Schoolyard Habitats® Native Coneflowers
Educators & Gardening For Wildlife
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Teach Outside

Utilizing a wildlife habitat as an outdoor classroom makes learning more real, fun, interdisciplinary and relevant. Schoolyard Habitats® provide teachers of all subject areas with unique, hands-on opportunities for meeting and exceeding standards of learning requirements that cannot be duplicated in the traditional, indoor classroom setting. Students need more than books, worksheets and carefully contrived experiments; they need hands-on experience in a dynamic setting that illustrates to them the “real world” context of their education.

Bring concepts "alive" by actively using the habitat site as an outdoor classroom. Students use math skills to map the schoolyard; science as they study photosynthesis; and social studies as they study past land uses of the school site. In today's learning environment, where schools are striving to meet and exceed high standards of learning, we all must be creative in presenting content. The schoolyard can be a valuable avenue for teaching and reinforcing curriculum standards and concepts for students.

We can help you reach those high standards while everyone has fun.

Related Resources

Free Educator Resources
Including a factsheet about how a Schoolyard Habitats site can help your school attain educational excellence in line with the National Standards of Learning.

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