EE Activities - Sustainable Development

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Links on this page are for activities and materials dealing with sustainable development.

Understanding Sustainability - A Two-Week Unit for Social Studies    
How do economics, history, and democracy relate to sustainability? Students in grades 9-12 learn to answer questions like these through engaging hands-on lessons in Facing the Future’s new high school social studies unit, "Understanding Sustainability." Each lesson is aligned to National Council for the Social Studies’ curriculum standards for easy classroom integration. Through real-world lessons, students come to understand such timely issues as: ecological footprint, sustainable civilizations, and media awareness.
The URL is:

Smart by Nature: Schooling for Sustainability    
This Center for Ecoliteracy’s initiative is for K-12 educators, parents, and others who are helping young people gain the knowledge, skills, and values essential to sustainable living. The Smart by Nature Initiative is based on four guiding principles: Nature Is Our Teacher; Sustainability Is a Community Practice; The Real World Is the Optimal Learning Environment; and Sustainable Living Is Rooted in a Deep Knowledge of Place. Among other projects from the Center for Ecoliteracy, includes the Rethinking School Lunch initiative and Linking Food, Culture, and the Environment.
The URL is:

New Middle School Sustainability Curriculum Unit    
"Understanding Sustainability" is a new, flexible, self-contained 1-2 week curriculum unit aligned with national science standards for middle school educators to teach sustainability issues from Facing the Future. This curriculum features hands-on activities that explore sustainability issues, such as energy, consumption, water scarcity, transportation choices, and potential solutions. Thanks to funding from the Russell Family Foundation, a version of this unit is available for Washington State teachers free of charge. In addition, thanks to designated funding from the Marine Conservation Alliance Foundation and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, a version of the unit is also available free of charge to classroom educators in Alaska.
The URL is:

Maps on Sustainable Development    
UNEP Web site with a library of interactive maps and hundreds of illustrations on sustainable development issues. Among the themes illustrated are climate change, water issues, environment in the Arctic, and the World.

The URL is:

New Sustainability Course for Higher Education ~ Online    
Arnold Creek Productions new Web site on sustainability in higher education with free videos and information on how colleges and universities are integrating sustainability across the campus.
The URL is:

Energy Efficient Home Articles    
Learn how to make your home more energy efficient with this very useful site. There are hundreds of articles listed here with information on lowering energy usage, healthy living, green building, and more.
The URL is:

EPA - Green Communities    
Developed by EPA Region 3, provides resources on a variety of different planning tools. Organized by categories: Policy and Planning, Regulatory, Technical, Financial, and Other.
The URL is:

Sustainable Footprint    
The sustainable footprint project is a Netherlands-based project aimed at making students aware of the consequences of their lifestyle including teachers progams for "problem oriented learning". Plus a series ot thematic lessons and guidelines for internationalising project and relevant links. Extra: A footprint quiz for the younger students (12-15) and a "design for the future" assignment.
The URL is:

Fostering Sustainable Behavior    
This site offers an online guide illustrating social marketing used to design and evaluate programs that foster sustainable behavior; downloadable/searchable articles, reports and case studies; and a listserv for sharing information and asking questions of others.
The URL is:

Sustainable Agriculture Education (SAGE)    
SAGE develops projects, programs, and materials that help the public understand and enjoy sustainable agriculture's many benefits. Some projects include: Kids Cook Farm Fresh Foods, a sustainable agriculture curriculum for grades 2 - 7 consisting of recipes, activities, and farm profiles & Food for Thought, a youth poetry and art contest where all submissions are about FOOD.
The URL is:

Austin Energy's Green Building Program    
"The Green Building Program is nationally known for expertise in "green" residential and commercial construction. If you're a homeowner, renter or a member of the design and building profession, we have information to help you design and build with health, energy-efficiency and the environment in mind."
The URL is:

GNET Calendar of Events    
Global Network of Environment & Technology (GNET), news and business center site calendar of sustainable development events from all over the globe.
The URL is:

A guide to how individuals can reduce the impact on the environment. Over 75 pages of simple, practical ideas and earth-friendly alternatives to everyday lifestyle and consumer choices.
The URL is:

Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources    
NCSR "is helping to develop natural resource education programs at high schools throughout the northwest and nation. Through summer institutes and an electronic clearinghouse of teacher resources, trained teacher leaders establish individual school programs in natural resources."
The URL is:

Future Wheels for a Sustainable America    
Books, curricula, A-V, reference information for K-12 educators, and contests for students on the theme of sustainable transportation. From the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association.
The URL is:

Global Learning: Sustainable Development Program    
Three teacher resources focusing on the interrelated concepts of the environment, development and equity (for middle - high school students). Sample lessons and ordering information are available.
The URL is:

Building With Awareness    
This web site is devoted to the aesthetic and environmental aspects of sustainable building

materials. Its purpose is to inspire the viewer. This demonstration home features: small size, straw bale and adobe construction, passive solar design, interior and exterior mud plaster, 100%

photovoltaic powered, and a rain water cistern.
The URL is:

Community Sustainability Assessment    
Developed to assist communities in assessing accomplishments and determining the direction toward sustainability. Three part questionnaire that can be completed by an individual or a group.
The URL is:

Explore Sustainable Development    
The Development Education Program (DEP) designs tools and resources to help teachers and students, principally at the secondary school level, study -- and think critically about -- the often complex social, economic, and environmental issues of sustainable development affecting their countries, their regions, and the world. Modules on:*Population Growth *GNP per Capita and *Access to Safe Water.
The URL is:

Learning to Create a Sustainable World    
Projects International (PI) is working to integrate Education for Sustainability (EfS) into English language classrooms around the world. It is achieving this through student-centred, project-based learning that link schools, businesses, and communities.
The URL is:

Geodesic Dome Homes. Modular Home Plans.    
Super energy efficient concrete geodesic dome homes. Hurricane, tornado, earthquake, and forrest fire resistant houses.
The URL is:

Rethinking the American Dream Video    
Video and companion study guide, is designed to raise awareness about our nation’s consumptive ways, help viewers evaluate their current lifestyles, and introduce choices that can improve our natural environment and quality of life. The video should prove useful to anyone who teaches about sustainability issues, as well as individuals who want to learn how they can lead more sustainable lives.
The URL is:

The Commons    
A wide open, independent first-stop shop on the web for concerned citizens, researchers, students, policy makers, entrepreneurs, investors or social activists interested in quickly getting a feel for world sustainability issues, views and developments from an unbiased critical perspective. We invite diversity, complex thinking and initiative.
The URL is:

PRé Consultants: Life Cycle Assessment Tools    
Information on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA or ecobalance) and Ecodesign/Design for Environment. Download reports and software demo versions.
The URL is:

Eco-Schools International Programme    
Eco-Schools, a programme of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), is a programme for education for environment and sustainability, environmental management and certification. With student participation in decisonmaking and activities, and involving the local community, it is a great way to implement Local Agenda 21. Eco-Schools has over 11000 participating schools in 25 countries.
The URL is:

Center for Sustainability & the Global Environment (SAGE)    
The center conducts research and provides instruction & outreach on critical environmental problems & the relationship with humankind. Projects & publications include the Atlas of the Biosphere, containing numerous maps documenting environmental phenomena across the globe.
The URL is:

Sustainability Education Project    
"SEP builds school-community partnerships to integrate sustainability into the curriculum and link classroom work to community projects. Program components include teacher workshops, in-class instruction, a curriculum lending library, and opportunities for students to participate in community problem-solving initiatives." Sponsored by Washtenaw County, MI.
The URL is:

Key Issues Teacher Training      
"Key Issues is a national teacher training institute that provides middle level educators with the process, skills and confidence to investigate current environmental issues with their students."
The URL is:

Sustainable Energy Experience    
EE project in which students (age 10-14) are challenged to organize a party with sustainable energy use. Direct feedback on CO2 production and absorption makes this project to an exiting learning event. English description on Dutch site.
The URL is:

Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit      
"The purpose of the ESD Tool Kit is to help schools and communities develop a process to create locally relevant and culturally appropriate

education." Version 2 has several new components

including a section on managing change, links to WWW resources related to sustainability, and seven new exercises. The ESD Toolkit is an easy-to-use manual for beginning the process of

combining education an
The URL is:

This Land Is Your Land    
Free, activity-based youth curriculum on land use issues developed by MSU Extension's United Growth for Kent County project. This Land Is Your Land was developed to provide teaching materials almost anyone can use to reach our youth. It was designed so that young people can contribute solutions to current land use issues as well as participate in making sound decisions now and in the future.
The URL is:

My Community, Our Earth (MyCOE) Project    
Deadline: March 1, 2005

Geographic Learning for Sustainable Development program for middle school, secondary school, and university youth from around the world to take a hands-on approach to learning geography by developing a project that proposes solutions to issues of sustainable development in their communities. The focus during this phase is Water, Sanitation, and Human Settlement in support of the UN Millennium Goals to reduce poverty and improve the lives

of people around the world. MyCOE provides free online resources for students use in these projects.
The URL is:

Exploring the Environment (ETE) Grades 9-12 Learning Modules      
ETE is a series of interdisciplinary, problem-based learning modules for high school students (online). The project engages student teams in addressing real-world problems related to weather, population growth, biodiversity, land use patterns, volcanoes, water pollution, and global warming. Teams analyze remotely-sensed images to come up with solutions to open-ended earth science problems.
The URL is:

Education for a Sustainable Future - Resource Database    
The "database includes books and articles, web sites, classroom activities, and other media resources for educators interested in sustainable development. These resources have been recommended by ESF participants and staff, and the database is continually growing (selected resources can be ordered online)." A project of Center for a Sustainable Future and Cobb County Schools.
The URL is:

Kaitiakitanga in New Zealand    
Learn about the Kaitiakitanga educational and environmental restoration programs in New Zealand ( Andree Mathieu, sustainability writer from Quebec, writes "This Maori concept of kaitiakitanga should inspire anyone who is interested in sustainability." (View full text:

Other resources include "Tipu Ake: Self-help resources for leadership development, organisational transformation and sustainability" (
The URL is:

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