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This page links to peer reviewed journals, Professional organizations and research publications for the researcher who is interested in the philosophy behind environmental education, as well as what research is currently coming out of the field. Most of the journals are currently not available on-line, but may be accessible through Area libraries or Digital libraries.


American Psychologist

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Outdoor Education

Behavioral Science

Journal of Contemporary Education

Journal of Psychology

Communications Abstracts

Journal of Educational Research

Journal of Research in Science Teaching

Communications Research

Journal of Educational Psychology

Journal of Social Issues

Currents: Journal of Marine Education

Journal of Environmental Ethics

Journalism Quarterly

Education Literature Review

Journal of Geographic Education

Natural Resources Journal

Environment and Behavior

Journal of Interpretation (USA)

Phenomenology and Pedagogy

Human Communications Research

Journal of Interpretation (Canada)

Public Opinion Quarterly

International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education

Journal of Leisure Research

Rural Sociology

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Journal of Marine Technology

School Science and Mathematics

Journal of Communication

Journal of Marketing

Science Education

Journal of Conflict Resolution

Journal of Marketing Research

The American Biology Teacher

Youth and Science

Professional Organizations:

American Nature Study Society

•Aquatic Resources Education Association (AREA)

National Association for Interpretation (NAI)

•National Marine Educators Association (NMEA)

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)

* The information on this page has been adapted from "Where to Find Research on EE," Michaela Zint, Assistant Professor of Environmental Education & Communication, School of Natural Resourcees and Environment, University of Michigan.

My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant - MEERA    
My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant (MEERA) provides evaluation resources for formal and non-formal environmental educators. Current offerings include professionally selected and reviewed "how-to" guides and other resources for evaluating environmental education programs as well as a discussion forum. Future offerings will include searchable examples of evaluations of environmental education programs.
The URL is:

Closing the Achievement Gap: Using the Environment as an Integrating Context for Learning    
Gerald A. Lieberman, Ph.D.

Linda L. Hoody, M.A.

State Education and Environment Roundtable

The preparation of this report was supported by:

The Pew Charitable Trusts

The URL is:

Not All Are Created Equal: An Analysis of the Environmentally-Related Programs/Departments    
"Not All Are Created Equal: An Analysis of the Environmental Programs/Departments in U.S. Academic Institutions Until March 2001" by Aldemaro Romero, Amanda Stern and Kathryn Benz, Environmental Studies Program, Macalester College, MN. [Full text online]
The URL is:

National Environmental Education and Training Foundation (NEETF)        
NEETF supports a wide array of EE efforts: research, conferences, training, communications, and programs for all ages. Challenge Grants focus on the areas of health, drinking water, business and educational excellence. An analysis of EE opportunities in the No Child Left Behind Act is also
The URL is:

Idealist Resources for Organizations      
Useful guides for starting, running and funding a nonprofit organization; recruiting and managing volunteers; and making the best use of technology in your work.
The URL is:

James MacGregor Burns Leadership Academy      
The James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership fosters principled leadership through scholarship, education, and training, with special attention to advancing the leadership of groups historically underrepresented in public life.
The URL is:

Jossey-Bass – Publisher      
Serving professionals and business people in specialized markets, a strategy that permits greater product franchising and market penetration.
The URL is:

Management Center - Nonprofit Library      
A leading resource for nonprofit management support in Northern California. Helping good causes manage better since 1977. Website offers a variety of helpful resources and services.
The URL is:

Fifth Discipline Field Book Project      
This web site is intended to serve the far-flung community of learning organization practitioners. These are people drawn together by the idea of a "learning organization": an organization focused on marrying the development of every member with superior performance in service of that organization's purpose.
The URL is:

Organizational Assessment Tool (OAT)        
A self-assessment tool, that can be A one-stop organizational assessment resource, intended to provide EE leaders with a tool to comprehensively review the major aspects of internal organizational development. The OAT also serves as an educational tool for individual organizational leaders and members.
The URL is:

Another Reason to Get Outside    
In the recent study, The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting With Nature, University of Michigan researchers, Marc G. Berman, John Jonides, and Stephen Kaplan, discuss the cognitive restorative benefits of a natural setting, rather than an urban setting. Their findings show that memory and attention improved 20 percent after an hour of interacting with nature.
The URL is:

Inquiry Group on Public Participation in Research Seeks Input    
The Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) Inquiry Group on Public Participation in Research is seeking information on the ways that non-scientists are participating in scientific investigations. Some of the questions include:

· What are new and innovative ways in which non-scientists are contributing to or doing research?

