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Links to information about energy conservation, and the environmental impacts of energy use and transportation.

ClimateArk - Climate Change Portal    
Dedicated to promoting public policy that addresses global climate change through reductions in carbon dioxide and other emissions, renewable energy, energy conservation and ending deforestation.
The URL is: http://www.climateark.org/

Our energy    
Compact description of renewable and non-renewable energy resources. Energy and its influence on environment.
The URL is: http://www.our-energy.com/en.html

Energy Planet - Renewable Energy Directory    
Energy Planet is a Web directory of renewable energy resources.
The URL is: http://www.energyplanet.info/

House Energy Savings    
How to make energy savings in our homes and stop global warming: insulation, energy efficient buildings, solar energy...
The URL is: http://www.house-energy.com/

Environment Articles    
This useful resource contains a growing database of environment articles relating to renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, and geothermal energy.
The URL is: http://www.clean-energy-ideas.com/articles

Alternative Energy News    
Alternative Energy News is a source for alternative energy issues in 2007 and beyond. Find energy news, articles, ebooks, and related resources.
The URL is: http://energy.ourstemcells.com

Alternative Energy    
Provides articles, discussions, news and videos about renewable energy technologies.
The URL is: http://www.alternative-energy-news.info

Earthrace is a bid to break the world record for circumnavigating the globe in a powerboat using only renewable fuels, to raise awareness of sustainable use of resources.
The URL is: http://www.earthrace.net/

Hydroxpert is an independent service of expertise with a mission to assist in solving specific hydraulic and environmental problems through development of innovative methods and solutions to meet specific needs, modeling and simulation using world class software, preparation and delivery of training courses with up-to-date information.
The URL is: http://www.hydroxpert.com

Clean Power    
Provides information and up-to-date news on renewable, clean energy, such as solar, wind, biomass fuels, geothermal steam, hydroelectric, and how to choose an alternative energy source.
The URL is: http://www.cleanpower.org/

Renewable energy calculators, directory, news, events, and games.
The URL is: http://www.odysen.com

Boreal Geothermal - Geothermal heat pumps manufacturer    
Manufacturer of geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) and pool air conditioners. Products range from liquid-to-air to liquid-to-water ground source heat pumps in output capacities from 12,000 to 800,000 Btu’s. This page has technical and sales info.
The URL is: http://www.boreal-geothermal.com

This site sponsored by the U.S. DOE and the EPA provides estimates of fuel economy and greenhouse gases for 1985-2000 model year light duty vehicles. Included is information on climate change, air pollution, conservation of resources and reducing oil dependence. The Advanced Technology section describes how new technologies may lead to more environmentally friendly cars in the future.
The URL is: http://www.fueleconomy.gov/

Importance of Energy Education in Environmental Education    
Infosheet discusses energy education and making the connection between energy issues and environmental education. A publication from EETAP Resource Library in [pdf] format.
The URL is: http://eelink.net/eetap/info33.pdf

American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)    
AWEA is a national trade association. Site provides info on global wind energy projects, companies providing wind energy technology, and policies related to wind energy and renewable energy.
The URL is: http://www.awea.org/

Energy server is a service and information platform providing news on the topics of renewable energy as well as energy-efficient building and reconstruction. Columns such as job market, news and links give a review of the latest developments and players in the branch.
The URL is: http://www.energy-server.com/

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Network (EREN)    
U.S. Department of Energy conprehensive resource for energy efficiency and renewable energy information.
The URL is: http://www.eere.energy.gov/

Citizens for Responsible Lighting (CRL)    
The CRL is a nonprofit member based educational organization striving to reform obtrusive lighting that shines glare and wastes energy. Learn how to light right for sight and preserve the quality of the night.
The URL is: http://www.crlaction.org

"Created to produce an interesting, fun-to-visit and useful source of information about energy, energy conservation and efficiency." Lists resources for installing energy-efficient, renewable and/or sustainable technologies. Interactive activities for younger children to learn about energy.
The URL is: http://www.energymatch.com

Energy Federation Incorporated    
Energy Federation Incorporated (EFI) is a nonprofit working to stimulate increased access to, and use of, effective resource conservation products.
The URL is: http://www.efi.org/

U.S. EPA Green Vehicle Guide    
The "Green Vehicle Guide" rates new vehicles according to their emission and fuel economy performance and has recently been upgraded to include the 2002 models. This guide will help you choose the cleanest and most fuel efficient vehicle that meets your needs.
The URL is: http://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/

