Schoolyard Habitats® Native Coneflowers
Educators & Gardening For Wildlife
Get Started
Create a Work Plan
Teach Outside
Next Steps
Create a Work Plan

Now make a plan of what needs to be done and by whom. Include maintenance time after the project is done - watering, weeding, and other maintenance throughout the summer and following school year. Be sure to include sustainable gardening practices in your maintenance plan.

Consider organizing your tasks and assigning responsibilities into a planning chart for the duration of the year. Set goals, objectives to reach the goals, and action items. Identify the resources you will need, where they may be located, and who will be responsible for each of the steps. Set a date to start the project and an anticipated finish date. Celebrate your progress along the way, and plan a ceremony for the grand opening of your habitat!

Related Resources

Reach out to your community
Get tips on how to have many materials and funds donated by your community.

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