· What are models for public-scientist interaction around scientific research?

· How do radio, television, museum visits, and other ISE experiences facilitate or push the boundaries of public participation in research?

Please email thoughts, leads, publication references, and/or case studies to Rick Bonney, CAISE Inquiry Group leader and Director of Program Development and Evaluation, at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology at
The URL is:

Pew Center on Global Climate Change    
The Pew Center On Global Climate Change provides a wide range of reports, policy analysis, and perspectives to the climate change debate in key areas such as economic and environmental impacts, and equity issues.
The URL is:

Educational Realms      
Information on teaching and learning about the environment including online bulletins and digests.
The URL is:

Report on Teachers’ Needs for Data in Classroom    
This National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) assessment identified gaps between teachers’ needs for ocean observing data in the classroom and recommended solutions to make the data more accessible and useful.
The URL is:

Catalog of Conservation Social Science Tools    
Check out this search tool from the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB), for conservation practitioners, students, and researchers.

Learn more about the Social Science Working Group - a global community of conservation scientists and practitioners within SCB:

The URL is:

One Year Later - Results from SC Middle Schools Using EIC For Learning      
South Carolina middle school students are engaged in real-world, community-based, and standards-aligned environmental investigative and service-learning projects that improve their behavior, attitudes and grades. Teachers of all disciplines, together with parents, local businesses, universities, and federal, state, county and non-profit environmental groups are helping students stay in class and improve their learning. First year quantitative and qualitative data collected from an outside evaluator from ten South Carolina pilot middle schools indicate adolescents are responding very favorably to these new instructional strategies.

Teacher confidence and classroom management skills improved as students responded. The Environment as an Integrating Context (EIC) model is based on national research conducted by the State Education and Environment Roundtable (SEER). Visit the SEER© website at for information.

View the complete report: "Education Using the Environment" by Edward H. Falco online.
The URL is:

EE Capacity Building Opportunities and Information        
"Environmental Education Capacity Building is about developing effective organizations and individual leaders in order to achieve comprehensive EE programs at the state and local level." Created by the National Environmental Education Advancement Project (NEEAP).
The URL is:

EE Promotional Handbook and National EE Capacity Building Strategies    
Summary report of thesis research conducted by Abigail Ruskey, National Environmental Education Advancement Project coordinator, that addresses the nationwide call for organizational support and resources for the development of comprehensive environmental education (EE) programs at the state and local levels.
The URL is:

Workshop on Education, Information, and Voluntary Measures in Environmental Protection Pap    
The papers include treatments of residential energy conservation, green labeling, recycling, analogies from health promotion and disaster

preparedness, and voluntary measures on the part of firms, local governments and other local organizations and well as classroom and adult education [PDF]. Sponsored by the U.S. National Research Council Committee on Human Dimensions of Global Change.
The URL is:

Association for Experiential Education        
The AEE web site provides teachers with information on accreditation, AEE's job bulletin, the Journal of Experiential Education, EE publications, and the AEE listserv.
The URL is:

A Plethora of Learning Resources for Environmental Education in the U.S. - Part II    
Information on resources that deal with current environmental issues and concerns. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Status of State Level Environmental Education    
This survey was originally conducted by the National Environmental Education Advancement Project (NEEAP)in 1995, and was updated in 1999.
The URL is:

Global Partnership for Sustainable Development    
Discusses integration of environment and development concerns on a global level. A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

