information on how to get in touch with them.

The URL is:

Children of the Amazon      
Learn about the children of the Amazon and their environment. Games, projects and information for students and teachers.
The URL is:

Environmental Inquiry Curricula Grades 7-12    
Environmental Inquiry (EI) supports teaching and learning about the environmental sciences through teacher education, curriculum research and development, and scientific inquiry by students in grades 7-12. Developing with NSTA, four curricula, each of which will consist of a student manual and teacher's guide.
The URL is:

Atmosphere, Climate and Environment (ACE) for Kids Grades K-6    
Site for kids, ages 5 to 11, provides a series of information sheets to help learn about our planet's air and mankind's impact upon it. There are also a series of games and puzzles.
The URL is:

Kid's Planet    
A kid's page containing fact sheets of animals from around the world, interactive games, endangered species coloring pages, and more. From Defender's of Wildlife, a nonprofit dedicated to protecting species and habitat.
The URL is:

UCLA Botanical Garden Kids Page    
DRAWING FROM NATURE: a series of articles from the Los Angeles Times Kids Page, featuring art and science lessons for kids. Each article is written about plants and/or animals found in the Botanical Garden at UCLA. Illustrations are by children ages 5-12. The series runs on the 1st Sunday of the month in the Los Angeles Times "Comics Plus" section,
The URL is:

National Geographic CraneCam    
National Geographic Education Foundation project offering live CraneCam on Nebraska's Platte River. As part of this project, the website is offering new weekly educational video lessons for six weeks.
The URL is:

EPA Office of Solid Waste: Kids' Page    
"Join the Planet Protectors Club, participate in a space adventure to help save "Ergo", color and play games." Some activities are available in Spanish.
The URL is:

eField Trips    
Check out the Spring 2006 eField Trip "Butterflies: Unlocking the Mystery of Metamorphisis" presented in an engaging format and designed to meet national education standards. Classrooms register for free. Also available now and through the rest of the year: Renewable Energy: POWERful Choices.
The URL is:

Interactive Learning Center    
This page has video clips (with sound) about various environmental issues, some are made by students. This page would be appropriate for all ages.
The URL is:

Long Island NewsDay    
Newsday (the major newspaper on Long Island) is doing a year long feature on the natural environment of Long Island. Site offers infomation for children, parents and teachers that help children connect with the natural

world. There are suggestions for activities, books to read, infomation on ecological concepts and more.
The URL is:

ECO-PROS - Ecology Protectors Society    
Educational website for children that focuses on ecology, the environment, ecosystems, natural resources, plants, animals, and endangered species (annotated links are provided on all of these topics).
The URL is:

Green Schools Manual    
Sponsored by YES! (Youth for Environmental Sanity), "'The Green Schools Manual' contains inspiring information about how to make your school's campus environmentally friendly" (available in PDF format). The site also has information on topics ranging from consumption to overpopulation.
The URL is:

Earth Matters 4 Kids    
Earth Matters correlates science with basic environmental principles, helping teachers, students (K-6) and community members gain a full understanding of how science works in natural surroundings, by bringing a virtual natural world into the classroom.
The URL is:

Wetland Education    
Ducks Unlimited site provides a variety of resources on wetland education. Three new units developed for grade levels 4-6, 7-8, and 9-12, in wetland ecosystems series consists of an educator's guide and accompanying student journal, experiments, and activities.
The URL is:

Butterflies 2000: on the wings of freedom    
One of the Think Quest winners. Features a kids page: Butterflies for Kids, Discover New Worlds, Butterflies at School, general information, and more.
The URL is:

FT Science and Technology Exploring    
Clearly written, well researched articles show how the same basic principles influence and control the way things work in nature, living organisms, and human technology. Humorous thought-provoking approach makes science interesting and fun.
The URL is:

The Edible Schoolyard    
The Edible Schoolyard, in collaboration with Martin Luther King Junior Middle School, provides urban public school students with a one-acre organic garden and a kitchen classroom. Using food systems as a unifying concept, students learn how to grow, harvest, and prepare nutritious seasonal produce.
The URL is:

Global Response    
Action-oriented project to involve youth and adults in communicating about environmental issues. Organizes international letter campaigns to prevent environmental destruction, with corresponding resources for teachers.
The URL is:

TESAN: The Endangered Species and Nature of the World    
Project for students to become actively involved in their studies by researching wildlife preserves, zoos, and nature parks in their areas.
The URL is:

Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Education Program    
EPA Region 9's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) program supports schools by helping students and teachers alike to use the TRI database. The Toxic Release Inventory can be incorporated into many different classroom subjects, from chemistry to geography, statistics or earth sciences.
The URL is:

What's Up With Our Nation's Waters?    
A look at how water quality is measured, what toxins are found in drinking water, and wetlands and groundwater. Highlights include a "What can I do?" section and suggested science projects. From the US EPA Office of Water.
The URL is:

Environmental and animal-cause related cartoons and games with the aim to educate as well

as entertain.
The URL is:

Earth Day Grocery Project    
Schools collaborate with a local grocery store to decorate shopping bags for Earth Day. Lots of supporting information, and examples from the hundreds of schools that have participated.
The URL is:

Ask Jeeves for Kids    
"Ask Jeeves for Kids allows you to ask a question in plain English and, after interacting with you to confirm the question, Ask Jeeves for Kids takes you to the web site that will answer your question."
The URL is:

Outside My Window    
Outside My Window is a project started by an international relations educator at Evergreen Valley High School in California. This project is designed to help students connect with other people around the world by exchanging photos taken through the windows of their houses and classrooms. To keep this broad and international, the learning standards are from the National Council on Social Studies and fit in with many local standards.
The URL is:

Build-A-Prairie Game    
Restore a tallgrass or shortgrass prairie. Use the field guide to help decide which plants and animals belong in your prairie. In each multiple-choice question, your job is to pick the best combination of plants or animals for your particular prairie type.
The URL is:

Wonderful World of Weather    
A real time data module for elementary students to explore weather phenomena locally and globally. Teachers can find many fun classroom activities divided into three sections: introductory activities, real time data activities, and language arts activities related to weather.
The URL is:

World Wildlife Fund - Kid's Stuff      
Includes quizzes, educational information, interactive games, the "Pennies for the Planet" Student Newsletter, and a homework helper. From the World Wildlife Fund.
The URL is:

World Wide Biome Project    
The World Wide Biome Project is designed to have students learn about ecosystems in their locale and share their findings with students from around the world through the medium kids use - the internet. The prime focus of the site is to have students/classes do an evaluation of a habitat in their biome and send the data in to the World Wide Biome Project. Their data is converted into a series of web pages for them. This allows students to learn from other projects that students like themselves have created.
The URL is:

Worm World    
All about worms and how they recycle. Also information on creating your own worm composting bins.
The URL is:

Wild Ones, The    
"The Wild Ones is an ever-growing network of over 20,000 children, teachers, and conservation professionals in 26 countries around the world." They provide students ages 7 to 14 with an international perspective and opportunities for cooperative science activities. A project of Wildlife Preservation Trust International. Also in Spanish and Portuguese.
The URL is:

EPA Student Center      
EE actitivies, environmental information and art for students in middle and high school. Information on careers and internships, awards programs, and environmental club projects can also be found here.
The URL is:

Kids Saving the Planet    
Mission is to increase youth participation in environmental education through the use of games, celebrity endorsements and entertaining activities. Features a progressively challenging, interactive, on-line board game that involves research, learning, collaboration, activities, prizes, recognition and awards.
The URL is:

National Wildlife Federation's Earth Tomorrow    
Perfect for high school teachers and students! National Wildlife Federation's Earth Tomorrow program and web site crosses mainstream interests with environmental awareness. Educators and students can register their club, classes or community groups with the Earth Tomorrow network. Educators can sign up for a monthly Earth Tomorrow newsletter full of free activities and project resources.
The URL is:

Enviro Fun    
Illinois EPA Envirofun for kids! Check out tips to keep our world a beautiful place for the animals and us.
The URL is:

Going Places, Making Choices: Transportation and the Environment    
Going Places, Making Choices is an innovative curriculum (grades 9-12) that focuses on raising the awareness of high school age youth about transportation and the environment. The website for this curriculum has games and activities for youth, and educators can access the full curriculum online. Sponsored by the National 4-H Council.
The URL is:

Winging It    
Have fun while learning about birds! Create your own bird on-line or send in a drawing to put up on the web. Sponsored by The Girl Scouts.
The URL is:

The Shapes of Trees    
Did you ever wonder why different trees have different shapes? This site contains information about the adaptive benefits of various tree shapes. You can even play a game that allows you to design your own tree.
The URL is:

Girls for Planet Earth    
The Wildlife Conservation Society's Education Division developed this site through Girls for Planet Earth with funding from the National Science Foundation’s Gender Diversity Program. The website showcases women role models working in conservation, provides online resources, helps teens develop an action plan for an environmental service-learning project through an online guide, and more.
The URL is:

