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High Hormone Levels in Women May Lead to Infidelity, Study Shows

January 14, 2009

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AUSTIN, Texas — Women with high levels of the sex hormone oestradiol may engage in opportunistic mating, according to a new study by psychology researchers at The University of Texas at Austin.

Doctoral candidate Kristina Durante and Assistant Professor of Psychology Norm Li published their findings in the article "Oestradiol Level and Opportunistic Mating in Women" in the Jan. 13 issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biology Letters.

"The study offers further evidence that physiological mechanisms continue to play a major role in guiding women's sexual motivations and behavior," Durante said.

Durante and Li investigated the relationship between oestradiol, an ovarian hormone linked to fertility, and sexual motivation in a study of 52 female undergraduates not using contraception. Participants' ages ranged from 17 to 30 years old.

The researchers measured the participants' hormone levels at two points during each woman's ovulatory cycle and then asked them to rate their own physical attractiveness. Independent observers also rated the participants' physical attractiveness.

Participants also answered survey questions that measured their propensity to cheat on a partner.

The researchers found that a woman's oestradiol level was positively associated with self-perceived physical attractiveness. Women with a higher oestradiol level also reported a greater likelihood of flirting, kissing and having a serious affair (but not a one-night stand) with a new partner.

Oestradiol levels were negatively associated with a woman's satisfaction with her primary partner.

"Our findings show that highly fertile women are not easily satisfied by their long-term partners and are motivated to seek out more desirable partners," Durante explained. "However, that doesn't mean they're more likely to engage in casual sex. Instead, they adopt a strategy of serial monogamy."

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For more information, contact: Jennifer McAndrew, College of Liberal Arts, 512-232-4730; Kristina Durante, doctoral candidate, Department of Psychology, 972-743-7685; Norm Li, assistant professor of psychology.

2 Comments to "High Hormone Levels in Women May Lead to Infidelity, Study Shows"

1.  Charles George said on January 15, 2009

That's an awfully small sample size and drawn from a narrow population subset. Are you planning a more extensive, true random population study?

2.  Roger E. Noether said on January 16, 2009

Question: Is oestradiol an important component of oral contraceptives (the birth control pill)? If so, your study has significant implications for the way most people live their relationships. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

Roger Noether

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» High Hormone Levels in Women May Lead to Infidelity, Study Shows



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