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Polar bear on melting ice
Case Focus: Alarming Acceleration of Arctic Warming
"NASA's top climate scientist, James Hansen, says that the release of methane clathrates from permafrost regions and beneath the seabed will unleash powerful feedback forces that could produce runaway climate change that cannot be controlled - the so-called methane time bomb - a prediction of radical environmental transformation far worse than the worst-case scenarios theorised by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change..."
Case Focus: Arctic Melt

Pogue interviews E.O.Wilson
E.O.Wilson: "The world is full of amateurs: gifted amateurs, devoted amateurs. You can pick almost any group that has any kind of intrinsic interest in it, from dragonflies to pill bugs to orb-weaving spiders. Anybody can pick up information in interesting places, find new species or rediscover what was thought to be a vanished species, or some new biological fact about a species already known, and can provide that right into The Encyclopedia of Life."
NYTimes' David Pogue interview with E.O.Wilson:: transcript
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Ecoversity is a non-profit educational center, which explores and demonstrates concepts of sustainable living, ecological design, and responsibility for the wise stewardship of the Earth.
Established in 1999 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Ecoversity offers a unique curriculum designed to regenerate the Earth and revitalize the human spirit.

Steven Chu to DOE President-Elect Obama has nominated Nobel Laureate Dr. Steven Chu, head of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, to be Secretary of Energy. In addition to being an esteemed physicist and molecular biologist, Dr. Chu is a strong proponent of greatly increased scientific education, and the development of alternative energy technologies to urgently combat anthropogenic climate change. At the announcement ceremony, he said, "What the world does in the coming decade will have enormous consequences that will last for centuries. It's imperative that we begin without further delay." (ref)
EcoversityTV : videos of Dr. Chu's recent public talks
Vortex: There is a lot to do for Dr. Chu
Dot Earth: Energy Choice Nobelist With Climate Passion
NYTimes profile of Steven Chu with refs and links

Ecoversity Alternative Energy Park
Ecoversity Alternative Energy Park
Demonstration site now in development

Ecoversity is developing an alternative energy park which includes solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind turbines, and 'living green algae machines' for processing algae into oil (biofuel) and food (a blue green algae spirulina for both animal and human consumption). The energy park is being established with the participation of students under the guidance of Alfonz Viszolay, a Hungarian inventor and engineer, and authority on algae-culture and environmental re-mediation. Alfonz and his students have been working together- hands on- on the development and building of these installations.

The principles and research behind the algae technology mimic design by nature itself, in economy, and in function. Ecoversity's emphasis will be on the educational aspects of these models: Carbon sequestration, maintaining healthy algae cultures, oil extraction, monitoring systems, etc.

Ecoversity's models are designed in a modular fashion so that they are appropriate for small scale decentralized production as well as much larger centralized plants. Ecoversity will demonstrate 'proof of concept' and promote these alternative technologies on the web. Ecoversity also collaborates and consults on practical application of these technologies.

It is envisioned that the Energy park will be open to the public in the spring of 2009, in particular to schools and educational facilities for field trips, after school programs, instruction, and hands-on experience.

Bee Meditation
from "Bee Meditation" A new film from Kanseki, of the bees at Ecoversity.

Beekeeping 2009
New course schedule: You may find a schedule of 2009 Beekeeping courses here, including a description of each course. See more new bee films at Beekeeping TV

Talon Van Howten describes the basics of beekeeping in this short film.
Talon will be leading the 2009 beekeeping courses. More info here

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Ecoversity blogs:
Biomagic   Vortex
Heraclitus Report

Michael Pollan at Web 2.0 Web 2.0- Michael Pollan, Al Gore and Larry Brilliant

Brilliant, Gore, Pollan at Web 2.0 Conference
Food supply expert Michael Pollan,'s Larry Brilliant, and Al Gore spoke at Web 2.0 in November.
(watch conference videos here)

Ecoversity Recent Films

Jungle Reforestation
Jungle Reforestation The latest film from the "Report From the Forest" series, on the jungle reforestation work of Julio Arce, Professor Ethnobotany, University of Iquitos, Peru; with a focus on medicinals and other human-ally species. Watch the video here.
Case Focus: The Shipibo People

Algae machine demonstration video
Watch movies and slide shows of the Algae Machine with the kids of LGI.

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