EE Activities - Earth Day

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Activities and events for Earth Day.

Earth Day Photo Contest for Students    
Deadline: May 9, 2007

During the week of Earth Day (April 22 through April 29), U.S. students in grades 5-8 can participate in this Institute for Global Environmental Studies (IGES) photo contest by taking a photograph of something that is changing in their local environment and submitting the photo and a (400 words or less) scientific explanation. IGES will award the top three winners cash prizes ($100, $75, and $50). The top 10 winners will receive their photograph in a special frame commemorating Earth Day 2007 and the top 50 will be published on the IGES Web site.
The URL is:

Dive In To Earth Day    
Dive In To Earth Day is an international Earth Day celebration of coral reef and marine conservation activities that take place during the week of April 22 and are focused on a common theme: to remind the public that more than 70% of our planet is covered by water and our marine resources need to be protected.
The URL is:

WDNR Activities for Earth Day, EE Week, Arbor Day    
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) offers a wealth of information about environmental projects that could be used for Earth Day, National Environmental Education Week, Arbor Day or any day.

View a sample list at: Website offers a complete listing of education programs and volunteer opportunities offered by the WDNR.
The URL is:

NSTA Earth Day Resources    
National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) lists a number of Earth Day teaching materials and activities for students of all ages.
The URL is:

Missouri Earth Day    
Community projects, slogan contest, puzzle, kids stuff, and more.
The URL is:

NASA Celebrates Earth Day    
"Enabling environmentally sound mission success." Earth Day activities and display planned at NASA headquarters.
The URL is:

National Water Monitoring Day    
April 22nd The Earth Day Network has produced "What's in Your Water?" an educator's guide for grades 5 - 8 to help teachers and students take part in this nationwide event by measuring the health of their local watersheds.
The URL is:

Auntie Litter is Anti-Litter!    
Through the character of "Auntie Litter" and comprehensive teaching strategies and tools, young people learn the importance of living in a clean and healthy environment. Through books, play, and music children learn to conserve natural resources, eliminate litter, and practice the new 3 R's - reuse, reduce waste, and recycle. From Auntie Litter, Inc., a non-profit organization.
The URL is:

Organizing Earth Day Events - Canada    
Canadians are concerned about how environmental degradation and pollution is affecting their health, their quality of life, and Canada’s air, water, and wildlife. Website offers suggestions for organizing Earth Day activities, registering events, and how to get support.
The URL is: - Environment Feature    
Cross-curricular, interactive activities about water pollution, recycling and air quality. Originally designed to support's Earth Day contest. Check out the four elements: Earth, Air, Water, Space. Each contains many fun and educational activities all about the environment of the earth we call home.
The URL is:

Planet Pals Earthday Ideas Page    
Includes the story of Earthday, countdown to Earthday "Clock", a multitude of activities and information resources for teachers, students, and ideas for community activities.
The URL is:

Celebrate Earth Day Catalog    
Great Events Publishing is offering an expanded 16-page catalog to provide schools and communities with resources to raise awareness and inspire action to address the challenges facing our planet.
The URL is:

Classroom Earth K-12 Resources    
A collection of EE programs & resources for K-12 teachers, parents, & students from NEETF. Designed to help educators, after-school providers & home-schooling parents to get started or improve their skills in environmental education.
The URL is:

Sacramento Area Earth Day Network Grants    
Grant program to encourage & support K-12 classrooms, clubs, & youth groups to conduct an Earth Day project of their choice. Student groups develop & conduct an educational activity or project that helps bring some element of sustainable living to their classroom, school, neighborhood, or community. Deadline: July 22nd for Earth Day 2006 Grants.
The URL is:

Earth Day at Kid's Domain    
Celebrate Earth Day every day. Many "earth friendly" activities, ideas, downloadables, interactives, stories, recipes, puzzles and links to other kid sites.
The URL is:

San Diego EarthFair    
Annual EarthFair in Balboa Park draws around 60,000 visitors. Produced entirely by volunteers, EarthFair features exhibitors, special Health and Technology theme areas, a Food Pavilion, a special Kids' Area, entertainment venues, and a Children's Earth Parade (All Species Welcome).
The URL is:

Earth Day 2006 Activities    
This Earth Day, join a chorus of voices sharing a message of hope with the world. Learn how public figures like celebrities, politicians, conservationists, and people like you view the future of the planet.
The URL is:

Earth Day Network    
In addition to supporting Earth Day and promoting environmental citizenry, Earth Day Network seeks to increase the quantity and quality of environmental education available to K-12 teachers of all subject areas.
The URL is: Earth Day Activities    
Earth-friendly, fun activities to help build environmental awareness in your classroom (K-8).
The URL is:

Earth Day Coalition    
The Earth Day Coalition (EDC) is a nonprofit environmental education and advocacy organization serving Ohio. EDC was established in 1990 to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of Earth Day in Ohio.
The URL is:

US Army Celebrates Earth Day    
"Army Earth Day: Preserving the Environment While Protecting Our Freedom." Last year, the US Army celebrated Earth Day at approximately 200 major commands, installations and organizations in the continental United States, Hawaii, Korea, Japan, Italy and Germany. Downloadable Guide to organizating Earth Day events and activities.
The URL is:

Earth Day Cyberhunt    
Site for children with Earth Day activities, as well as information explaining the significance of the day.

The URL is:

Earth Day Events Calendar    
Earth Day events currently scheduled in USA Nationwide. Events are shown chronologically, from earliest start date and time to latest.
The URL is:

Earth Day Every Day      
Sponsored by The Wilderness Society, this site explains the history of Earth Day and the conservation movement and has information on migratory birds and Wilderness areas in North America.
The URL is:

World in the Balance    
“World in the Balance,” the companion Web site to NOVA’s Earth Day special, features educational resources on population and the environment. Produced by WGBH, “World in the Balance” offers interactive population maps, classroom role plays, and activities including a population growth calculation, a global trends quiz, and a demographic matching game.
The URL is:

Earth Day Grocery Project    
Schools collaborate with a local grocery store to decorate shopping bags for Earth Day. Lots of supporting information, and examples from the hundreds of schools that have participated.
The URL is:

Earth Day has Helped Turn America 'Green'    
News article reviewing the impact of Earth Day since its beginning in 1970. Christian Science Monitor, April 22, 1998.
The URL is:

Earth Day Canada    
Programs and resources for Earth Day activities in Canada. "In Canada, Earth Day has grown into Earth Week and even Earth Month to accommodate the profusion of events and projects."
The URL is:

Earth Day in Brief    
A short background on the history and mission of Earth Day (excerpt from Earth Day Organizers Guide).

The URL is:

Earth Day Education Program and Fundraiser    
Coordinate a national education program offering teachers free environmental educational mailings - a great opportunity for teachers to receive environmental educational ideas (curricula, project ideas etc.) Coordinate an environmental-based fundraiser - organizations sell CFLs (energy saving lightbulbs).
The URL is:

Earth Day in Kentucky    
The Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet along with several other state agencies has developed this Web site to provide you with suggestions for celebrating the Earth in Kentucky.

The URL is:

Earth Day Energy Fast    
Take action each Earth Day April 22, reduce or eliminate man-made energy use and create direct benefits to nature. Make Earth Day a day for nature. Extensive energy savings tips and links on the site.
The URL is:

Earth Day in Your Neighborhood    
"A Guide for Kids From 2 to 122"

From planting trees to organizing parades, activities & resources for celebrating earthday in your neighborhood.
The URL is:

Earth Day: Kids Stuff    
Fun, informative site with activities, message from Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day Founder, adventures of "Migratory Max" and other arctic birds. Part of The Wilderness Society's Earth Day Every Day Program.
The URL is:

Planetpals Earthzone    
PLANETPALS characters have earth friendly rhymes about the planet to read and listen to, interactive activities include: a recycle kit, card game, craft patterns, bead critters, a kids club and a creative contest. A Teacher/Parent page and Earth Day info are also available.
The URL is:

Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum    
Sun-Earth Day is a national celebration of the Sun, the space around the Earth (geospace), and how all of it affects life on our planet. NASA sponsored activities related to the Sun-Earth connections and the views of the Sun from Earth.
The URL is:

Earth Day Online    
Photos of ecosystems, get environmental tips and fun things to do for each day of the celebration, or link to other Earth Day pages.
The URL is:

U.S. EPA Earth Day    
A listing of EPA-sponsored Earth Day events around the country, a history of Earth Day, publications, links, and other resources for observing Earth Day.
The URL is:

Earth Day Projects - Missouri    
From Missouri DNR, projects and activities suggestions for Earth Day.
The URL is:

WaterWays - Earth Day K-12 Teachers Guide (2001)    
An overview of environmental issues that relate to our water supply. Includes links to classroom-friendly teaching activities and resources.

The URL is:

Earth Day Site    
International Earth Day Site declaring Earth Day March 20th, during the vernal equinox. Site contains an archive of John McConnell's writings, the founder of Earth Day.
The URL is:

What's Up with the Earth - Teachers Guide    
Earth Day K-12 teachers guide. A brief overview of six key environmental issues of our time, with web links to fun teaching resources.

The URL is:

EPA - Earth Day Classroom Activities    
Environmental Protection Agency site provides Earth Day resources of interest to students, teachers and parents and access interactive websites to learn about a variety of issues. Grades K-12.
The URL is:

WWF Pennies for the Planet 2005    
World Wildlife Fund is proud to announce the launch of Pennies for the Planet 2005--Protecting Big Cats!! Pennies is an educational and fundraising campaign that engages thousands of kids in conservation education and action every year. This year's program is focused on big cats. On the newly-designed Pennies Web site, kids can learn about big cats and the threats they face. They'll also find fun ideas for raising pennies to help the campaign's three target big cats: the highly endangered Amur leopard, snow leopard, and Sumatran tiger. Educators visiting the Web site will find educational activities to help teach their students about big cats, as well as information about collecting and sending in pennies.
The URL is:

EPA Regional Earth Day Activities    
EPA and other government agencies activities as part of an outreach to diverse individuals and groups that protect public health and the environment. The EPA is hosting, sponsoring and participating in Earth Day activities.
The URL is:

History of Earth Day    
EPA site providing essays and other materials about the history of Earth Day.
The URL is:    
Recycle Media creates environmental in-school programs and is interested in collaborations. We are currently marketing a new recycling activity & coloring book in time for Earth Day with an in-school recycling program.
The URL is:

Project Nature Connect Earth Day Activity    
Earth Day 2005: Two Environmental Education internet nature-connecting activities expand consciousness and respect for humanity's sensuous relationship with the global life community. The activities use multiple senses and intelligences to express appreciation to Mother Earth for gifts to the human psyche and spirit from Earth's natural systems.
The URL is:

Earth Day Challenge    
Earth Day Challenge (K-6) from 1999 designed to challenge students to answer questions about the environment while searching environmental websites. Organized by Hazel Jobe-Web, an internet-savvy teacher in Tennessee.
The URL is:

Environmental Jeopardy    
Earth Day Network (EDN) has created the first two in a series of three interactive games on environmental issues. Designed like the game show, each edition of Environmental Jeopardy focuses on a specific environmental theme with in-depth answers and suggestions for how to conduct further research. Both available editions can be downloaded for free by registering on the Teachers Corner of the EDN website, All new members get a hard copy of the original edition along with the official game board.
The URL is:

Planet H2O Airs in April to Mark Earth Day    
PLANET H2O, a two-part special from Thirteen/WNET New York will premier on public television in April to mark Earth Day. Both episodes, "The Secret Life of Water" and "Water World," focus on fresh water systems around the world and their impact on land, air, and living things.
The URL is:

Chopping Down the Hillside    
An animated music video "Choping Down the Hillside" created to help raise awareness about our fragile enviornment and Earth Day 2006 (April 22nd) Please unlitter!
The URL is:

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