Armin Krueger    
Armin Krueger's obituary. Armin was the caretaker of Illinois caverns. Teachers jokingly call him "Freddy Krueger" to scare students! This is a neat story about a man and his love for nature.
The URL is:

EPA's Superfund Kids Page    
Intended to introduce children ages three and up to the basic concepts of the Superfund Program. There are many fun activities and stories available. They were designed with different age groups in mind and include comic book formats, word games, puzzles, and coloring pages.
The URL is:

Careful! Earthworms Underfoot    
Pictures and cartoons accompany this description of the importance earthworms have to soil. This site is a good starting point for general information about earthworms and it includes many links to other worm and soil related sites.
The URL is:

Illinois Natural History Survey's page on biospeleology. A fabulous site with all kinds of caving information.

The URL is:

Hawaii's Endangered Species    
"Dedicated to educators and students who are interested in protecting and studying about endangered species in our world." Researched by Enchanted Lakes Elementary School students, Kailua, Oahu, Hawai'i.
The URL is:

Virtual Tours    
Virtual field trips of Illinois sites! Pretty cool!!!

The URL is:

USDA - for Kids    
Activities, resources, information, history, facts, and more.
The URL is:

EcollegE is a virtual reality world for exploring environmental issues. Users can find out the latest news, explore issues, use multimedia and simulations, find out about eco-heroes, as well as chat with others who are concerned with green matters.
The URL is:

EPA's Global Warming Site for Kids    
Information about global warming, climate and weather, and related information written for kids. This site also has suggestions for how you can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are put into the atmosphere.
The URL is:

Rainforest and Reef Field Courses      
Rainforest and Reef specializes in rainforest and marine ecology field courses in nine countries. All programs are operated by partner organizations that have shown a strong commitment to conservation and education over time at each site. 99% of all participation fees stay with in country partners to assist in conservation and education projects.
The URL is:

Smokey Bear    
Join Smokey for some forest and campfire fun. And, along the way, discover Smokey’s rules for forest fire safety and prevention so that you can become a member of Smokey’s team!


The URL is:

Planetpals Earthzone    
PLANETPALS characters have earth friendly rhymes about the planet to read and listen to, interactive activities include: a recycle kit, card game, craft patterns, bead critters, a kids club and a creative contest. A Teacher/Parent page and Earth Day info are also available.
The URL is: is a search engine for kids. Links to educational and informative resources.
The URL is:

Little Egypt Grotto    
Little Egypt Grotto caving club! This is interesting if you are interested in real life cave exploration.

The URL is:

This site allows students and teachers to view topo maps of their area or stream.

The URL is:

Habitats - National Geographic    
While they're getting up close and personal with earth’s six habitats, kids can also get the scoop on protected lands, biodiversity, urban sprawl, conservation and population.
The URL is:

A Coastal Journey through the Northwest Intertidal Zone      
A COASTAL JOURNEY, "follows a marine biologist and his school-aged daughter as they travel a northwest rocky shore at low tide. The site,(elem-12) covers tidal dynamics, coastal geology, intertidal stratification, and plant/animal adaptions." Sponsored by the Marine Science Society of the Pacific NW.
The URL is:

Sunshine Online    
A comprehensive resource developed for teachers and children (5-12 year olds). Nature Library, "Kids into Action" interactive activities, links to schools all over the world, read books in The Book Store, new themes every week.
The URL is:

WWF Pennies for the Planet 2005    
World Wildlife Fund is proud to announce the launch of Pennies for the Planet 2005--Protecting Big Cats!! Pennies is an educational and fundraising campaign that engages thousands of kids in conservation education and action every year. This year's program is focused on big cats. On the newly-designed Pennies Web site, kids can learn about big cats and the threats they face. They'll also find fun ideas for raising pennies to help the campaign's three target big cats: the highly endangered Amur leopard, snow leopard, and Sumatran tiger. Educators visiting the Web site will find educational activities to help teach their students about big cats, as well as information about collecting and sending in pennies.
The URL is:

The Columbia River Virtual Field Trip: An Amazing Watershed Journey    
Learn about Columbia River history, geology, the headwaters region, First Nations and Native Americans culture, current issues and challenges to the river, make educational connections, and provide glimpses of sustainability about the future of the river with readings on the river from multiple perspectives. Designed for middle and high school students and teachers in conjunction with Tramline, an award-winning creator of virtual field trips. A web product of the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Capacity Building Initiative (CBI).

