EE Organizations and Projects - Air and Climate

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Links on this page include organizations and projects primarily concerned with education about air quality and climate change.

Canadian Communities and Climate Change, Tools for Action    
Harmony Foundation offers innovative, experiential learning programs to participants from across Canada and around the world through the Institute for Environmental Values Education.
The URL is:

One at a Time Foundation    
The One at a Time Foundation is a non-partisan not for profit, entrepreneurial, environmental organisation dedicated to fostering change to reduce and halt global warming.
The URL is:

The Ozone Hole    
The Ozone Hole Organization is a 501-C non-profit group dedicated to preventing the destruction of the Ozone Layer. The Ozone Hole Organization is interfacing information from The British Antarctic Survey, Environment Canada, NASA, The United Nations and The Environmental Protection Agency to have the most up to date information and solutions available to the global public.
The URL is:

Globe Program    
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment - GLOBE involves students from over 80 countries in collecting local environmental data. Observations are shared between schools and with scientists via the Internet.
The URL is:

A Paleo Perspective on Global Warming    
This site was developed to help educate, inform and highlight the importance of paleoclimate research; as well as to show how paleoclimate research relates to global warming and other important issues regarding climate variability and change. Provided by NOAA.
The URL is:

World Resources Institute site provides info on lowering energy usage, energy saving products, a calculator to determine the carbon dioxide footprint for organizations or personal use, and climate related resources.
The URL is:

Schools Going Solar    
Includes a database of University and K-12 school projects nationwide and internationally. As well as resources for starting your own project. A project of Interstate Renewable Energy Council's PV for YOU Program.
The URL is:

Climate Protection Solutions    
"Climate Protection Solutions (CPS) is an online resource centre of Success Stories, Opportunity Areas, Tools and Resources on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. CPS provides the tools and resources required to turn inspiration into action." A project of The Pembina Institute, a Canadian citizen-based, non-profit organization. In French and English.
The URL is:

UV Rays and Global Changes Project    
The public is invited to join this statewide Health Sciences and Technology Academy collaboration between high school students, teachers, biomedical experts, and science educators. Students record daily UV-B readings and

create a database. Includes information on UV Rays and related health risks.
The URL is:

Global Climate Change and EE Resources      
A multidisciplinary and international range of resources in a variety of formats for educators and students at all levels (K-12 and higher education), librarians, citizens and community groups. From the US Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).
The URL is:

A Climate Change Atlas for 80 Forest Tree Species of the Eastern United States      
A "tremendous amount of information including distribution maps and tables for different climate change scenarios, life-history and disturbance attributes, ecological attributes, forest type maps and sorted lists of species importance values by state/county for different climate change scenarios and more." A project of the USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station.
The URL is: aim to:

1) Inform and educate individuals on global warming and climate change

2) Advice domestic and commercial clients on how to benefit financially by saving energy

3) Lobby government, industry and other organisations to ensure that climate change and global warming is high on the political agenda.
The URL is:

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