EE Organizations and Projects - Forestry and Agriculture

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Links on this page include organizations and projects primarily concerned with education about managed ecosystems--forests, agriculture, and aquaculture.

Project Learning Tree          
Project Learning Tree® (PLT) is an award winning, broad-based environmental education program for educators and students in PreK - grade 12. PLT helps students learn HOW to think, not WHAT to think, about the environment. PLT, a program of the American Forest Foundation, is one of the most widely used environmental education programs in the United States and abroad.
The URL is:

The FUSEE Blog    
FUSEE promotes safe, ethical, and ecological wildland fire management. We inform and empower fire management workers and their citizen supporters to become torchbearers for a new paradigm in fire management.
The URL is:

Heartwood Inc.    
Heartwood is an association of groups, individuals, and businesses dedicated to the health and well being of native forests and their interdependent plant, animal, and human communities. Heartwood has sought out local citizens with the strongest commitment to forest protection and helped them find resources. Heartwood helps citizens defend their local forests.
The URL is:

Sustainable Forestry - Ecoforestry    
"The Ecoforestry Institute Society of Canada is dedicated to promoting ecologically, socially and economically responsible forest use that maintains and restores the complexity and diversity of our forests."
The URL is:

University of California – Davis, Sustainable Agriculture Program    
"SAREP provides leadership and support for scientific research and education to encourage farmers, farmworkers, and consumers in California to produce, distribute, process and consume food and fiber in a manner that is economically viable, sustains natural resources and biodiversity, and enhances the quality of life in the state's diverse communities for present and future generations."
The URL is:

US Forest Service Research and Development    
Excellent site for links to research sites throughout the U.S.

The URL is:

USDA Forest Service - Students    
Conservation Education programs Curricular Resources.
The URL is:

Temperate Forest Foundation – Links    
Many good links to forest research sites, forestry schools, organizations & government groups

The URL is:

Johnny Elmseed Regional Nursery Project    
A community service project sponsored by the Elm Research Institute. The mission of ERI is to restore elms to cities and towns, while simultaneously helping to raise funds for organizations such as Boy Scouts and other non-profit volunteer groups.
The URL is:

National Arbor Day Foundation      
"A wide variety of curriculum kits, booklets, tapes, posters, flyers, newsletters, and other materials prepared by the Foundation are available to teachers and educators." Selected curricular resources have been reviewed by the National Project for Excellence in EE. Materials can be ordered online.
The URL is:

National Tree Trust    
"The NTT mobilizes volunteer groups, promotes

public awareness, provides grants, and unites civic and corporate institutions in support of local tree planting and education projects

throughout the United States." NTT is a cooperative between forestry minded organizations and state forestry departments.
The URL is:

Botanic Gardens Conservation International    
An international organisation concerned with plant conservation. We work in partnership with botanic gardens around the world funding conservation programmes, providing support and education resources. We hold on our site two important searchable databases, firstly all of the botanic gardens in the world, secondly a plant search of the species being cultivated in the worlds gardens.
The URL is:

Urban Agriculture Notes by City Farmer    
This "non-profit society promotes urban food production and environmental conservation," by presenting case studies and urban agriculture tips from around the world.
The URL is:

Al Shouf Cedar Society    
Al Shouf Cedar Society runs the biggest cedar nature reserve in Lebanon. Listings of fauna and flora found on the reserve, photographs, a natural history of the area and subscription information for the Al Shouf Cedar Society newletter included in this site.
The URL is:

Center for Ecoliteracy    
"The Center is a public non-profit foundation that supports a network of Northern California grantees, many of which are schools and educational organizations engaged in habitat restoration and agriculturally-related programs, such as school gardens and food systems."
The URL is:

Native Forest Council    
Native Forest Council is dedicated to the preservation and protection of all publicly owned natural resources from destructive practices, sales, and all resource extraction. Resources for Parents and Teachers are available.
The URL is:

Woodland Network    
Woodland Network is an international project in which secondary schools across the globe analyze nearby woodland areas. Teachers and students look at the state of a forest, add their data to a database, and examine regional differences.
The URL is:

Temperate and Boreal Forest Resources Assessment    
Data, by country, on all aspects of the forests of North America, Europe, CIS. Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

The URL is:

Organic Weed Management Project    
Contains research reports from field and mail survey work, a "what's new" section for Australia and overseas, a library section, and a comprehensive listing of web links related to organic and sustainable agriculture around the world. A project of the University of New England, Australia.
The URL is:

National Parks Conservation Association    
NPCA's website has information on America's national parks, wildlife that live in these protected areas, parks that are in danger, threats to the environment, ways to get involved, planning your trip, and much more. NPCA is dedicated to preserving and enhancing parks for present and future generations.
The URL is:

Conservation Education      
Information on K-12 and adult education programs, curricular resources and conservation education contacts. Programs are listed by target audiences, and include information on locations, costs, and who to contact. A project of the U.S. Forest Service.
The URL is:

Rural Advancement Foundation    
With focus on North Carolina and the southeastern United States, RAFI also works nationally and internationally to provide leadership in agricultural trends to promote sustainable agriculture, strengthen family farms, protect biodiversity, and ensure responsible use of new technology.
The URL is:

Environmental Working Group    
This site has a lot of useful information and has been used during COngressional Hearings on conservation minded farm legislation, when asked for information the testifying committee members told the rest of congress to "just look at the website!" repeatedly. The information on mercury in the environment is excellent as is all of the material.
The URL is:

Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes    
Wild Ones is a national not-for-profit educational organization which provides a forum for its members and the public about the benefits of native landscaping. Along with that mission is our Seeds for Education Program which is directed at developing and maintaining outdoor learning centers. Because we are chapter oriented we have community volunteers to help accomplish this goal.
The URL is:

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations - Desertification    
Contains technical and scientific data on desertification. "The information provided in this site represents a significant share of the FAO knowledge and expertise on sustainable development and drylands management."
The URL is:

Canada's Model Forest Program    
Program created by the Canadian government to preserve forests by applying new knowledge and technologies. Site provides info on program and links to the Canadian Model Forest Network. In French & English.
The URL is:

Rodale Institute    
A nonprofit organization that "seeks to define the link between farming practices, soil health and human health." Information on composting, sustainable agriculture, and the research projects taking place at Rodale's experimental farm in Kutztown, PA. As well as resources for educators, "Regenerative Enviro. Ed." activities (K-12)(available online), and workshop info.
The URL is:

USDA Forest Service: National Forest Websites    
Provides access to websites for the 155 National Forest Lands and 20 National Grasslands across the country. Access sites through an interactive map, by name, state, and Forest Service region.

The URL is:

Heartwood Consulting Services, LLC    
Heartwood Consulting Services, LLC is a professional forestry and arboriculture consulting firm dedicated to the conservation, preservation and management of trees and landscapes.
The URL is:

Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec    
Québec's forests make an important contribution to economic activity in the province. This site explains how the forests are developed and managed to ensure sustainable development. This site contains data, information and reports that describe the research, development, management and protection activities in Québec's forests. [Also available in French].
The URL is:

Agroecology Home Page    
Agroecology is the application of ecological science to the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems. An information resource for developing sustainable agroecosystems, emphasizing international training, research, and application of agroecological science to solving real world problems.
The URL is:

SeedTree supports international tree planting efforts to protect and regenerate endangered forest ecosystems and biodiversity by propogation of diverse species, renewable energy and sustainable human ecological and economical development.
The URL is:

Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition    
Information site for issues relating to conservation of Southern Appalachian forests. Lists extensive research materials, publications and news pertaining to the region. Soon to include interactive component with scientists and regional experts.
The URL is:

Operation Green Leaves Trees for Life Program    
Operation Green Leaves is a non-profit organization in Florida whose mission is environmental education, ecological restoration and the reforestation of the Island Nation of Haiti. OGL has organized numerous tree planting activities and neighborhood beautification projects with students in South Floria and donated thousands seeds and seedlings to Haiti through the Ministry of Environment for Haiti's Pine Forest. Also provides teacher training in environmental education, water conservation, gardening and solar technology. OGL Trees For Life program is a campaign to plant more trees and educate people in the areas affected by last year's hurricane season to reduce the level of destruction before the next rainy season in Haiti.
The URL is:

U.S.D.A. Forest Service    
"The U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service is a Federal agency that manages public lands in national forests and grasslands. The Forest Service is also the largest forestry research organization in the world, and provides technical and financial assistance to State and private forestry agencies." "Caring for the Land and Serving People," is the mission of the Forest Service.
The URL is:

A Climate Change Atlas for 80 Forest Tree Species of the Eastern United States      
A "tremendous amount of information including distribution maps and tables for different climate change scenarios, life-history and disturbance attributes, ecological attributes, forest type maps and sorted lists of species importance values by state/county for different climate change scenarios and more." A project of the USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station.
The URL is:

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