Promise of the Sun    
University of New Hampshire's solar project website. A project of the Office of Sustainability Programs. Information on courses, current projects, alternatives, and programs promoting the use of solar energy.
The URL is: http://www.sustainableunh.unh.edu/promise/

Global Energy Marketplace    
An "on-line, searchable database of more than 2500 energy efficiency and renewable energy annotated Web links. You will find highly useful case studies, reports, publications, economic analyses, product directories, discussion groups, country profiles, mitigation assessments, and other beneficial resources." Sponsored by the US Environmental Protection Agency and created by CREST.
The URL is: http://www.crest.org/gem.html

Energy Directory    
From the California Energy Commission fact sheets, reports, and programs on energy consumption, production, and conservation in California.
The URL is: http://www.energy.ca.gov/html/directory.html

Geothermal Energy    
Geothermal Education Office site with education and classroom resources, information on what geothermal energy is, how and where it's being used world wide, activities and experiments.
The URL is: http://geothermal.marin.org/

TechKnow 3.0    
"TechKnow is an interactive database that is available over the Internet. The database is a springboard for people interested in Environmentally Sustainable technologies."
The URL is: http://www.techknow.org/

EREN: Get Energy Smart      
K-12 worksheets and resources about solar and other renewable energy, as well as teachers' guides and resources from and information about Energy Smart Schools and the EnergySmart Kids Contest for 4-6th graders. From the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network, US Dept of Energy.(Materials available in PDF Format)
The URL is: http://www.eren.doe.gov/education/

Arizona Solar Center    
A site dedicated "to enhancing the utilization of renewable energy, educating Arizona's residents on solar technology developments, supporting commerce and industry in the development of solar and other sustainable technologies and coordinating these efforts throughout the state." Information about contests for students, elementary school lesson plans and renewable energy courses.
The URL is: http://www.azsolarcenter.com/education.html

Sahara Wind    
The Saharan Coast from Morocco through Mauritania represents one of the windiest areas in the world. Its relative proximity with Europe could enable a large scale production of wind power produced at low costs aimed at supplying Europe via a High Voltage Direct Current line.

This project would enable a sustainable win-win energy future for all parties involved.
The URL is: http://www.saharawind.com/

Carfree Cities    
This site takes a comprehensive look at the

problems the automobile presents in urban environments and proposes innovative solutions.
The URL is: http://www.carfree.com/

U.S. Department of Energy's Photovoltaics Program    
This site contains an extensive collection of information on photovoltaics (solar electricity), including a comprehensive tutorial on the science, fact sheets (PDF format) and an online quiz.
The URL is: http://www.eere.energy.gov/solar/

Light Pollution Awareness Website    
The LiPAW is a springboard to the LiteLynx research page that offers over 250 Internet links to issues concerning Light Pollution. Learn what it is and how to prevent it and save money for you and your community at the same time.
The URL is: http://members.aol.com/ctstarwchr/index.htm

LiteLynx Light Pollution Resource Links    
The LiteLynx research page that offers over 250 Internet links to issues concerning Light Pollution. Learn what it is and how to prevent it and save money for you and your community at the same time.
The URL is: http://members.aol.com/ctstarwchr/LiteLynx.htm

Stockholm Environment Institute    
Covering five program areas--atmospheric environment, climate and energy resources, sustainable development studies, water resources, and risk and vulnerablity. Factsheets downloadable in pdf format as well as project overviews and links to related topic areas.
The URL is: http://www.sei.se/

The Energy Planet    
One of the ThinkQuest 2000 winners. "The target of the site is to make an educational and informative site, and to tell people that some kinds of energy sources are running out now. In the future, many things will be different; humans must search for alternatives."
The URL is: http://library.thinkquest.org/C004471/tep/en/index...

veggiepower - the home of uk biodiesel    
How to make biodiesel, a "green" fuel you can make at home. UK site including recipes, processes, etc.
The URL is: http://www.veggiepower.org.uk/

Energy Smart Schools    
Updates about what schools are doing to save energy, case studies/success stories, resources for becoming an "Energy Smart" school and online K-12 activities and related background information. A project of Rebuild America, US Department of Energy.
The URL is: http://www.rebuild.org/aboutus/aboutus.asp

World Carshare Consortium    
Why are we supporting a concept that may to some appear to be so off-beat and marginal as carsharing? Simple! We think it's a great, sustainable, practical mobility concept whose time has come. Carsharing: the missing link in the world's new sustainable transport system. Consider it for your city! Start here. Start today!
The URL is: http://www.worldcarshare.com

Wind Energy - Sustainable Future    
Wind Energy, Green Tag, Sustainable Future website features articles and news on Wind Energy, as well as other issues impacting the environment and energy.
The URL is: http://www.usegreenpower.com/sustain/index.php

Earth, marine, and environmental science resources for everyone who wants to learn about their world. From Earthguide at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UCSD.

