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GreenBiz Leadership Dinner

video gathered several prominent environmental journalists and the vice president of advisory services at Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) for a panel discussion that explores how the 2008 U.S. presidential election would impact the green economy. In this first video clip, BSR's Eric Olson talks about the business community's expectations of an Barack Obama win.

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GB Radio

Starting With the End: Designing Products for Reuse

Milliken and Co. has long subscribed to the belief that waste and pollution cost money. Sustainability Director Bill Gregory speaks to GreenBiz Radio about how the carpet industry is joining together to improve carpet recycling and the ways in which end-of-life thinking has led to new products.

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The Green Building Impact Report is the first integrated assessment of the land, water, energy, material and indoor environmental impacts of buildings built to the USGBC's LEED standard. In this report we attempt to answer whether green buildings live up to their name.

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Strategies for the Green Economy

bookcover is pleased to present these exclusive excerpts from Executive Editor Joel Makower's new book, Strategies for the Green Economy:

Taboo Talk in Green Business: Buy Less Stuff

The Four Simple Steps to Pitch-Perfect Green Marketing

What's In It for Me?

From a Movement to a Market

Green in Spite of Ourselves

Meet The Game-Changing Green Entrepreneurs

We'll be publishing new excerpts regularly in the coming weeks, so be sure to check back often...
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Xerox's Responsible Forest Management

This article from Xerox looks at the ways that companies can help sustain natural resources through their paper procurement policies, and to make sure their paper is coming from a responsible source. Read more here

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