EE Organizations and Projects - Population

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Links on this page include organizations and projects primarily concerned with education on population growth and its influence on the global environment.

Population and Environment Linkages Services    
Information on the relationship between human population and the environment. "Books, reports, articles, news analysis, maps, organizations, regional overviews, laws, bills, and court decisions, and much more from around the world...from the simple to the technical..."
The URL is:

World Population Film/Video Festival    
"International competition for college and secondary students to encourage critical thought

and self-expression regarding population growth, resource consumption, the environment." Best-of-Festival videos from previous competitions are available.
The URL is:

Population-Environment Balance    
"Population-Environment Balance is a national, non-profit membership organization dedicated to maintaining the quality of life in the United States through population stabilization." Includes information on U.S. immigration and population growth, datasheets, and other publications.
The URL is:

Negative Population Growth (NPG)    
"A national membership organization founded in 1972 to educate the American public and political leaders about the detrimental effects of over population on our environment and quality of life." Publications, educational materials and data are available online.
The URL is:

"Information on population topics such as Demographic Statistics, Economics, Education, Environment, Gender, Policy and Reproductive Health." Search by topic or keyword, organization, or through PopNet's clickable world map. Produced and maintained by the Population Reference Bureau with funding assistance from the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
The URL is:

PopNet Forum    
EDC's PopNet site includes guidelines for e-mail based student forums (high school) and a lengthy list of resources that support student

research in the area of population growth and resource consumption; e.g., current population data, improving the lives of women in the developing world, sustainable community development, ecological footprints.
The URL is:

Population and the Environment    
"Educational materials on interactions between population growth, environmental degradation and wasteful consumption of resources." Includes online fact sheets, videos and posters. A project of the National Wildlife Federation.
The URL is:

Population Action International (PAI)    
"PAI fosters the development of U.S. and international policy on urgent population issues through an integrated program of policy research, public education and political advocacy." Site contains population facts and figures, research publications and a "pop quiz".
The URL is:

World Population Awareness Week    
"WPAW is an intense educational campaign designed to create public awareness about the startling trends in world population growth, the detrimental effects they have on our planet and its inhabitants, and the urgent need for action in order to change this situation." Sponsored by the Population Institute.
The URL is:

Zero Population Growth (ZPG)    
"A national nonprofit organization working to slow population growth and achieve a sustainable balance between the Earth's people and its resources. ZPG's education and advocacy programs aim to influence attitudes and behavior on national and global population issues and related concerns."
The URL is:

Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (JHU/CCP) Population- Environment Resource    
JHU/CCP current projects in Ecuador & Indonesia, related to population and the environment. Site offers Population-Environment CD-ROM, Photos, POPLINE Document Search, Organizations Links, Posters, Pamphlets, and other Educational Materials.
The URL is:

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