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The Robert F. Nicodemus Memorial Wilderness Project    
The Robert F. Nicodemus Memorial Wilderness Project was founded because of the need for environmental restoration, stewardship, and protection of neglected public lands in the American Southwest. The organization coordinates large-scale events that utilize the resources of the local community to provide long-term environmental benefits for open space and wilderness areas. The mission is to educate humanity - especially our youth - about the importance of protecting the wild lands and waters that sustain Earth's biodiversity and ecosystems by working together on wilderness stewardship and conservation efforts. Apprentice Ecologist program for youth to get involved in environmental awareness. Participants receive a signed official certificate and their story is published on the website.
The URL is:

The Geo-Literacy Project    
"... an interactive website developed by students, teachers, and the community using immersive technology. It is designed to help students become literate in geography, geology and ecology."
The URL is:

Blackacre State Nature Preserve    
A high school student developed this web page that describes Blackacre State Nature Preserve, an environmental education center for the Jefferson County Public Schools (Kentucky). Activities related to the Preserve can be viewed online.
The URL is:

Pollution: A Global Threat to the Environment    
This site is a part of the international educational program ThinkQuest Internet Challenge, a program that encourages students with innovative skills to create a high-quality web presence educating internet users about the topic they choose. Provides discussion and resources on the worldwide issues of environmental pollution, causes and types accompanied by photographs and interactivities. The ai
The URL is:

Wetlands and Riparian Zones    
This site has tons of information with corresponding pictures about wetlands. This site was created by Utah State University with middle school students.
The URL is:

Poisonous Plants and Animals: Danger and Use, Beauty and Fun    
A ThinkQuest 2000 winner. This web site contains information on poisonous plants and animals and the use of some plant and animal poisons in medicine.
The URL is:

Animals Of The Rainforest      
A kids educational site featuring rainforest animals' images and facts. Created by sixth graders at Midlakes Middle School, Clifton Springs, New York.
The URL is:

Floyds Fork Web Page    
Resources put together by high school students in the Jefferson County (Kentucky) Public School System about their local watershed. Topics include: transportation, flora and fauna, history of the area, and an analysis of the land, as well as environmental resources and resources for teachers.
The URL is:

Ecological Footprints    
Four high school students spent four days studying ecological footprints. They invite you to share their discoveries.

The URL is:

Geo-Literacy - Forging New Ground    
In exploring a local historic ranch,

Eva La Mar's third-grade class learned about ecology, geography, & social history. They documented their work through video & digital photography, & created a multimedia Web product w/the help of high school mentors. Includes sample lesson plans, printable PDFs of documents, & rubrics for use in other projects.
The URL is:

Center Hill 6th Graders Build a Wetland    
Describes the process that students went through to build a wetland on their school grounds and information on how to get in touch with them.

The URL is:

SchoolWorld Internet Education - Endangered Species    
Reports from students around the world on various endangered species. The SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project is designed so that member

schools are able to display the reports of students participating in the project.
The URL is:

The Energy Planet    
One of the ThinkQuest 2000 winners. "The target of the site is to make an educational and informative site, and to tell people that some kinds of energy sources are running out now. In the future, many things will be different; humans must search for alternatives."
The URL is:

Green Schools Manual    
Sponsored by YES! (Youth for Environmental Sanity), "'The Green Schools Manual' contains inspiring information about how to make your school's campus environmentally friendly" (available in PDF format). The site also has information on topics ranging from consumption to overpopulation.
The URL is:

Butterflies 2000: on the wings of freedom    
One of the Think Quest winners. Features a kids page: Butterflies for Kids, Discover New Worlds, Butterflies at School, general information, and more.
The URL is:

Environment: A Global Challenge    
This site offers information on a variety of environmental issues, laws, and philosophies, downloadable lesson plans (K-12 and higher ed), as well as interactive games, discussion groups and online tests for registered school groups.
The URL is:

JustinVision - Environmental Education for Kids, by Kids    
For kids to get involved in helping the environment. Features info on the International Children's Conference on the Environment, "The Eco-Kid Recycles" video, involved schools and projects, and EEK! of the Week! featuring "cool facts about weird, strange and endangered animals and plants".
The URL is:

Grounds for Learning    
This web site was developed with students from Mid Valley Elementary Center in Throop, PA to describe the process of using school grounds in the learning process. The site links to related grants, projects completed by the students, supplementary EE curricular materials, and informational sites related to the projects.
The URL is:

Hawaii's Endangered Species    
"Dedicated to educators and students who are interested in protecting and studying about endangered species in our world." Researched by Enchanted Lakes Elementary School students, Kailua, Oahu, Hawai'i.
The URL is:

Extinction of Biodiversity    
Site discusses the causes of extinction and loss of biodiversity in the area. Provides list of extinct species and last date sited and endangered species with description, habitat, etc. Also latest news articles and various related resources.
The URL is:

Norcal Environmental Student Network    
The NESN was established to serve as a communication and coordinating entitity for high school level environmental and outdoor clubs. Site features calendar of events, photo gallery, on-line membership application.
The URL is:

Kid Info - School Subjects    
A student-created site, arranged by subject area and linked to many of the best educational sites online.
The URL is:

Simple Things You Can Do to Save Energy (video)      
The video "follows the wacky adventures of 12-year old Sarah, as she takes viewers on a tour through an unusual home which teaches lessons about energy use and conservation." Created by the Kids at NoodleHead videos. Grade Level: 3-6 NPEEE Review
The URL is:

Glenrath Schools Home Page    
A primary school web site that has information on flora, fauna ,trees and history of the Rathdrum/Glendalough,Co. Wicklow Ireland. Organised on a seasonal thematic basis and updated bi-monthly .Designed by the teachers and pupils of St. Saviours N. S. and St. Kevin's N.S.
The URL is:

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