Contact: Kim A. Freier, Ed.D.
The URL is:

All About Nature: Animal Printouts      
Site contains information and pictures of hundreds of animals. Print out label or copy & paste into "paint" program. Use the searchable database or alphabical listing.
The URL is:

Amazon CyberSchool    
AMIGOS! A Partnership for Education offers games, resources, video & audio clips, message boards, and the opportunity to sponsor a school in the Amazon.
The URL is:

Young People's Trust for the Environment    
YPTE is working create a better future by inspiring young people to look after our world. Free information and resources for young people and teachers an a wide range of environmental topics and animal facts.
The URL is:

WWF Adventures Young Explorers in the Amazon    
This World Wildlife Fund site features the expedition highlights of Nick News and the Young Explorers into the Amazon. Students can learn about the rainforest and ways to help preserve the Amazon; experience the adventures of the explorers through their "Jungle Notes"; and play the "Piranha Chase" and learn about the natural treasures of the Amazon.
The URL is:

Greenpiece Environmental Club    
A nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting environmental awareness at school and in the community. By taking part in activities such as beach cleanups, and launching public awareness campaigns, we promote a more environmentally friendly community while providing volunteer opportunities for club members. Make a difference, and help others incorporate nature into their lifestyle!
The URL is:

Air Quality Index for Kids    
The colorful, extremely basic text defines the Air Quality Index, discusses what makes air dirty and which people are most at risk for getting sick from air pollution. From the US EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. For ages 7-10.
The URL is:

Air Defenders: The Quest for Clean Air    
Air Defenders is a community educational resource on open burning, air quality and respiratory health, developed by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association in partnership with the WI Department of Natural Resources. It’s designed to help health officials and other educators, as well as teachers, create fun and valuable hands-on lessons for students.
The URL is:

EPA Animations Global Warming Kids Site    
Series of educational climate animations for grades 5-9 entitled "Global Warming and Earth Processes," feature illustrated moving scenes of how global warming occurs, the carbon cycle and global warming, and the water cycle and global warming designed to break down complex processes into a series of easy-to-understand components accessible to the intermediate grades.
The URL is:

Exploring the Environment (ETE) Grades 9-12 Learning Modules      
ETE is a series of interdisciplinary, problem-based learning modules for high school students (online). The project engages student teams in addressing real-world problems related to weather, population growth, biodiversity, land use patterns, volcanoes, water pollution, and global warming. Teams analyze remotely-sensed images to come up with solutions to open-ended earth science problems.
The URL is:

Ozone Action Kid's Page    
Activities and tips for cleaner air from the Clean Air Coalition of Southeast Michigan (SEMCOG).
The URL is:

Teens for Planet Earth    
The Teens for Planet Earth website was developed by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) based at the Bronx Zoo. The website helps teens learn more about the environment and conservation, and then apply this knowledge in a service-learning project that will have a real impact on their own corner of the globe.
The URL is:

Fish of the Great Lakes    
Website from the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute provides a wide variety of teaching materials and information on the fish of the Great Lakes. Features a kids' page with a database of fish profiles, updates on current Great Lakes initiatives and research news, and publications, including the full text of George C. Becker's book "Fishes of Wisconsin" .
The URL is:

Ology "The Study Of" Site for Students    
American Museum of Natural History website providing age appropriate materials for students (grades 1-6) to explore subjects such as biodiversity, marine biology, paleontology and Earth. Links to a teachers section with education guides and suggestions for after school activites.
The URL is:

NWF's Kids' & Parents' Newsletters    
Kids sign up for "The Buzz" monthly e-newsletter with features and activities from Ranger Rick's website.

NWF's "Caregivers' Corner" monthly e-newsletter for parents provides updates and ideas for new activities to share with their kids.
The URL is:

Provides a broad spectrum of educational Internet services to teachers, students, parents, librarians and school administrators in the K-12 educational and public library markets. Resources include: links to reference materials, lesson plans, and professional development opportunities.
The URL is: K-12 Curriculum Center    
Site provides a library of K-12 curriculum resources for teachers; study tools, games, and learning adventures for students; education advice, reviews, and study tools for parents.
The URL is:

EPA Explorer's Club      
The EPA Explorer's Club is designed like a clubhouse with various rooms. Filled with educational activities in the art room, game room, science room, and pages where kids learn about air, water, garbage & recycling, plants, and animals.
The URL is:

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