EE-Link Capacity Building        
This section of EE-Link features examples of successful capacity building components from throughout North America. Organized by the components identified as important for developing strong EE programs: Structure, Programs, and Funding.
The URL is:

CIRES-Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences    
At the University of Colorado's campus in Boulder, a joint effort between NOAA and the university, for the study of the geosphere, biosphere and atmosphere. Site provides info on academic and governmental activities, meetings and seminars.
The URL is:

Arizona State University - EE Research Guides      
A research oriented site that provides many helpful tools included information on key academic programs, federal agencies, discussion groups, internet searching and the research literature.
The URL is:

A Plethora of Learning Resources for Environmental Education in the U.S. - Part III    
Information on resources that deal with current environmental issues and concerns. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Specific Techniques for EE in Schools    
Publication provides information on specific techniques used to increase EE in schools. A publication of the EETAP Resource Library [pdf].
The URL is:

Book Investigates Environmental Online Communication    
A new book on Environmental Online Communication investigates how the Internet helps manage the explosive growth and dwindling lifespan of environmental information. How can we leverage new technologies to advocate sustainability? To answer this question, 60 authors analyze communication from four perspectives: Raising Environmental Awareness, Environmental Science, Corporate Sustainability, Networks & Virtual Communities. Download the preface, sample chapter, abstracts, author biographies and the complete list of references with 1000+ entries from the website.
The URL is:

International Resources Available to Environmental Educators    
Identifies some of the journals and periodicals available on the database of ERIC and CSMEE, with focus, availability, and cost. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Human Issues in Horticulture    
Contains information on past and current research exploring people-plant interactions. Includes studies on effects of school gardening programs on students' science ahievement and on environmental attitudes. From Texas A & M University.
The URL is:

NSF "Complex Environmental Systems"    
Advisory Committee for Environmental Research and Education (AC-ERE), report with recommendations for NSF's next decade of environmental research & education programs.

The URL is:

Approaches to Environmental Education by Indigenous Cultures in North America      
"Since the long term goal of environmental education is to change behaviors so that waste of natural resources can be prevented, it is important to share and exchange information as well as learn from the teachings of these indigenous cultures, namely Native Americans." A publication from the EETAP Resource Library, in pdf format.
The URL is:

Educational Research Abstracts (online)    
"ERA is an all-inclusive research tool which lists abstracts from seven education abstracting journals scanning over 700 journals. ERA is primarily aimed at researchers, academics, and students studying all fields of education but is also valuable to practitioners in the discipline." Free 30 day trial. A service of Carfax Publishing.
The URL is:

Environmental Education for Empowerment    
Discusses "environmentalism" and it's significance to inner city communities threatened by environmental degradation. A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Assessing Nonformal EE: Unobtrusive Data Collection    
"The purpose of assessment of learning is to measure gains or losses in knowledge; the purpose of evaluation of a program or a project is to measure outcomes against state goals or claims." A publication from EETAP Resource Library, in pdf format.
The URL is:

Environmental Justice and Environmental Education    
Incorporating environmental justice issues with environmental education to effectively address all populations. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Availability of EE Resources via the Internet and CD-Rom    
Provides a case study, audience, and organizations providing these resources. A publication of the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Making the Experience of EE Experiential    
Describes experiential learning and provides list of resources. From the EETAP Resource Library in pdf format.
The URL is:

Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education    
"The journal covers all disciplines in the life sciences, natural resources, and agriculture. Educators in extension, universities, industry, administration, and grades K-16, share teaching techniques, concepts, and ideas." Full text of TOC and abstracts on site (subscription required to view full text of articles). Published annually.
The URL is:

National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education          
A multi-year program of NAAEE designed to identify and provide examples of high quality environmental education practice. Resources include Guidelines for Excellence for EE Materials, Guidelines for the Initial Preparation of Environmental Educators, and K-12 Guidelines for Learning.
The URL is:

Inclusive Environmental Education    
"How do K-12 educators in the classroom address the issue of making environmental education activities accessible to all students...." A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Publications - North American Association for Environmental Education        
Directories, research, curricula, and discussion of professional issues in publications from North America's primary EE professional organization. Selected resources have been reviewed by the National Project for Excellence in EE.
The URL is:

Environmental Decision Making: A Basis for Informed Choices    
Discussion of process for making choices on environmental issues that effect daily lives. A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Fostering Sustainable Behavior    
"An online guide which provides valuable information on designing and evaluating programs to foster sustainable behavior;" a searchable database of articles, case studies and graphics; and a discussion forum.