The URL is: http://earthguide.ucsd.edu

EARTHSENSE renewable energy education products and services offers interactive educational products and custom design, building and

implementation of educational and marketing demonstrations. Earthsense also provides turn-key project planning such as workshop, training, and curriculum development.
The URL is: http://www.earthsense.com

U.S. Department of Energy: energy.gov    
Information that relates to health, home, transportation, school, business, and community. "Kidz Zone" for children with activities, games, contests.

The URL is: http://www.energy.gov/engine/content.do

Greener Cars    
From American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) this site provides an online environmental guide to buying cars and trucks. Previews top-rated vehicles and overall best (and worst) vehicles for the environment.
The URL is: http://www.greenercars.com/indexplus.html

Guided Tour on Wind Energy    
This site caters to both the expert and the novice of wind energy. Each section offers detailed information as well as images and diagrams. Available in Dutch and German. Sponsored by The Danish Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association.
The URL is: http://www.windpower.dk/composite-52.htm

Electric Power Production From Magnetic Tapes    
Detailed Information and Business Plan for the mentioned environmental energy source of very low cost. Portable and mobile power supplies for Home Appliances and Electric Vehicles.
The URL is: http://www.energynews.gr

Ascension Technologies - Real Time Internet Displays    
Real time internet displays of solar energy usage indexes from Applied Power Corporation.
The URL is: http://www.ascensiontech.com/rtdinfo/rtdpage.html

Financial and environmental aid for scholarly auto consumption for teachers, students and other humanimals. Starts with Auto Alternatives, and conscious consumption tips for those who need a car. Buy green or smaller, and rent us as needed is a pretty good way to go for most of us. Support legislation for higher fuel efficiencies in automobiles. Practice random acts of carlessnesshood.
The URL is: http://www.autobuyology.org/

Cleaner and Greener(sm) Program    
Energy saving and emission reduction activities for students, their families, and schools. Online emissions calculator to see how our energy use causes environmetal emissions.
The URL is: http://www.cleanerandgreener.org/

Million Solar Roofs Initiative    
A project of the U.S. Department of Energy, whose goal is to enable businesses and communities to install solar systems on one million rooftops across the United States by 2010. Grant and informational resources are available.
The URL is: http://www.millionsolarroofs.com/

Energy Education Resources: K-12th Grade    
Published by the National Energy Information Center (NEIC), provides students, educators, and others a list of generally available free

or low-cost energy-related educational materials.
The URL is: http://www.eia.doe.gov/

DOE Guidelines for Energy Efficient Schools    
DOE design guidelines for energy-efficient schools. Provides information needed for K-12 schools to save millions of dollars in energy costs.
The URL is: http://www.rebuild.org/sectors/ess/index.asp

Solar Powered Toys, Radios and Torches    
The New Zealand Nature Co. offers a range of fascinating, low cost solar resources and educational toys. Available online or by mail order.
The URL is: http://www.nznature.co.nz/solar.htm

The Goals of solcomhouse are to provide the people of the world housing that is in sync and in harmony with the environment. Site provides information on numerous environmental issues, such as solar energy, rainforests, coral reefs, ozone, global warming, endangered species, recycling, and things you can do to save the environment.
The URL is: http://www.solcomhouse.com

Sun Wind - Solar Energy Education and Hands-on Technology    
Information on solar energy, heat and technology, classroom activities for using solar energy (solar car kits available for ordering), and links to other informational sites.
The URL is: http://www.sunwind.ca/

Light Pollution in Italy    
The site collects information, data, maps of artificial sky brightness from satellites, preprints, a large reference list, links to the other italian sites and much more on the problem of light pollution.
The URL is: http://debora.pd.astro.it/cinzano/en/index.html

National Energy Foundation    
The National Energy Foundation website offers materials and information for educators, and students grades K-12, concerning energy awareness. The NEF Academy offers several professional development university graduate credit, independent study courses developed for K-12 school teachers.
The URL is: http://www.nef1.org

Fuel additive helps lower gasoline consumption and smog-forming pollutants.
The URL is: http://www.combusto.net/how_does_it_work.php

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