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Trail and Greenway Informational Resources - FAQs and so much more

RTC's TrailDART Program - RTC's Development Assistance Response Team

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Trail Advocacy:

No matter how much America loves them, a lot of political struggles are involved in the rails-to-trails movement. Laws govern abandoned rail lines for trail use, but these laws shouldn't be taken for granted. Trails need support from neighbors, public servants and local civic and business leaders. Laws also fund trail projects, foster public support, build political will and protect abandoned corridors. Make sure your trail gets built. Learn the options here.

"Active Transportation for America" RTC's groundbreaking report that, for the first time, quantifies the benefits our nation would see with increased walking and bicycling.

Burn Calories, Not Carbon!™ Commit to walking the walk. Take the pledge now.

The 2010 Campaign for Active Transportation

Railbanking: The legislation that is the integral key to keeping corridors intact.

State and Local Groups: State transportation departments and "friends of the trail" groups.

SAFETEA-LU: Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: Legacy for Users

Safe Routes to School Programs


Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
The Duke Ellington Building
2121 Ward Ct., NW
5th Floor
Washington, DC 20037