Developed by Doug McKenzie-Mohr, Ph.D.Environmental Psychologist.
The URL is:

Academic Planning In College and University Environmental Programs    
The historic 1998 Sanibel Symposium, the proceedings of which comprise this volume, was the first in a series of gatherings that focused on meeting the professional needs of those working in environmental programs in higher education. The proceedings were edited by Peter Blaze Corcoran, James L. Elder and Richard Tchen, with an Afterword by Anthony Cortese. [pdf]
The URL is:

Canadian Journal of EE - Call for Papers    
CJEE would like to compile a series of papers which will provide background, historical context and a foundation for discussion and debate about methodology and method in several emerging genres of inquiry in environmental education. Submissions accepted between 9/1 & 11/15. Send a one-paragraph outline by August 31st.
The URL is:

Environmental Education Agenda: Recommendations of NEETF/Roper Surveys    
"The following recommendations by NEETF are a compendium of 'lessons learned' from several years of National Report Card data and experience gained from other sources." A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

NWF Conservation Directory 2003    
Information on nearly 4,000 government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, colleges and universities, and more than 18,000 officials concerned with environmental conservation, education, and natural resource use and management.
The URL is:

Environmental Education and Learners with Disabilities    
"For learners with special needs, the creation of an experience outside the traditional learning sites can pose challenges for the teacher as well as learners themselves." Publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Environmental Score Cards - Legislator's Records    
How does your representative or senator vote on environmental issues? Find a quick summary for

each legislator, and details on environmental legislation. From the League of Conservation Voters.
The URL is:

Environmental Education and Nature Centers    
"...nature centers are useful in establishing a connection to the environment." A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

EPA: Environmental Education Resources    
EE research publications produced with funding from the EPA' Office of EE (selected materials are available in PDF format).
The URL is:

Curricular Resources for Environmental Education and Learners with Special Needs    
Resources providing access to activities with environmental focus. Publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Canadian Journal of Environmental Education    
Complete tables-of-contents, and many full text articles from past issues.
The URL is:

Environmental Education: A Tool for Making Education Reform Work    
Lists resources and methods to encourage collaboration among the education community. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library in pdf format.
The URL is:

SARA - Scholarly Articles Research Alerting    
"SARA - Scholarly Articles Research Alerting, is a special email service designed to deliver tables of contents, for any Taylor & Francis,

Carfax, Routledge, E&F N Spon, Martin Dunitz or Psychology Press journal, to anyone who has requested the information. This service is

completely free of charge."
The URL is:

Decision Making    
"An important process for environmental educators." A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

TIEE: Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology    
Ecological Society of America official publication of Vol. 1 of TIEE (Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology), an NSF-funded and ESA-supported CD and website.
The URL is:

Electronic Green Journal    
Full text "Peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, news, and information on current printed and electronic sources concerning international environmental topics."
The URL is:

Soil Ecology and Restoration Group (SERG)    
SERG is a research organization whose "primary focus is on soils and below ground processes in arid and semi-arid ecosystems with emphasis on microbial ecology and plant micro-organism relationships." Information on environmental restoration, focus on deserts and soil.
The URL is:

Physics Teacher    
An online web-searchable database of TPT titles, authors and abstracts, table of contents and subscription information.
The URL is:

Lessons Learned about Educator Training [PDF]    
"Lessons Learned about Educator Training - A Synthesis of Grants Provided by Project Learning Tree, Project WET, and Project WILD under the Environmental Education and Training Partnership, 1995-2000." This NAAEE publication is packed with insights stemming from a study that Joe Heimlich of Ohio State University conducted of EETAP pass-through grants to state WET, WILD, and PLT coordinators.
The URL is:

Environmental Education in a Standards-Based Curriculum    
Making the link between traditional disciplinary standards and environmental education. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Environmental Education Research    
Environmental Education Research is an international refereed journal which publishes papers and reports on all aspects of environmental education.
The URL is:

Environmental Education in New Zealand Schools Report    
Report on current practice in environmental education in New Zealand schools using a range of methods – a literature review of national and international practice, a national survey of schools, and eight case studies looking at schools/kura where environmental education is a strong focus, and key findings from each research component.
The URL is:

Environmental Studies in the K-12 Classroom: A Teacher's View      
Results of a nationwide survey of teachers to gather information on how education about the environment is conducted in the classroom. Sponsored by NAAEE, the Environmental Literacy Council and the National EE and Training Foundation. [PDF]
The URL is:

Alternatives Journal    
"Our aim is to promote understanding and dialogue among scholars, professionals, activists, students and other citizens concerned about environmental affairs, and in particular the social and political dimensions of the environmental crisis." Alternatives is the journal of the Environmental Studies Association of Canada. Selected articles can be read online.
The URL is:

Recent Graduate Works in EE and Environmental Communication    
Edited by Nick Smith-Sebasto. Includes abstracts of masters' theses and doctoral dissertations in environmental education and environmental communications from throughout North America. Sorted by subject, with an index for past volumes. Also lists some EE programs in the U.S. and Canada. Prepared biannually, now annually. New volumes will be published on-line only in PDF format.
The URL is:

Society of Environmental Journalists-Nepal (SEJ-Nepal)    
SEJ-Nepal is a non-governmental organization established in 1993 with the joint efforts of young and inspired journalists. The mission is to develop public awareness on environmental issues by improving analytical observation capacity of Journalists by organizing training programs, conferences, and seminars.
The URL is:

Q. Are you involved in a coastal management education program?

Q. Have you recently participated in a coastal management education workshop, course or meeting?

Q. Are you aware of a coastal management education initiative happening in your community?

The Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES) is seeking information on coastal management education actions that are happening across Australia and internationally for a new project which seeks to improve coastal management education and capacity building initiatives.

Please send relevant information to
The URL is:

How Environmental Education is used in Schools    
Publication provides information on how EE is being used in schools by looking at methods such as infusion and insertion, and by investigating more specific techniques. A publication of the EETAP Resource Library [pdf].
The URL is:

Adult EE: Where is it Hiding?    
Describes a variety of adult EE program options. A publication of the EETAP Resource Library [pdf].
The URL is:

The Commons    
A wide open, independent first-stop shop on the web for concerned citizens, researchers, students, policy makers, entrepreneurs, investors or social activists interested in quickly getting a feel for world sustainability issues, views and developments from an unbiased critical perspective. We invite diversity, complex thinking and initiative.
The URL is:

Educational Technology: Programmer learning for Environmental Education    
Adapting environmental education to technological change. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Pre-service Teacher Preparation in Environmental Education: A Current View    
Discusses the benefits, current problems, recommendations, and resources for Pre-service Teacher EE training. A publication of the EETAP Resource Library [pdf].
The URL is:

Outdoor Education Research & Evaluation Center    
Resources, tools & publications on experiential, outdoor & adventure education philosophy, theory, research & evaluation.
The URL is:

EE-Link: A Closer Look    
"..EE-Link is a comprehensive gateway for exploring environmental education on the Internet." A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Environmental Technology Lab    
Located in Boulder Colorado and supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the ETL conducts oceanic and atmospheric research, the interaction of radio, radar, light, and sound waves with the ocean and atmosphere, and study atmospheric and oceanic processes.
The URL is:

Study Bolsters Research that EE Helps Students with ADHD    
"A Potential Natural Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity

Disorder: Evidence from a National Study" by Frances Kuo, PhD, and Andrea Faber Taylor, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign shows that hands-on structured outdoor activities improve behavior and produces positive results for students with ADHD. The complete report is available in the American Journal of Public Health, September 2004, vol 94, No. 9. Other articles on study:

Nature Helps Fight ADHD

Great Outdoors May Ease ADHD Symptoms
The URL is:

Information Technology: a channel to integrate environmental awareness and education    
Explores educational technology. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

ASCD Environmental Education Topics    
ASCD Education Topics "are short multimedia lessons on topics that interest all levels of educators. Each lesson includes a definition, short articles on the topic, audio files of experts and practitioners, and a listing of resources that you can use to continue your professional development."
The URL is:

Survey of Environmental Education in the United States    
"In the fall of 1995, the National Environmental Education Advancement Project (NEEAP) surveyed 253 state environmental education (EE) leaders to determine the status of state level EE programs in each of the fifty states. Based on a model of a comprehensive state level EE program, each state was asked to report the status of EE in their state." Full text online.
The URL is:

Instructional Technology: Where Does Environmental Education Fit In?    
" introduction to the dialogue of instructional technology." A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Linking Environmental Education and English Language Development    
Infosheet on key factors that can unite curricular factors of EE and English Language Development (ELD). A publication from the EETAP Resource Library in [pdf] format.
The URL is:

EETAP Capacity Building Evaluation      
The EETAP study, that identifies 24 recommendations for improving efforts to strengthen state level capacity in EE. The recommendations are divided into four thematic areas including: Legitimization of environmental education, Leadership training & professional development, Planning and overall capacity building, and Research and evaluation. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Environmental Attitudes And Behaviors of American Youth    
1994 ROPER report on focus groups and polls conducted to "gain an understanding of environmental knowledge, behavior and attitudes among students in general across the nation but with an emphasis on students from disadvantaged neighborhoods." Sponsored by the National Environmental Education and Training Foundation (NEETF).
The URL is:

What Works: A Guide to Environmental Education and Communication Projects for Practitioner    
"This lively manual illustrates some of the most successful environmental education and communication projects from around the world and provides program ideas for professionals as well as those involved part-time in environmental education." Edited by Martha C. Monroe. Can be ordered online.

The URL is:

National Report Card on Environmental Attitudes, Knowledge and Behaviors    
"The National Report Card was launched in 1992 by Times Mirror Magazines in collaboration with Roper Starch. Times Mirror commissioned each of the first four years of the survey, and NEETF took over the project in 1995. This survey is the only longitudinal data available on what American’s know and think about important environmental issues." Summaries of the 1997-9 reports are available on-line
The URL is:

Decision Making: a hierarchy of behaviors for change    
Infosheet on understanding how behaviors are influenced. A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

America's Low Energy IQ: A Risk to our Energy Future    
The tenth NEETF/Roper Report Card on Americans basic energy knowledge. The report recommends a significant national education effort --

a major refresher course on energy basics -- as a way to help address significant energy needs in the next three to five years. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Education About and For Sustainability    
To address the role of Business Schools in progressing the sustainability agenda, a study was commissioned by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage. Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES) conducted this study into the mainstreaming of sustainability education.

Electronic copies can be downloaded from the ARIES website.
The URL is:

Learning In Deed    
An initiative which aims to make service learning -a teaching strategy that integrates service to others with classroom

instruction - part of every K-12 student's experience. Resources include a recent Roper Search Worldwide survey that demonstrates strong public support for Service Learning, along with resources for teachers, students, researchers and policy makers.
The URL is:, a website gateway to science and technology information, is a collaboration of ten federal science agencies. Site provides government-funded research and science resources such as environment & environmental quality.
The URL is:

Environmental Justice in a Changing World: A Historical Perspective    
"The call for environmental justice first arose during the 1970s with the work of grassroots organizations ..." A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Environmental Education: A Resource Handbook    
Covers a broad range of topics based on the popular EE InfoSheets, developed by Dr. Joe Heimlich at Ohio State University, for the EETAP Resource Library. Intended as a ready reference for educators for understanding & incorporating EE into classrooms, curricula, & programs & as a handbook for finding valuable resources for EE across the curriculum.
The URL is:,1240,028187...

