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Links to information about solid waste production and disposal, recycling and pollution prevention.

BYOB (Bring Your Own Bags)    
The Dangers of Plastic Bags report reinforces the need to change how we take home our groceries. BYOB!
The URL is: http://lee.ifas.ufl.edu/FYN/FYNPubs/TheDangersofPl...

Cathys Crawly Composters    
Vermiculture - inspirational demonstrations. Our goal is to raise awareness about the environment and encourage sustainable practices. Organic matter is recycled via indoor composting with red wigglers worms. We conduct waste audits to assist organizations to reduce the garbage being sent to landfill. Discover what you produce to learn how to reduce. Ask about Worms Without Borders.
The URL is: http://www.cathyscomposters.com

AdoptALibrary.org keeps books and magazines out of landfills and promotes world literacy and donations to libraries and schools, Native American reservations and prisons around the world.
The URL is: http://www.adoptalibrary.org

Fly Ash Information Center    
The center's objective is to inform about the use of Flyash aka Pulverised fuel Ash (PFA) as partial cement replacement and the benefits of this to the construction and power industry as well as to the environment. Especially of interest to students is the section on the history of fly ash.
The URL is: www.fly-ash-information-center.org.in

Popsi, The Daughter of Mother Nature    
A recently published 32 pg fully illustrated book on the benfits of recycling titled "Popsi, The Daughter of Mother Nature". Also a information page of how the world first recycled doll Popsi is made from 100% recycled plastic bottles.
The URL is: http://www.GoPopsi.com

Zero Waste America      
Comprehensive links for consumers, activists, and researchers interested in waste issues. "Zero Waste America Promotes the Elimination of Waste, Toxics, & Pollution."
The URL is: http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/

Getting an 'A' at Lunch    
This report by David Saphire (1998)"describes simple steps to prevent the millions of pounds of food and food-related waste generated each day at colleges and universities. Provides case studies of campuses around the country." Available in PDF format. Published by INFORM, Inc.
The URL is: http://www.informinc.org/getatlunch.php

Cornell Waste Management Institute    
The site is divided into four areas of interest: sewage sludge, composting, reduction/recycling and youth resources. Each of these sections offers news, reports and research results. There are links to educational resources, waste management publications as well as the institute's guestbook.
The URL is: http://cwmi.css.cornell.edu/

Waste Management    
The purpose of this unit is to make

students aware of the amount of trash they generate, the problems that result, and possible solutions. This is an activity created by the 1991 Woodrow Wilson Biology Institute.
The URL is: http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEPC/WWC/1991/w...

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)      
Information on MSW, including: source reduction, recycling, composting, MSW disposal, and MSW programs and management. From the Environmental Protection Agency.
The URL is: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/muncpl/index.ht...

Worms Eat My Garbage      
Information about vermicomposting and how it can be done in the classroom, educational books and videos, and more. Developed by Mary Appelhof, Worm Woman.
The URL is: http://www.wormwoman.com/acatalog/index.html

Chlorine-Free Paper Primer    
Brief, readable and well referenced article on reducing the environmental impact of using paper. From the Association of Vermont Recyclers.
The URL is: http://www.sover.net/~recycle/free.html

Recycle City!(EPA)    
Exploring Recycle City is an easy way to learn about the three R's -- reduce, reuse and recycle. Designed primarily for middle-school students, it's a lively point-and-click journey for all ages that demonstrates how individuals, businesses, and communities can work together to cut waste.
The URL is: http://www.epa.gov/recyclecity/

TechKnow 3.0    
"TechKnow is an interactive database that is available over the Internet. The database is a springboard for people interested in Environmentally Sustainable technologies."
The URL is: http://www.techknow.org/

EPA Office of Solid Waste Student and Teachers Page      
Information and activities on solid waste education (some in PDF format), service learning projects, and environmental careers. Selected resources are also available in Spanish.
The URL is: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/osw/students.htm

The Imagination Factory    
This award winning, innovative site promotes recycling through art. Visit this site and meet Trashasaurus Rex!
The URL is: http://www.kid-at-art.com/

Frequently asked questions, guidelines for getting started with composting, and troubleshooting ideas if you're having problems composting. From the Composting Council of Canada.
The URL is: http://www.compost.org/qna.html

Rotten Truth About Garbage    
This on-line exhibition takes an in-depth look at the complex issues surrounding municipal solid waste. It is organized into four major sections: What Is Garbage?, There's No "Away", Nature Recycles, and Making Choices. Includes activities for at home or school, a guest expert to answer garbage-related questions, and an extensive resource list to find out more.
The URL is: http://www.astc.org/exhibitions/rotten/rtintro.htm

Cygnus Group    
"Designed to provide individuals and organizations with information regarding the most efficient and effective ways to reduce waste and conserve resources. Thus, the focus is on source reduction and reuse, rather than just recycling." Resources include The ULS Report and "An Ounce of Prevention,"[.PDF format], a middle school curriculum developed with NSTA.
The URL is: http://cygnus-group.com/

Grassroots Recycling Network (GRRN)    
GRRN provides links to books & videos on recycling, recycling organizations, a resource library, and links to student and teacher recycling project web sites.
The URL is: http://www.grrn.org/

EPA's Municipal Solid Waste Factbook    
An electronic reference containing abundant information about household waste management practices. This site includes profiles of individual state programs, as well as information on the federal MSW program.
The URL is: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/osw/index.htm

Waste Reduction, Recycling and Scrap-Based Manufacturing    
The Institute for Local Self-Reliance's (ILSR) page of success stories and information on recycling and material reuse.
The URL is: http://www.ilsr.org/recycling/

Educational Resources for Solid Waste Management    
Videos and publications produced by the Cornell Waste Management Institute with brief descriptions and information on how to order them. Topics include: youth and school, waste prevention, and composting resources.
The URL is: http://environment.cornell.edu/

WEEE Recycling Center UK    
UK Environment Agency registered computer recycler. WEEE recycling, data and hard drive destruction, disposal of surplus computer equipment. Free collections available.
The URL is: http://www.recycleit4u.com

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