Fields of Wilderness Experience Model    
3D model of Fields of Wilderness Experience Model. A publication of EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Search ERIC/AE Draft Abstracts    
"Updated once a week, the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation (ERIC/AE) database contains very current abstracts of papers on 'assessment, evaluation, research methods and learning theory and the educationally relevant articles appearing in over thirty professional journals.' Users may search the database by keyword."
The URL is:

The Science Teacher    
A monthly journal (Sept-May)published by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), The Science Teacher brings you peer-reviewed articles detailing the latest trends in teaching strategies, technology, and research. Author and article index and subscription information.
The URL is:

Teacher Perspectives on Environmental Education and School Improvement-Final Report    
This site allows access to the final report of "Teacher Perspectives on Environmental Education and School Improvement" a study conducted in Washington state in the spring of 1999 (available in multiple formats) The study was funded by the Evergreen Center for Educational Improvement and a Goals 2000 regional network grant.
The URL is:

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE)    
"A fully-refereed academic journal. The journal aims at addressing environmental management systems (EMS), sustainable development and Agenda 21 issues at higher education institutions, worldwide. It intends to act as an outlet for papers dealing with curriculum greening and methodological approaches to sustainability." Subscription and contribution info online.
The URL is:

Global Cooperation: need for partnerships in environmental education    
Resources on historical background and current information on international treatise available to educators. A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Journal of Environmental Education    
"The Journal of Environmental Education is an excellent resource for environmental education practitioners, researchers, and program

administrators." Description and subscription information.
The URL is:

Developing Long Term Partnerships with Natural Resource Professionals    
Discusses benefits, methods, and provides resources for building partnerships between environmental educators and natural resource professionals. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Earth Systems Education: Learning About Earth as a System    
Defines Earth Systems Education, goals and standards, and provides resources to help formal and nonformal educators incorporate the goals of Earth Systems Education in their curricula. A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Earth Systems Educations: Underlying Understandings    
Framework for Earth Systems Education "Understandings" developed by Earth science educators that every graduating high school senior should know about Earth. A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Global Environmental Change: A Case for Environmental and Science Education    
"Basic to the Earth Systems Education approach is to give a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of science and its intellectual processes including the historical descriptive approaches commonly used by the earth and biological sciences." A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Journal of Interpretive Research    
"Includes lengthy research articles as well as research briefs, book reviews, and other short articles. The Journal takes a broad view of the field of interpretation and publishes manuscripts from a wide range of academic disciplines." Subscription required
The URL is:

Responsive Mgmt Surveys Public Attitudes on Natural Resources    
Responsive Management specializes in opinion and attitude research on natural resource and outdoor

recreation issues. The 2004 e-reports are on how the public values natural resources; what the participation and attitudes are toward specific issues such as the management of wildlife, endangered species issues; and many more. To view reports visit the website and click on Natural Resources & Outdoor Recreation Research link.
The URL is:

Teaching Environmental Literature - Call for Papers    
Call for manuscripts for special issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly (AEQ) on "Environmental Approaches in the Classroom" for Spring, 2006 + ongoing solicitation for AEQ for papers in this area.

See website for procedure, requirements, deadlines, and editorial policy.
The URL is:

Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists: Chrono-Biographical Sketches    
Site provides about 250 profiles of leading naturalists of the past. Linked to entries at "Early Classics in Biogeography, Distribution, and Diversity Studies" sites, at:
The URL is:

Environmental Education Resources available for teaching various disciplines      
Information on resources that deal with current environmental issues and concerns. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Environmental Education Resources available for teaching various disciplines: Part I I    
Information on resources that deal with current environmental issues and concerns. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Environmental Education Resources for Multi-disciplinary Learning Through Non Formal Educa    
Information on resources that deal with current environmental issues and concerns. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

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